
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Plane on May 03, 2007, 12:39:26 AM

Title: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: Plane on May 03, 2007, 12:39:26 AM
"All of us are a little bit puzzled that the Iranians have not taken a single offer of negotiations over the last 18 months," Burns said.
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: The_Professor on May 03, 2007, 12:50:47 AM
This is one reason why I tend to doubt whether, in many cases, diplomacy is effective.

Look, if Iran wanted a weapon, any weapon, that couldn't affect anyone outside their own boundaries, then so be it. Go after it! But, nuclear weapons can affect anyone OUTSIDE those boundaries.

The basic fact in my mind is that I simply do not trust the leadership there., nor their agenda(s). And, it has nothing to do with Islam per se, only their apparent veracity in the application of Islam.
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: sirs on May 03, 2007, 11:35:53 AM
Yet according to some right here in the saloon, diplomacy is the most you can hope to do.  If a country's leadership is immune to that, what's left??
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: Michael Tee on May 03, 2007, 12:33:29 PM
Hey.  Sell me your home for $30.  Throw in your wife and kids for another $20.

No?  OK, sell me the home for $60 and as a bonus you get to keep the wife and kids.

No?  OK, final offer, $300 for the home - - that's TEN TIMES my original offer - - 4 tickets to the Lincoln Center and a $150.00 signing bonus if you accept in the next 48 hours.

You WON'T sell me your home for $300?  OK, what can I do?  You're obviously immune to diplomacy and so I must nuke your home.

This is the kind of crazy "reasoning" that we hear from Bush's defenders.  Nobody is immune to diplomacy.  Sometimes diplomacy, or bargaining, just won't get you what you want.   Otherwise I could buy the Trump Tower for whatever I'm able or willing to pay for it.  The lunacy is in the assumption that when your negotiating partner won't give up what you want him to, your only alternative is to kill him.
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: BT on May 03, 2007, 02:23:20 PM
WIll the world be a better place when Iran has nukes?

That is the question.

All options follow that answer.

Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: Michael Tee on May 03, 2007, 04:23:44 PM
<<WIll the world be a better place when Iran has nukes?>>

Well, the Muslim world will definitely be a better place and the Bush-world probably will have to start looking for weaker victims to rob, but otherwise won't be much worse off, so on the whole it probably WOULD be a better world.

I think it's always better for the victims of a conscienceless bully to acquire a little firepower, and the respective examples of Iraq and North Korea prove that in spades.  As more and more 98-pound weaklings start to pack heat, the bully's transgressions become less and less frequent, the body count (theirs and yours) starts to drop and the benefits of peace become apparent.
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: BT on May 03, 2007, 06:38:31 PM
I'm sure the Muslims of the world will be happy with the consequences  of misuse of those weapons.

Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: Michael Tee on May 03, 2007, 10:33:25 PM
<<I'm sure the Muslims of the world will be happy with the consequences  of misuse of those weapons. >>

Since when did any conservative American give a shit about the happiness of the Muslims of the world?  I don't see any groundswell of Muslim opinion against Iran getting the bomb, although I don't think America's puppet rulers can be very happy about it.
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: BT on May 03, 2007, 10:39:43 PM
Since when did any conservative American give a shit about the happiness of the Muslims of the world?

I don't but i do don't like having to watch all the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the teevee when these poor folks slaughter each other.

It causes a twinge in the nether regions of my atrophied compassion nodes. And i do hate when that happens.
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: Michael Tee on May 03, 2007, 11:02:33 PM
<<I . . . don't like having to watch all the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the teevee when these poor folks slaughter each other.

<<It causes a twinge in the nether regions of my atrophied compassion nodes. And i do hate when that happens.>>

I had no idea you were that sensitive.  Why don't you try to think of them as just two rival gangs of political operatives, one led by Hillary and one by Algore, dressed like Arabs and using live ammo?
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: BT on May 03, 2007, 11:27:26 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.

The images are input, processed and output as a roadrunner cartoon.

beep beep
Title: Re: Iran is immune to diplomacy
Post by: Plane on May 04, 2007, 03:57:09 AM
Hey.  Sell me your home for $30.  Throw in your wife and kids for another $20.

No?  OK, sell me the home for $60 and as a bonus you get to keep the wife and kids.

No?  OK, final offer, $300 for the home - - that's TEN TIMES my original offer - - 4 tickets to the Lincoln Center and a $150.00 signing bonus if you accept in the next 48 hours.

You WON'T sell me your home for $300?  OK, what can I do?  You're obviously immune to diplomacy and so I must nuke your home.

This is the kind of crazy "reasoning" that we hear from Bush's defenders.  Nobody is immune to diplomacy.  Sometimes diplomacy, or bargaining, just won't get you what you want.   Otherwise I could buy the Trump Tower for whatever I'm able or willing to pay for it.  The lunacy is in the assumption that when your negotiating partner won't give up what you want him to, your only alternative is to kill him.

I dont get what comparison you are makeing.
When they decided not to sell us the oil we wanted we just did without for a few months.

I remember this , it was hard on us , them , everybody , but there wasn't any shooting, are you too young to remember the Arab Oil Embargo?

The way it works seems to be a mystery to you , but it really is a lot more simple than your suspicions are.