
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Christians4LessGvt on March 26, 2008, 11:32:09 AM

Title: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on March 26, 2008, 11:32:09 AM
"Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote for McCain if their candidate isn't the nominee

USA Today, by Mark Memmott
March 26, 2008

"A sizable proportion of Democrats would vote for John McCain next November if he is matched against the candidate they do not support for the Democratic nomination," the pollsters at Gallup report this morning. "This is particularly true for Hillary Clinton supporters," they add, "more than a quarter of whom currently say they would vote for McCain if Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee." (

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 26, 2008, 12:01:34 PM
More good news for war hero John McCain as a result of total disarray in the Democrat party.


If 28% of Hillary voters are going to vote McCain, wouldn't that put California and New York in play for the Republican?

McCain was already going to run stronger in Democrat states than your normal Republican, but this new revelation just might make it a blow out.

New polls have frickin Minnesota now in play for McCain.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: BT on March 26, 2008, 12:02:10 PM
If posts in here are any indication, support for McCain is soft. And now there is talk of Gore walking away with the dem nomination if it is a brokered convention.

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on March 26, 2008, 12:03:24 PM
"Gore walking away with the dem nomination if it is a brokered convention"

how could that happen?
he didn't win a single primary
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: fatman on March 26, 2008, 12:08:34 PM
how could that happen?
he didn't win a single primary

Do you know nothing about party conventions?  Warren Harding didn't win any primaries either.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on March 26, 2008, 12:24:50 PM
Do you know nothing about party conventions? 

Gosh Fatman why do you have to be so condescending?

I just don't see how they in any practical matter could
give the nomination to a 3rd person that did not put in the
effort that Obama and Hillary have made.

Warren Harding didn't win any primaries either

Ok, I did not know that.
But I guess that shows it hasn't happened in a very long time.

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: fatman on March 26, 2008, 01:08:23 PM
Gosh Fatman why do you have to be so condescending?

Sorry, that wasn't called for.  I apologize.  There have been several candidates in the past who've not had the majority of delegates, some have even become President.  It's not a common occurrence, but I wouldn't call it uncommon either.  A dark horse is a person who is considered a long shot to win the nomination, but has a chance through political wheeling and dealing, this is how the little known Senator from Ohio (Harding) got the nod.

This was mostly before the era of primaries, but it's still possible today.

Brokered Convention (
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on March 26, 2008, 03:25:47 PM
BT you may be right.

22% of Democrats Want Clinton to Drop Out;
22% Say Obama Should Withdraw

Rasmussen Reports, by Staff

Twenty-two percent (22%) of Democratic voters nationwide say that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that an identical number -- 22% -- say that Barack Obama should drop out. (

I wonder if these dems are the same 20% demographic that recently said they'd
crossover to vote for McCain if their candidate lost the primary? We're looking at
potentially 22% of the Dem base sitting this one out.

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: kimba1 on March 26, 2008, 03:39:33 PM
as a DEM I wouldn`t have a problem voting for McCain except for one issue of his opinion of labor
but beside that I like most of his issues.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 26, 2008, 05:53:13 PM
What about allthose evangelis=cals and gay-haters that Rove got to come out for Juniorbush? They will be sitting that one out too.

U N L E S S . . .

McCain names Charlie Crist as his VP ticketmate. Crist is about as close to Christ as you could hope for, at least in name.

Gotta admit, it's a better name than Lipshitz.

I am hoping he picks Lieberman. Then we can have some "McCain / Loserman" stickers printed up.

It's time to put Vietnam behind us once and for all.

McCain needs to retire. Why not? His wife has only slightly less money than God, and access to all the free beer he can drink. Just hide his guns before handing over the churchkey...
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 26, 2008, 06:32:21 PM
And now there is talk of Gore walking away with the dem nomination if it is a brokered convention.

I bet many Dems would breath a sigh of relief to have a southern white male at the top of their ticket.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 26, 2008, 06:35:04 PM
McCain names Charlie Crist as his VP ticketmate.

McCain will already win Florida handily. There is no reason to pick Crist.

Better picks would be Pawlenty or Romney, to put Minnesota or Michigan further in play.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on March 26, 2008, 09:17:34 PM
McCain will already win Florida handily. There is no reason to pick Crist.
Better picks would be Pawlenty or Romney, to put Minnesota or Michigan further in play.

The Huffington Post had this headline today:
"Breaking: Condi Rice Flirts With VP Possibility -- Speaks to Grover Norquist's Wednesday Group Meeting"
I would want Dick Morris advise on who will help McCain the most.

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 26, 2008, 11:37:08 PM
Condi Rice could be useful for those who feel they would miss the enormous incompetence of the Juniorbush administration.

The National Security Adviser for 9-11, and the clever mind that lobbied for Hamas to square off against the PLO. She's less incompetent than Cheney or Rummy, but she's an eight and they are elevenses.

I fail to see why McCain should carry Florida. I know there is no way I will vote for him.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 27, 2008, 01:40:39 AM
I fail to see why McCain should carry Florida. I know there is no way I will vote for him.

I don't know about should, but he will carry Florida. Veterans, retirees, support of Lieberman and Crist's statespheric approval rating all form a very potent combination to allow McCain to carry Florida. Florida is a Republican state. He leads Obama right now by 7% in the real clear politics average. That's if Hillary doesn't "kneecap" him to take the Democrat nod.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 27, 2008, 01:45:04 AM
I would want Dick Morris advise on who will help McCain the most.

Me too.

The architect Karl Rove has recommended that Romney would be a good pick for McCain. I voted for Rudy in the primary, so I think he would be a good pick as well. But I would like to see a pick that would deliver a Democrat state to the GOP.
Title: A sizeable portion of Floridians are not imbeciles and will reject the GOP
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 27, 2008, 10:36:40 AM
There is NO REASON why anyone should vote for the asshole GOP. They have screwed up this country for generations by mongering this expensive and useless war. For the price of this useless, dumbassed war, we could have paid for SS for 75 more years.

Crist is a whole lot less popular now that his tax and insurance reductions didn't actually reduce taxes and insurance as promised.

Most Floridians are quite aware that the president and the governor are different people a rarely have much effect on one another.

To like Lieberman, you have to be a fanatical Zionist, which even most Florid Jews aren't.

The evangelicals will stay home, the immigrants will reject McCain as anti-immigrant, and the Blacks and/or women will vote in unprecedented numbers for Obama or Hillary.

Retirees will recognize that another 100 years of war in Iraq will result in their losing their Social Security, either to GOP thievery or inflation.

McCain has nothing going for him. Only the mild success of the poorly named "surge" and the cartoonish nature of the other GOP alternatives bailed him out of the Dumpster of Destiny.
Title: Re: A sizeable portion of Floridians are not imbeciles and will reject the GOP
Post by: Amianthus on March 27, 2008, 10:58:17 AM
For the price of this useless, dumbassed war, we could have paid for SS for 75 more years.

SS costs are $1,093 billion for this year, and will increase until 2048, after which they will level off.

So, you're claiming that this war cost the US at least $75,000 billion?

I've not seen anything that indicates it cost us that much money - what is your source?
Title: GOP has wrecked the economy and we can't afford any more of their stupidity
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 27, 2008, 11:58:23 AM
The total cost of the Iraq War was quoted on Frontline last Tuesday at three trillion dollars, including the payments to sustain the wounded, crippled, blind and insane, and nearly all of them would be hale and hearty today, had it not been for Junorbush's stupid war.

Go find the two part Frontline series "Bush's War".
Title: Re: GOP has wrecked the economy and we can't afford any more of their stupidity
Post by: Amianthus on March 27, 2008, 12:17:47 PM
The total cost of the Iraq War was quoted on Frontline last Tuesday at three trillion dollars, including the payments to sustain the wounded, crippled, blind and insane, and nearly all of them would be hale and hearty today, had it not been for Junorbush's stupid war.

$3,000 billion is a far cry from $75,000 billion.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 27, 2008, 12:32:08 PM
Crist is a whole lot less popular now that his tax and insurance reductions didn't actually reduce taxes and insurance as promised.

The latest poll from last week's Tampa Trib has Crist at 65% approval.

You obviously made this up.

Or have you been polling your cat again?
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 28, 2008, 01:13:39 AM
McCain/Romney 08?


Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 28, 2008, 01:31:22 PM
McCain despises Romney, by the way,

They would be strange bedfellows.

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: sirs on March 28, 2008, 02:20:43 PM
Wouldn't be the 1st time
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 28, 2008, 02:38:01 PM
There are those photos of McCain hugging Juniorbush, with his eyes closed and a sappy smile on his face as though he were some big, cuddly bear.

McCain is a man of stern principles... so long as they do not get in the way of his ambition.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: MirstnKim on March 28, 2008, 04:20:40 PM
Oh, I remember the days when JSOV and I battled over McCain when he was running against Bush. 
I did not like McCain then, nor do I now.  Though, after the hour long interview with Sean Hannity, I do have a new appreciation for him.
My choice was for Romney.  I believe he would have done a great service to this country with the economy.
I am hoping against hope that McCain will pick him as his VP.  I then could at least plug my nose and vote for him.
Please do not let JSOV know that I will be voting McCain. 
By the way, who has JSOV endorsed?  He really liked McCain back then.  I'm curious if his mind has changed now that he is a real nominee.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: sirs on March 28, 2008, 04:45:42 PM
Please do not let JSOV know that I will be voting McCain. 

Your secret's safe   :)

*waves to the fine lady across the saloon*

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 28, 2008, 05:45:01 PM
Here is McCain's first general election campaign spot. It's running in Democrat leaning New Mexico.

Panic has officially set in at the offices of the Democrat National Committee.   :)

Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 28, 2008, 11:51:49 PM
What a towering bunch of hogwash!

It makes it sound like he won the Vietnam War by telling his serial number.

If he's the president we were waithing for, why, of Dear Lord why, did the asshole Republicans make us endure eight years of dumbass Juniorbush and thieving Cheney?

McCain..... his time has come.......and gone.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 29, 2008, 10:37:42 AM
McCain..... his time has come.......and gone.

That's a weird thing to say about somebody who is on the verge of becoming the next president.

While the Dems are knifing each other and backbiting, McCain in touring the world and telling his biography. He looks like a president; the Democrats don't.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 29, 2008, 02:31:14 PM
McCain in touring the world and telling his biography. He looks like a president; the Democrats don't.

You mean, he's going to Israel and promising them we will do all they ask for another four years.

He looks like an old man. All he needs are plaid pants and a golf cart.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: Amianthus on March 29, 2008, 02:44:02 PM
You mean, he's going to Israel and promising them we will do all they ask for another four years.

The Democratic majority in Congress can turn that tap off anytime they want.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: R.R. on March 29, 2008, 02:47:17 PM
You mean, he's going to Israel and promising them we will do all they ask for another four years.

And Iraq, France, England and Jordan. It's interesting that you singled out Israel. I wonder why?

He looks like an old man. All he needs are plaid pants and a golf cart.

I think you've been looking in the mirror. McCain looks a lot younger than he is.
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nominee
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on March 29, 2008, 02:55:03 PM
"It's interesting that you singled out Israel. I wonder why?"

XO his question begs the question
are you anti-semitic?
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: sirs on March 29, 2008, 03:16:41 PM
You mean, he's going to Israel and promising them we will do all they ask for another four years.

The Democratic majority in Congress can turn that tap off anytime they want.

D'OH        :D
Title: Re: "Sizable proportion" of Dems might vote McCain if their candidate isn't nomi
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on March 29, 2008, 05:30:57 PM
No, I am not anti-semitic. I am anti-Zionist. I do not believe that God gave any real estate to the Jews because they were the Chosen people. I do not support the US sending more foreign aid to Israel than to any other country. I also do not approve of sending weapons to anyone in the Middle East. Their traditional weapons have always been rocks, and they can recycle these forever. I don;t approve of sending aid to Israel's enemies, either.

Just like the disputes in Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Burma, Chechnya and elsewhere, the Palisrael dispute is not something the US should be spending my tax dollars to participate in. Let them use diplomacy, rocks, crossbows, pebbles and stones. Not my money.

I would not oppose Jews coming here rather than settling in Arab land in the West Bank.

Zionism is basically a racist ideology, based on the assumption that Israel is 'special' and the mistreatment of the Jews in Germany somehow justifies their usurping the territory of the Palestinians. If anything, they should have been given a piece of Germany or Austria, as were the Poles.

And no, I do not believe that the Third Temple should be rebuilt, that the Jews should be converted to Christianity, or that either of these acts would result in Armageddon, the harroweing of Hell, or the return of Jesus to rule as some sort of benevolent dictator of humanity for a thousand years. This will never happen, with or without the assistance of  the US or anyone else.
I believe the Book of Revelation in which this is written is the fantasy of a madman and totally bogus.