
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 02:27:11 PM

Title: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 02:27:11 PM
....Obama's campaign announced the vetting of potential running mates was to be managed by a three-person team of one-time first daughter Caroline Kennedy, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder  and Washington insider Jim Johnson.....

Full article on the VP hunt (

That'd be the same Holder that helped facilitate the Marc Rich Pardon under Clinton, right?  I'm starting to lose count on all these remarkedly idiotic associations our fine friend Obama is maintaining

But I'm confident messers Tee & Brass will be able to rationalize away this one as well
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: fatman on June 05, 2008, 02:30:16 PM
Well, on the plus side he does have Caroline Kennedy, and that should be in keeping with his theme, which is nearly identical to Kennedy's in 1960.

I do notice though, that all of the same players behind the scenes tend to pop up all the time, in both parties.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Michael Tee on June 05, 2008, 02:33:17 PM
Actually, the only name I recognized was Caroline Kennedy and I thought she was an excellent choice.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Rich on June 05, 2008, 02:47:52 PM
What's so excellent about Caroline Kennedy. If fact, isn't she exactly what the left purports to despise? A rich white woman?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Michael Tee on June 05, 2008, 03:09:33 PM
<<What's so excellent about Caroline Kennedy. If fact, isn't she exactly what the left purports to despise? A rich white woman?>>

yeah, but with her heart in the right place and a direct link to the liberal icons, JFK and Uncle Bobby.   The closest America will ever come to royal lineage.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 03:13:17 PM
Precisely......American Elitism & Royalty on grand display, complimented by the egregious level of piss-poor judgement.  Remember, they know better than us fodder
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 05, 2008, 03:25:22 PM
That'd be the same Holder that helped facilitate the Marc Rich Pardon under Clinton, right?  I'm starting to lose count on all these remarkedly idiotic associations our fine friend Obama is maintaining

But I'm confident messers Tee & Brass will be able to rationalize away this one as well

The end decision will be Barack Obama's and I have totoal confidence in him.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 03:27:07 PM
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 05, 2008, 03:29:25 PM
Here's more reason to trust Barack Obama's judgement.

A) He's keeping Howard Dean as the chairman of the DNC.

B) He's changing DNC policy to refuse lobbyist money.

Obama aims to make openness an issue
By: Mike Allen
June 5, 2008 11:04 AM EST
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is moving on two fronts to make transparency a linchpin of his campaign, opening his fundraisers to reporters and clamping down on the Democratic National Committee?s fundraising from Washington insiders.

The moves, announced on his second full day as the party?s de facto presidential nominee, are designed to drive a campaign message of change versus more of the same, aides said.

His likely opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), closes his fundraisers to the press. Beginning last night, Obama will open all of his fundraisers to at least a pool reporter, who will share the information with the rest of the press corps.

Beginning Thursday, the DNC will no longer accept checks from federal lobbyists or political action committees, mirroring the strict standard Obama adopted for his presidential campaign.

?This is an important step that shows Sen. Obama is willing to take tough steps to change the way Washington works,? said Dan Pfeiffer, the campaign?s deputy communications director.

The policy, which will not hurt fundraising appreciably, is not retroactive.
? 2008 Capitol News Company, LLC (
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 04:00:20 PM
Isn't that what Pelosi & company pledged when they took over as majority?  Yea, that's worked out real well.  Gotta love the empty rhetoric, though.  Sorry Brass, that has nothing to do with judgement, just more typical political promising.

How's his friend Rezco doing, BTW?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 05, 2008, 04:45:05 PM
The closest America will ever come to royal lineage.

I hope Nancy Reagan didn't hear you say that...
Not Barbara Bush, either.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 05, 2008, 09:10:49 PM
Isn't that what Pelosi & company pledged when they took over as majority?  Yea, that's worked out real well.  Gotta love the empty rhetoric, though.  Sorry Brass, that has nothing to do with judgement, just more typical political promising.

Here's the e-mail I just got from Howard Dean at the DNC...

The Democratic Party
As we move toward the general election, the Democratic Party has to be the Party of
ordinary Americans, not Washington lobbyists and special interests. So, as of this
morning, if you're a federal lobbyist, or if you control political action committee
donations, we won't be accepting your donations.

Dear Bryan,

I wanted to drop you a quick note about a major policy change here at the Democratic

As we move toward the general election, the Democratic Party has to be the Party of
ordinary Americans, not Washington lobbyists and special interests. So, as of this
morning, if you're a federal lobbyist, or if you control political action committee
donations, we won't be accepting your contribution.

This is an unprecedented move for a political party to make -- one that has sent
shockwaves through Washington and has turned the debate on clean campaigns upside
down. We've unilaterally agreed to shut lobbyists out of the process, and are we're
relying on people just like you.

Just imagine what hundreds of thousands of Americans donating $20, $30, or $50 at a
time can accomplish together. Imagine the signal that it sends to anyone who looks
at John McCain's political machine and the special interest money it needs to fuel
every move it makes.

We have a chance to change the way business is done in this country, and we're
taking the lead. Will you join us and make a contribution right now to help us elect
Barack Obama?

I've written before about guys like Charlie Black and Rick Davis, lobbyists who are
at the highest levels of McCain's campaign. But they're just the start -- John
McCain and the RNC suck up lobbyist money millions of dollars at a time.

In May, McCain had his best fundraising month of the campaign, and it was directly
because he refuses to shut special interests out.

But we did, and we need your help. This is an example of the kind of White House
Barack Obama would run. Make a contribution to help elect him:

I'll be in touch later about our plans for the general election, but I wanted to let
you know about our policy change right away.


Howard Dean

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as
charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 05, 2008, 09:34:48 PM
....Obama's campaign announced the vetting of potential running mates was to be managed by a three-person team of one-time first daughter Caroline Kennedy, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder  and Washington insider Jim Johnson.....

Full article on the VP hunt (

That'd be the same Holder that helped facilitate the Marc Rich Pardon under Clinton, right?  I'm starting to lose count on all these remarkedly idiotic associations our fine friend Obama is maintaining

But I'm confident messers Tee & Brass will be able to rationalize away this one as well

When George Bush asked his buddy Chaney to help him search out a good veep, Chaney wound up recomending himself .

I bet that was an exhausting search.

What if the veep was Caroline Kennedy?

Massituchets is already a lock so she doesn't deliver any electoral votes from homestate, but does she have a lot of fans country wide?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 10:09:53 PM
Isn't that what Pelosi & company pledged when they took over as majority?  Yea, that's worked out real well.  Gotta love the empty rhetoric, though.  Sorry Brass, that has nothing to do with judgement, just more typical political promising.

Here's the e-mail I just got from Howard Dean at the DNC...

and........................?  I can write an e-mail too.  Again, has nothing to do with "judgement"

Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: fatman on June 05, 2008, 10:16:38 PM
Precisely......American Elitism & Royalty on grand display,

Actually, this is nothing new.  It started with the Adams', continued with the Roosevelts, and Tafts, the Kennedys, and now the Bushes.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 05, 2008, 10:29:57 PM
I never implied otherwise......just snickering at the double standard of how the so-called Royal Bushes are criticized for their political ancestry, but the Kennedy's are to be bowed down to.  And here it's Obama doing the obligatory bowing, though I have to say, when it comes down to who's gonna be making the big decision.....I'm guessing it'll be the other female, Michelle
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 06, 2008, 11:44:54 AM

When George Bush asked his buddy Chaney to help him search out a good veep, Chaney wound up recomending himself .

I bet that was an exhausting search.

What if the veep was Caroline Kennedy?

Massituchets is already a lock so she doesn't deliver any electoral votes from homestate, but does she have a lot of fans country wide?

You seem to be forgetting that the whole Bush "presidency" was a setup from the beginning.  The neo-cons went out to find them a face and a story they could sell in order to grab the power of the White House.

I'm sure there was agreement all around that Cheney would wind up "vice-president" long before they even "won" the primary.

It was a bloodless coup.

Barack Obama is the real deal and has won despite the Clintons trying to keep power for their little circle of friends that include the neo-cons.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 06, 2008, 11:48:23 AM
and........................?  I can write an e-mail too.  Again, has nothing to do with "judgement"

Hmmmm, the DNC contribution website seems to belie your insinuations.


 Legal Compliance
Check this box to confirm that the following statements are true and accurate: 1) I am a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien. 2) This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization or national bank. 3) This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor. 4) This contribution is not made from the funds of a political action committee. 5) This contribution is not made from the funds of an individual registered as a federal lobbyist or a foreign agent, or an entity that is a federally registered lobbying firm or foreign agent. 6) The funds I am donating are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 06, 2008, 12:19:55 PM
No, my point is that this has squat to do with judgement, as you were so desperately trying to rehabilitate Obama's, especially in its rhetorical phase.  Also, would you like to add how simply checking a box, gets one cleared of not being a member of a PAC or being a lobbyist, or where the donations could be coming from??
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 06, 2008, 01:03:33 PM
You seem to be forgetting that the whole Bush "presidency" was a setup from the beginning.  The neo-cons went out to find them a face and a story they could sell in order to grab the power of the White House.  I'm sure there was agreement all around that Cheney would wind up "vice-president" long before they even "won" the primary.  It was a bloodless coup.  Barack Obama is the real deal and has won despite the Clintons trying to keep power for their little circle of friends that include the neo-cons.

Nice to fantacize, isn't it.  Keeps the creative juices of the imagination going strong.  Especially for someone involved in filming.  I can almost visualize Brass as another Oliver Stone from that last post.  Milk that completely unsubstantiated premice for all its worth, but don't forget the special FX
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Rich on June 06, 2008, 01:26:43 PM
Dean is a moron. A complete and total moron. Putting Dean in charge has lead directly to the current mess they're in.

He's a moron.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 06, 2008, 10:16:37 PM
Dean is a moron. A complete and total moron. Putting Dean in charge has lead directly to the current mess they're in.

He's a moron.

Not agreeing with this , he is a Dr. after all.

But who's bright idea was it to penalize Florida and Michigan for exerciseing their soverign statehood?

That was real genius , whoever it was.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Michael Tee on June 06, 2008, 10:48:47 PM
Well, somebody's responsible for the mess.  Rich is saying it's Dean.  He might be right.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 08, 2008, 05:41:36 PM
Dean is a moron. A complete and total moron. Putting Dean in charge has lead directly to the current mess they're in.

He's a moron.

Uh, what?

Dean has come up with the 50-State Strategy that calls for Democrats to compete EVERYwhere.  Clinton declined that strategy completely.  That's one of the major reasons she lost.  She tried winning the major electoral states (and did really well) but then she lost the whole shebang.

If putting Dean in charge was a mistake, then I think Obama would have replaced him.  He didn't and that's when the Dems will win by a landslide in November.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 08, 2008, 05:44:04 PM
Dean is a moron. A complete and total moron. Putting Dean in charge has lead directly to the current mess they're in.

He's a moron.

Not agreeing with this , he is a Dr. after all.

But who's bright idea was it to penalize Florida and Michigan for exerciseing their soverign statehood?

That was real genius , whoever it was.

Many people signed off on the RULES of the Democratic Party primaries, including HAROLD ICKES (Hillary's man on the committee).

Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 08, 2008, 10:08:08 PM
One of the things that I am intrigued by is Tee's apparent complete support of Oblather's latest lie, that of wanting to work with Republicans.  I quote: Lemme see, "I sided with the Democrats 99.9% because . . . because I'm a Democrat?".
<< sirs: and not once working on compromises or bucking the part line like McCain. >>
Yeah that's what the people want who want change - - COMPROMISE, so we can keep HALF of the mistakes the Republicans made.  CHANGE means something different.  The War on Iraq was compromise.  Democrats and REpublicans together voted for it.  THAT is the problem.  CHANGE means Democrats who act like Democrats, not Democrats who act like Republicans  

Tee has echoed my factual observation already, and gives it full support that he wants Oblather to stay true to form to his voting record and liberal agenda.  Screw any effort to compromise with the GOP.  In other words, Oblather is lying when he claims he works with the GOP, and has every intention of reaching out to them as President.  does Brass support that lie as well, I wonder?  More of that boneheaded judgement on display, perhaps

Then again, if one defines "reaching out" as you will follow my socialist agenda or you can go fly a kite, then he's not lying at all now, is he. 
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 08, 2008, 10:20:05 PM
Dean is a moron. A complete and total moron. Putting Dean in charge has lead directly to the current mess they're in.

He's a moron.

Uh, what?

Dean has come up with the 50-State Strategy that calls for Democrats to compete EVERYwhere.  Clinton declined that strategy completely.  That's one of the major reasons she lost.  She tried winning the major electoral states (and did really well) but then she lost the whole shebang.

If putting Dean in charge was a mistake, then I think Obama would have replaced him.  He didn't and that's when the Dems will win by a landslide in November.

You dont mean 57 states strategery?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Michael Tee on June 08, 2008, 10:58:26 PM
<<In other words, Oblather is lying when he claims he works with the GOP, and has every intention of reaching out to them as President>>

I hope to hell he IS lying, and is only saying what he has to say to get elected.  Like his AIPAC pilgrimmage, where he had to publicly swear eternal fealty to the Jewish State if he wanted as much as a snowball's chance in hell to win the election.  If Obama really meant it when he pledged his life, fortune and sacred honour to the eternal protection of Israel or that he would "reach out" to Republicans, then I'd rather see McCain win.

sirs and others seem to think that "bipartisanship" in and of itself is a worthy goal.  That is nonsense.  Bipartisanship's virtue depends on nothing else but the virtue of what any particular bipartisan policy is worth on its own terms. 

Your country is not up shit's creek because of a serious lack of bipartisanship.  It is up shit's creek as a direct result of the illegal, immoral, corrupt, cynical,incompetent, stupid, brutal, shortsighted and abysmally ignorant policies of eight years of Republican policies.  There is absolutely no point compromising on them or "reaching out" to their authors.  I think the American people are making it abundantly clear that those policies need to be jettisoned, along with their authors.  Not compromised, not "half-jettisoned" but wholly and totally rejected in their entirety.

America wants no part of the failed Republican policies and therefore no compromise with them.  Hopefully the only "reaching out" that Obama will really do the the Republicans is to "reach out" to their symbolical  ass with the toe of his symbolical boot.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 08, 2008, 11:11:00 PM
<<In other words, Oblather is lying when he claims he works with the GOP, and has every intention of reaching out to them as President>>

I hope to hell he IS lying, and is only saying what he has to say to get elected. 

You are happy with the notion that Obama is a lier and a divider not a uniter?

May I quote you ?

A lot?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: sirs on June 08, 2008, 11:48:56 PM
<<In other words, Oblather is lying when he claims he works with the GOP, and has every intention of reaching out to them as President>>

I hope to hell he IS lying, and is only saying what he has to say to get elected. 

You are happy with the notion that Obama is a lier and a divider not a uniter?  May I quote you ?  A lot?

Perfect campaign commercial for McCain, perhaps?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 09, 2008, 12:08:26 AM
<<In other words, Oblather is lying when he claims he works with the GOP, and has every intention of reaching out to them as President>>

I hope to hell he IS lying, and is only saying what he has to say to get elected. 

You are happy with the notion that Obama is a lier and a divider not a uniter?  May I quote you ?  A lot?

Perfect campaign commercial for McCain, perhaps?

Reveerend Wright has already said that he thought Barak Obama spoke as a politician , such that he was not hurt at being tossed under the bus. Perhaps there is an immunity to accusation of insenserity.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 10:15:59 AM
You dont mean 57 states strategery?

You know what?  You guys keep saying that when EVERYONE with a brain in their head KNOWS there were 57 primary contests and he simply said "states" rather than contests.

What dumb fucks you are to keep up these petty attacks.  You're using the old Rovian dumbshit tactics against a candidate who is willing to call your bullshit with substance.

Didn't Hillary's use of those same dumbshit tactics teach your ignorant fucking dumbasses anything?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 09, 2008, 10:24:43 AM
Didn't Hillary's use of those same dumbshit tactics teach your ignorant fucking dumbasses anything?

Alas, one does not learn with one's ass.

Actually, Hillary's attacks on Obama were a lot more sophisticated than simply harping on 57 states over and over.
But then again, she was trying to influence Democrats, many of whom expect a higher degree of sophistication.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 10:34:44 AM
You know what?  You guys keep saying that when EVERYONE with a brain in their head KNOWS there were 57 primary contests and he simply said "states" rather than contests.

According the "Brass Hypothesis," making speaking errors (ie, using the wrong word) is an indication that the speaker is a moron.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 11:15:08 AM
According the "Brass Hypothesis," making speaking errors (ie, using the wrong word) is an indication that the speaker is a moron.

WRONG!  I said I could tell from the way that Bush speaks that he is a moron.  I did NOT say what Bush says makes him a moron.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 09, 2008, 11:54:55 AM
Juniorbush is not a moron. He is a tool, a puppet.

He says what they want him to say in his phony Texas accent, and he gets to be president, with all the cool stuff that comes with the job.

When he retires with his staff and his huge pension and speaking fees whenever he feels a fart coming on, like Pinocchio, he then turns into a real boy, or specifically, a real Good Ol' Boy.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: BT on June 09, 2008, 12:06:24 PM
Neither Bush nor Obama are perfect.

They are human being with all that that implies.


No need for name calling.

8 years of Bush bashing is not going to give your guy a free ride. Don't be surprised that the tables are turned.

Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Michael Tee on June 09, 2008, 02:32:03 PM
<<8 years of Bush bashing is not going to give your guy a free ride. Don't be surprised that the tables are turned. >>

A little accuracy here, please.  8 years of Bush bashing PRECEDED BY 8 YEARS OF CLINTON BASHING would be a start.  And then one might want to acknowledge that 8 years of bashed Clinton left the country a hell of a lot better off than 8 years of bashed Bush.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 02:36:40 PM
A little accuracy here, please.  8 years of Bush bashing PRECEDED BY 8 YEARS OF CLINTON BASHING would be a start.

Preceded by 4 years of Bush bashing, preceded by 8 years of Reagan bashing...

Heck, there are some who STILL bash Reagan around here...
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 05:21:13 PM
Neither Bush nor Obama are perfect.

They are human being with all that that implies.


No need for name calling.

8 years of Bush bashing is not going to give your guy a free ride. Don't be surprised that the tables are turned.

Hey, BT,

My apologies for the name-calling.  I've just gotten so tired of hearing this nonsense about 57 states and people trying to make hay with that.

It was my hope that I would be able to remain above the frey as Obama has so far.  I guess I'm not on his level yet.

The thing is that from what I've seen, Obama is possibly the most decent person that has run for president since Carter.  (I know that comparison will win no favor from a lot here but I think everyone would agree that Carter is a decent human being, politics aside.)  Admittedly, Carter's decency, perhaps, prevented him from making some difficult decisions but I think he lived under some assumptions that others would take the high road and I think that Obama will not assume that.

This presumption on my part comes from his high profile but polite confrontation of Joe Lieberman on the Senate floor the other day.  (There is info today that Obama confronted Joementum about his laxidasical approach to the "Obama is muslim" rumor that is out there.   Apparently, Joementum had the opportunity to shoot that down and chose to slide on by it.)

Obama seems more savvy and less trusting as well as being centered and intent on changing the country's attitudes, standing in the world and, yes, bringing its citizens together.

I find his speeches inspiring in the way I found Dean inspiring.  The only difference is that Dean reflected a lot more of the outrage and anger I felt in how our country's reputation and democracy have been shredded over the last 8 years because W wanted to be a better president than "Poppy".  (He had 8 years and his father only had four and W came out a .08% of the president "Poppy" was.  W's daddy issues have nearly destroyed the fabric on the country.)  Perhaps it is for the best that Obama doesn't reflect that anger but instead acknowledges it in his purposeful expressions of his intentions.

I see Obama as I've only seen a few people in my dealings with managers over the years.  Someone who takes in info and sees the strengths and weaknesses of employees and processess all of it to realize the goals of the company.

W makes me think of the a-hole managers who think that everyone should just do what he says no matter what happens.  Even if the whole thing goes down the tube, just do what I say.

McCain is the middle manager who is nice enough and has gotten a little long in the tooth and decided that he wants to be in upper management and thinks he has to "play the game" and has no inkling of how to "play the game".
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Michael Tee on June 09, 2008, 06:56:25 PM
<<Heck, there are some who STILL bash Reagan around here...>>

Well, certainly by no one who admires the excellent work done by his Latin American death squads in torture, murder, rape and mutilation.  The Gipper was a pioneer who blazed the trail for Bush and Cheney.  And even apart from those magnificent accomplishments, who can ignore the intellectual stature of the man?  For shame, Reagan bashers - - why do you hate America so much?
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 09, 2008, 11:07:03 PM

  I've just gotten so tired of hearing this nonsense about 57 states and people trying to make hay with that.

I feel your pain , I still like Dan Quaile , who got this sort of treatment over a Potatoe.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: BT on June 09, 2008, 11:50:24 PM
his Latin American death squads

Truman founded the School of the Americas. Let's give credit where credit is due.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 11:57:50 PM
<<Heck, there are some who STILL bash Reagan around here...>>

Well, certainly by no one who admires the excellent work done by his Latin American death squads in torture, murder, rape and mutilation.  The Gipper was a pioneer who blazed the trail for Bush and Cheney.  And even apart from those magnificent accomplishments, who can ignore the intellectual stature of the man?  For shame, Reagan bashers - - why do you hate America so much?

Thanks for providing an excellent example.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 10, 2008, 10:47:16 AM
I feel your pain , I still like Dan Quaile , who got this sort of treatment over a Potatoe.

I can see why you might identify with Quayle. I understand that he is now running the Nashional Insteetoot for Creeaytive Orthographie.

Perhaps you should apply for a position. You seem eminently qualified.
Title: Re: More of that boneheaded judgement on display
Post by: Plane on June 10, 2008, 10:54:21 AM
I feel your pain , I still like Dan Quaile , who got this sort of treatment over a Potatoe.

I can see why you might identify with Quayle. I understand that he is now running the Nashional Insteetoot for Creeaytive Orthographie.

Perhaps you should apply for a position. You seem eminently qualified.

Thank you , we at the insitoot are considering a numerality  literacy creativeity award for Barak Obama . Who is just as creative with well known numbers as can be had.