
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 10:30:07 AM

Title: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 10:30:07 AM
He out to win ALL the votes not just the electoral college votes that will help him get over 270 (which is what Hillary would have done).

How can he win your votes sirs, plane, ami, hnumpah, bt? (

WASHINGTON ? Senator Barack Obama?s general election plan calls for broadening the electoral map by challenging Senator John McCain in typically Republican states ? from North Carolina to Missouri to Montana ? as Mr. Obama seeks to take advantage of voter turnout operations built in nearly 50 states in the long Democratic nomination battle, aides said.

On Monday, Mr. Obama will travel to North Carolina ? a state that has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in 32 years ? to start a two-week tour of speeches, town hall forums and other appearances intended to highlight differences with Mr. McCain on the economy. From there, he heads to Missouri, which last voted for a Democrat in 1996. His first campaign swing after securing the Democratic presidential nomination last week was to Virginia, which last voted Democratic in 1964.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 09, 2008, 10:36:48 AM
Voter registration and turnout will be crucial to Obama winning, and this is how he needs to do this.
The president is after all the president of the entire country. Even Utah and Alaska and Hawaii should see him some of the time.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 10:46:47 AM
How can he win your votes sirs, plane, ami, hnumpah, bt?

All our troops, pulled back from everywhere in the world. Close all military bases outside the US. Even in "territories" - matter of fact, let the territories go as well. They can govern themselves.

Stop spending money on any other country.

I don't think he will do either of those. Even if he promised to do them, I would not believe him. After all, even you say that he makes promises he has no intention of keeping to get elected.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 11:11:54 AM

I don't think he will do either of those. Even if he promised to do them, I would not believe him. After all, even you say that he makes promises he has no intention of keeping to get elected.

Uh, no.  I've never said that.  Someone else might have but I did not.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 09, 2008, 11:59:53 AM
So you are assuming that McCain is telling the truth about what he plans to do?
Why do you assume that he is and Obama is not?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 12:07:35 PM
So you are assuming that McCain is telling the truth about what he plans to do?
Why do you assume that he is and Obama is not?

I assume that both are lying. They are, after all, politicians.

However, with McCain, there is a longer history of bills sponsored and votes recorded than with Obama, so it's easier to figure out which way he'll go on certain issues.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 04:53:44 PM
I don't think he will do either of those. Even if he promised to do them, I would not believe him. After all, even you say that he makes promises he has no intention of keeping to get elected.

Uh, no.  I've never said that.  Someone else might have but I did not.

I think this was in referencing to my asking Tee & Brass if they supported Oblather's lying, as it relates to his claims of wanting to work with Republicans, and that he has in the past, and intends to as President.  Tee supports his lie, wants him to be pure liberal democrat = to his voting record, say whatever lie he needs to to get elected then follow up with the hard left liberal agenda.  Brass has failed to weign in
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 05:31:40 PM
Brass has failed to weign in

I saw you guys talking about Obama saying he "stands with Israel" and I find that annoying but it isn't a deal killer with me.  If he wants to stand with Israel, then fine but I hope he deals with them the way Dean said he wanted to deal with them.  He said he would deal with them in an "even-handed manner" and AIPAC jumped all over his ass about it.

But the reality is Israel gets away with murder and should be forced to give up some of their stuff.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 06:17:39 PM
That's sort of what the "weighing in" was about.  More specifically, is Oblather lying when he claims to work with Republicans (bucking his party like McCain frequently does), and wants to continue to work with them as, President?  If he is (which he is, BTW), do you support that?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Lanya on June 09, 2008, 06:25:39 PM
He's a politician. He'll work with both sides in order to get stuff done.  That is how politicians accomplish things.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 06:27:33 PM
Tee votes 1 way, Lanya votes the other.  Brass the tie-breaker?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 06:28:09 PM
That is how politicians accomplish things.

The Democratic reliance on the filibuster from 2001-2006 kinda belies that.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 06:31:25 PM
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 07:08:57 PM
That is how politicians accomplish things.

The Democratic reliance on the filibuster from 2001-2006 kinda belies that.

Like the filibuster that the Republicans used to table the global warming bill last week?  And the others they have either threatened or used since 2006?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 07:16:50 PM
I love the blather about "threatening a fillibuster".  Nice cop-out
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Michael Tee on June 09, 2008, 07:37:09 PM
<<Tee votes 1 way, Lanya votes the other.  Brass the tie-breaker?>>

Just keep in mind I'm not PREDICTING what Obama's gonna do, it's just what I hope he'll do.  Obama could turn out to be just as big a disappointment as Bill Clinton.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 07:46:17 PM
I love the blather about "threatening a fillibuster".  Nice cop-out

Do you deny that the GOP used a filibuster last week to table the global warming bill?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 08:23:39 PM
USED is not "threatening".  You did catch that part in my post you're responding too, right?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 08:44:29 PM
USED is not "threatening".  You did catch that part in my post you're responding too, right?

I did but I was curious if you were using a catchall phrase to deny the GOP had just last week used a filibuster.

But I would more pointedly ask if you are denying that the GOP did, in fact, filibuster the global warming bill?

And are you also denying the GOP has, in fact, threatened to filibust since 2006?
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 08:55:46 PM
USED is not "threatening".  You did catch that part in my post you're responding too, right?

I did but I was curious if you were using a catchall phrase to deny the GOP had just last week used a filibuster.  

No, not at all.  I advocate use of the fillibuster if the minority party is in fear of something passing they largely agree (be it rightly or wrongly), shouldn't pass.  same with the veto, vs the cop-out of legisators claiming they don't pass stuff because of a "threatning of a veto".  If you think legislation is appropriate, try to pass it.  If it's fillibustered, take that to your constituents, so at least they know you made the effort.  But to cry that "they threatened a fillibuster" is about as lame as any politican can get, be it GOP or Dem

But I would more pointedly ask if you are denying that the GOP did, in fact, filibuster the global warming bill?

Umm, no....see above.  Pretty glad they did, IMHO

And are you also denying the GOP has, in fact, threatened to filibust since 2006?

Not aware, but that's moot, and as I've already said, is a lame effort whomever party cries about it.  But if you wish to provide some examples of the GOP threatening a fillibuster, by all means.  I'd then criticize the cowardice of the Dems for not pushing the legislation, despite the supposed "threat"
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 09, 2008, 09:19:15 PM
So Brass....gonna break the tie breaker?  Is Oblather gonna work with the GOP and try producing legslative compromises, along with backing Isreal 110%, or are you hoping he's lying, and is simply saying the necessary things in order to get elected, with little to no intention of following thru with those claims/pledges?  Basically being consistent to his already mapped out voting record

Lanya votes for the former, and Tee voted the latter
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Plane on June 09, 2008, 09:48:00 PM

How can he win your votes sirs, plane, ami, hnumpah, bt?

That is an interesting question , but what he would have to do to become right enough to please me would fowl his relationship with his base irevocably . Obama has a very very one sided voteing record he is as leftist as the leftmost Senator.

What he would need to do for my vote?

Practicly a head transplant.

He really should not try to change that much , by the time he won me over he would have aleniated the party that sponsored him so far.

A move twards the middle might reashure the vast middle enough to let him win the presidency , but trying to win the far right wing and the far left wing at the same time is a really bad idea. The move that far right would be understood as phony by both wings and the middle.

I would advise him to moderate himself , with moderation.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 09, 2008, 10:28:07 PM
So Brass....gonna break the tie breaker?  Is Oblather gonna work with the GOP and try producing legslative compromises, along with backing Isreal 110%, or are you hoping he's lying, and is simply saying the necessary things in order to get elected, with little to no intention of following thru with those claims/pledges?  Basically being consistent to his already mapped out voting record

Lanya votes for the former, and Tee voted the latter

First of all, I don't know who "Oblather" is.

Secondly, if you are talking about Barack Obama, I've already stated that I imagine he will do exactly what he has said he will do.  I disagree with his full throated support of Israel and hoped that he would deal with them in an "even-handed" manner.  If he doesn't that's not a deal-killer for me.

I'm sorry my answer doesn't fit into your nice little convenient trap of being either a sell-out or a hypocrit my answer is my answer.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Amianthus on June 09, 2008, 11:49:56 PM
Like the filibuster that the Republicans used to table the global warming bill last week?  And the others they have either threatened or used since 2006?

Well, you know what they say (or did between 2001 and 2006) - a filibuster is the only power that the minority party has, if they didn't filibuster, they wouldn't get anything.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: sirs on June 10, 2008, 12:19:21 AM
So Brass....gonna break the tie breaker?  ... Lanya votes for the former, and Tee voted the latter

First of all, I don't know who "Oblather" is.

The opposing candidate to some fella named McSame

Secondly, if you are talking about Barack Obama, I've already stated that I imagine he will do exactly what he has said he will do. 

ok....let's see, Brass votes for what Obama says vs what he does.  I think that's in line with what Lanya votes.  Works for me.  I'm afraid to tell you though, it's likely to be more in line with Tee, lying and saying whatever he needs to say to be elected, the push a hard left executive and legislative agenda.  Which ironically you'll likely have no problem with either.  So what if he lies, as long as the end game is achieved, right?

I'm sorry my answer doesn't fit into your nice little convenient trap of being either a sell-out or a hypocrit my answer is my answer.

No, it works fine.  You're trying to walk a very fine tightrope, without falling into a hypocritical abyss
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Brassmask on June 10, 2008, 02:02:34 AM
Like the filibuster that the Republicans used to table the global warming bill last week?  And the others they have either threatened or used since 2006?

Well, you know what they say (or did between 2001 and 2006) - a filibuster is the only power that the minority party has, if they didn't filibuster, they wouldn't get anything.

Then quit whining about it.
Title: Re: Obama Embraces Dean's 50-State Strategy
Post by: Amianthus on June 10, 2008, 08:06:47 AM
Then quit whining about it.

Not whining, just stating facts. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have a good track record of "working together," unlike some of the claims around here.