
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: BT on August 07, 2008, 10:06:33 PM

Title: Yo Brass!
Post by: BT on August 07, 2008, 10:06:33 PM
Race Takes Central Role in a Memphis Primary

In the culmination of a racially fraught Congressional campaign in Memphis, a black candidate is linking her liberal-leaning white primary opponent in Thursday?s contest, Representative Steve Cohen, to the Ku Klux Klan in a television advertisement.

Mr. Cohen?s campaign said it was an unusually direct effort to inject race into the contest.

The advertisement for the challenger, Nikki Tinker, juxtaposes Mr. Cohen?s picture with that of a hooded Klansman, and criticizes Mr. Cohen for voting against renaming a park in Memphis currently named for the Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Ku Klux Klan founder.

?This makes you wonder,? a black former county commissioner, Walter Bailey, says in the advertisement. ?Who is the real Steve Cohen??

The brief television spot has provoked an uproar in the already heated primary campaign, with supporters of Mr. Cohen ? known for his support of civil rights measures in a long career in the Tennessee legislature ? saying it crossed the line.

Though the city?s newspaper, The Memphis Commercial Appeal, denounced the advertisement as a ?smear,? the campaign of Ms. Tinker, a corporate lawyer, defended it as legitimate. On Saturday, several prominent black leaders in Memphis, including ministers, officials and activists, held a news conference to speak out against the advertisement.

The commercial comes against a backdrop of lingering resentment by some black ministers in Memphis at Mr. Cohen?s election in 2006. Several have been outspoken in the view that a district that is 60 percent black should not be represented by a white man; Mr. Cohen, who is Jewish, was the object of boos and jeers at a meeting of the Memphis Baptist Ministerial Association last summer.

Anti-Semitic fliers ? ?Why do Steve Cohen and the Jews Hate Jesus?? one asked ? written by an African-American minister from outside the district have also been circulating in Memphis.

Mr. Cohen, 59, won election in 2006 with just over 30 percent of the vote when the top four black candidates, including Ms. Tinker, split the black vote. Since then, he has earned a reputation as a loquacious, media-friendly liberal, outspoken in his opposition to the Iraq war, aggressive in questioning Bush administration officials on the House Judiciary Committee and assiduous in efforts to cultivate his majority-black constituency, including initiatives to rename federal buildings in Memphis after African-Americans.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California has called him the ?conscience of the freshman class.? Recently, the House of Representatives passed a resolution sponsored by Mr. Cohen apologizing for slavery.

In an interview, Mr. Cohen acknowledged his role in the controversy over the park in 2005 when he was on a downtown development board, which included proposals to remove a statue of Forrest and his remains, which are buried in the park. Mr. Cohen opposed the renaming, and the proposals to rename that park and others fizzled, having failed to garner support even from some high-level black officials.

?I am a fan of the community not getting unraveled over the removal of a pair of bodies,? Mr. Cohen explained this week.

He called the advertisement linking him to the Klan ?about as improper as one could ever fathom.? He added. ?It?s not like Nathan Bedford Forrest was inviting Jews over to celebrate Seder.?

Referring to Ms. Tinker, Mr. Cohen said: ?She?s trying to drive black votes to her side and to make this a rallying point for African-Americans. I think it?s totally backfired.?

Ms. Tinker did not respond to phone messages. A campaign aide, Glenn Rushing, said in a brief interview: ?The ad does not link him to the Ku Klux Klan. It makes it clear he voted against removal of the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest.?

Myron Lowery, vice chairman of the Memphis City Council and one of Mr. Cohen?s black supporters, called the advertisement irresponsible.

?Mr. Cohen does not have those values,? Mr. Lowery said. ?His values have been rooted in this community, for diversity and respect for individual rights. This man?s record is impeccable. He has been a strong supporter of African-Americans.? (
Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: Lanya on August 08, 2008, 02:51:46 AM (

With 100% of precincts reporting, Cohen has 79% and Tinker, 19%.
Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: Brassmask on August 08, 2008, 04:22:54 AM
Steve Cohen is my congressman and I've had nothing but praise for him and his actions as such.  He is constantly voting like I would have him.  When he doesn't vote the way I expect, he states in his email updates exactly why.  His office is very responsive to my emails.  My mother volunteered at his campaign headquarters last weekend and he introduced himself to her and he asked if she was related to me.  Once I ran into him at a picnic and told him who I was and he knew almost exactly where I lived!  It was impressive and a little scary.

As Lanya pointed out, Cohen won the primary today by an overwhelming margin (some might say landslide) and I expect he will win his seat again in the general.  For a few weeks now, Nikki Tinker's surrogates were trying to paint the race as "closer than most imagine". 

My mother worked for Nikki Tinker and swears that Tinker is a reprehensible character who does not have the brains to run a campaign which lends more credence to the widely-held belief that she is a front for continuing Ford Family power.  (Cohen ran and won the TN-09 seat when Harold Ford Jr resigned so he could lose to Bob Corker in that infamous Senate race two years ago [score that whole situation two for local liberal bloggers])

Add to all of Tinker's horrible adds and low-road nonsense the situation that occurred on Wednesday in which Steve Cohen physically removed an Armenian-American documentary filmmaker who had sneaked into a press conference at Cohen's house.

Check it out:
Quote (

A U.S. Congressman from Memphis lost his cool during a press conference Wednesday afternoon.

Tempers flared at Congressman Steve Cohen's home when a press conference ended in a scuffle with one of opponent Nikki Tinker's supporters.

The incident centered around freelance photographer Peter Musurlian, who is in Memphis taping a documentary on the Cohen/Tinker District 9 Congressional race. Musurlian, a descendent of Armenia, is upset with Cohen for voting against a bill that would have recognized the killing of 1.5 million Armenians in the early 1900s as a genocide.

Cohen claims Musurlian has been stalking him for days.

"We finally had to change our schedule," he said. "Somehow they found out my schedule and they followed me.  And now he's coming into my home."

During Wednesday's press conference at his Midtown home - where Cohen intended to speak out against Tinker's controversial ad campaign - an unwelcome Musurlian showed up. At first Cohen ignored him.  Eventually, however, the two exchanged words. Cohen shoved Musurlian out his front door as Musurlian demanded his tripod.

"Take his tripod around the back and throw it at him," an angry Cohen told one of his aids.

Musurlian said he wants Cohen out of office, and claimed the Congressman has been avoiding him.

"If there's going to be a competitive race where the guy is actively opposed to us, not just neutral, or just kind of keeping quiet dealing with his issues in his community, but picking some obscure issue that he feels safe on, then we're going to make him not feel safe," he said.

Mursulian said he found out where Steve Cohen would be Tuesday night and he followed him around trying to get an interview...but Cohen refused.
"I'd like to see him defeated and if he's not defeated I hope he suffers a little bit from this experience of his," Mursurlian said.

Mursurlian owns a company that does documentaries for Armenian TV in California.

I went to Nikki Tinker's headquarters to see if she would comment.

Tinker did not want to talk on camera.

Cohen's was visibly angry during the incident.

"It's a difficult thing to deal with, but I'm gonna put him out of here," he said. "I'm not gonna have some yahoo from Berndale, California barge into my house."

Musurlian said he supports Tinker because she supports his cause.   The filmmaker said he plans to file a misdemeanor assault charge against Cohen on Thursday.

Some say, it probably helped Cohen.

Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: BT on August 08, 2008, 06:48:23 AM
I knew you supported Cohen. And i was originally of the opinion that we haven't come as far as we think we have when the color of ones skin is a determining factor in a race, albeit in 50 years the tables have turned.

But apparently the polls spoke differently.

Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: Brassmask on August 08, 2008, 09:56:59 AM
Still it will be interesting to see the racial breakdown of the voters to see if racial lines were crossed or not.
Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: BT on August 08, 2008, 11:48:10 AM
Was it a 2 person race?
Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: Brassmask on August 08, 2008, 11:57:08 AM
No, sir.  There were other lesser known candidates that were ineffectual.

US House of Representatives Dist 9 Tennessee State and Federal Primary
    Steve Cohen* (D / Inc.)   50,284   79%
    Nikki Tinker (D)   11,814   19%
    Joe Towns, Jr. (D)   914   1%
    James Gregory (D)   180   0%
    Isaac Richmond (D)   172   0%

Another primary race I'm a little excited about it Bob Tuke winning the nomination for the Senatorial race against Lamar Alexander.  Alexander is well-liked but Bob Tuke is pretty well-loved amongst the bloggers 'cause he supported the 50-state strategy when Dean started talking about it back in the day.
Title: Re: Yo Brass!
Post by: BT on August 08, 2008, 01:44:41 PM
Were all the other candidates black?