General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: BT on September 17, 2008, 05:53:22 PM
What are they?
Conservatives and Liberals are both expected to reply.
Intelligent , well educated .
Doesn't owe to many favors that would be called when he becomes president.
Single termer ,a Democrat version of Hoover takes blame for conomic and war events during the next four years, sets the stage well for a Republican renasance.
Obama's good qualities.
He's for the little gal.
Those who are suffering.
That's his bottom line.
Good point....quality?
He is informed about those issues..I have seen it, heard it, shared in the struggle.
HE is a helper/a support system for those who are on the bottom rung.
He's smart as hell. He's polite, and intelligent.
He has potential.
Obama would vastly improve our relations with nearly every country overseas.
He would restore confidence in the economy, because he's not Juniorbush.
It is clear that the abolition of regulation is NOT the way to go when it comes to things like mortgages and investments.
He would favor a fairer tax code, by which those who benefit most from the system (which is inherently unfair) pay most.
He would establish a universal healthcare program.
He is eloquent.
His election would send a message that a majority of the voters in this country are not racists.
He would bring the various ethnic groups together.
It is clearly time for a change after the most disastrous presidency this century.
He would not monger useless wars.
He would treat veterans better.
He would not nominate ultra rightwing Scalia types to the Supreme Court.
He would resolve the War in Iraq in a way that would not cost us years more of occupation and treasure.
He would try harder to establish an energy policy that would eventually free us from dependence on petroleum. Not foreign imported petroleum, but petroleum as the major fuel for everything.
Puts people first. Exhibited by graduating from college and immediately going to the south side of Chicago to be what every person should respect: a community organizer.
Believes that actually communicating could potentially lead to conflict resolution (mostly because it usually does).
Appears to believe that a resolution can be reached that is tenable for all stakeholders in a situation (mostly because it usually can if all stakeholders invest in finding said resolution).
Respects the intelligence of the American Electorate.
Seems to understand the problems our nation faces.
Has a global/international perspective as well as a local perspective.
Has a no-nonsense attitude.
Inspirational Speaker.
Honest and open about mistakes.
I get the distinct impression that the Qualities being professed by the left upon Obama are largely what they'd like to see, vs what is. Call it an investment, perhaps
Could you come over to the flame thread so I can tell you what I think of your assessment when I get back from lunch? I'd really appreciate it.
I'm gonna be busy Sat.....ALL day. sorry
We could start early... :-\
He's not John McCain.
He writes very well.
He talks about rejecting race based politics.
He talks about throwing out partisanship.
He is young and idealistic.
He has shown an interest in rebuilding our national infrastructure a la WPA. If that is used instead of welfare to get people out of poverty and we start rebuilding our nation, I would support it.
If his unifying rhetoric is sincere, he might well be worth a try.
As this is supposed to be a positive thread I will refrain from further analysis.
Excellent speaker and clearly an intelligent guy.
Seems to actually give a damn about people outside of his inner sanctum - something we haven't seen in quite some time.
May actually make a difference if his rhetoric matches his actions.