General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: BT on October 05, 2008, 10:09:12 PM
What trivia. You guys are really losing it now.
Actually i think CNN is just getting caught. Perhaps that is why Obama texted his supporters to watch that network. The fix was in.
Actually i think CNN is just getting caught. Perhaps that is why Obama texted his supporters to watch that network. The fix was in.
You are really such a HooT!
and you are in a rut.
your insults are lame and juvenile and your credibility is less than zero
as soon as the biden/palin debate was over peope were touting the cnn instapol claiming an overwheming victory for Biden, yet if you count the hands raised there was no such victory.
You are being played and you don't even know it or worse you don't even care.
IT'S CNN. . .what else can we expect from THAT tube view?
IT'S CNN. . .what else can we expect from THAT tube view?
We can expect the truth.
We should demand it.
IT'S CNN. . .what else can we expect from THAT tube view?
We can expect the truth.
We should demand it.
How do we demand it in a world of media vultures, BT?
Boycott their advertisers
Boycott their advertisers
Ok....thanks...step #1.
I like Fox News. I really do. I believe they are truly balanced as media birds come and go.
But, the bottom line is not about the media....(or perhaps it shouldn't be and yet tis)
it is about the evidence of the state of the union's economy/health care/education issues.
Americans are not informed enough...and ironically this is because of the very source we rely on for information--the media.
How do we as Americans become better informed as to who/what/why and when issues on the docket make a difference in our lives?
Someday, the cable tv will be the trash can of the American public's knowledge base.
Numb. Dumb. and all in between....entertainment is NOT the source we should trust and yet we look towards such venues.
CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and yes, I SUPPOSE even FOX NEWS, albeit not as biased as others...all have turned into nothing less than entertainment news. Such quality information does not rest between the perimeter of the TELEVISION BOX....
I am guilty of being a part of that audience of such snappy narrow window viewers. But, when I see that a group of individuals can raise their hands in favor of a recent that poll is taken seriously...I want to gag.
Our culture is dumb when it comes to information.
My god, it's no different from the NCLB ACT....MORE LIKE leaving no citizen behind act 2~
Boycott is one thing.....demanding more intelligent informative and mainstream media news is at the heart of this issue, imo.
I like Fox News. I really do. I believe they are truly balanced as media birds come and go.
If you will believe this, you will believe anything. It's FAUX News, the people who brought us O'Reilly and his Factor.
I am afraid that if you really want to know what is going on., you are going to have to READ.
New Yorker, Atlantic, Harpers. The Economist. That would be a start.
The purpose of TV news is to sell hemeroid remedies and such. This SHOULD be bvious, being as the ads are more extensive than the news.
"Does swallowing saliva over a long period of time cause cancer? --- Details at 11:00"
Boycott their advertisers
Thanx for the sage advice, I would boycott Faux News , but I would have to watch that rediculous, shallow and boing bullshit that they spew. Please provide me a list of their sponsors and I will vow to boycott them right non. Now THAT'LL learn em as Sarah Palin would say.
I am afraid that if you really want to know what is going on., you are going to have to READ.
New Yorker, Atlantic, Harpers. The Economist. That would be a start.
That's a bold comment coming from somebody who admittedly only reads the Miami Herald.
That's a bold comment coming from somebody who admittedly only reads the Miami Herald.
You are truly a doofus.
I said that the Miami Herald is the only newspaper I read in print.
NEWSPAPER. I read LOTS of magazines.
I read the magazines listed, and other newspapers online, both US and from abroad.
We both know that's not true. I once asked you to post source for your wild and "obvious" claims, and you said that you couldn't, because the only source you use is the Miami Herald hard copy. That's the only source that you get your information from.
Bullsh*t, you are misquoting me.
I suppose you were asking for a quote from the NY Times or something.
I don't do quotes for people, especially guys like ytou, who would vote for McCain is he were shown f*cking Airedales on network TV. What would the point be?
If you want documentation, find it for yourself.
I don't do quotes for people, especially guys like ytou, who would vote for McCain is he were shown f*cking Airedales on network TV.
You told me that you couldn't provide any sources because your only news source was the Miami Herald hard copy and you weren't about to hand type it all the time. Check the archives. It's what you said.
As Ami had accomplished in bringing up in another thread, Xo frequently demands that others back up his "obvious" claims.
Hey, Sirs, we all hold and make CLAIM how we feel to be truth.
Why do you have to jump on a person in the middle of a thread with such a 'statement"?
Just let the boys rock it out.
I'll choose when & how to apply a response or not Miss Cynthia, but thank you for your concern
I'll choose when & how to apply a response or not Miss Cynthia, but thank you for your concern
You're welcome.
I just noticed this thread. Overwhelming? Overwhelming?
To funny.