
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Brassmask on October 10, 2008, 09:54:58 PM

Title: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Brassmask on October 10, 2008, 09:54:58 PM
Totally proof positive that Republicans are full of hate and rage and will boo their own man if he refuses to endorse their Hannity-infused lies, distortions and Utter Bullshit.

More and more, I'm convinced more and more that McCain is out to lose this race and drag down the hate-filled, bigoted evangelicals with him into oblivion.

McCain Faces Backlash Over Rabid Crowds

John McCain was booed by his own supporters during a rally on Friday after he described Barack Obama as a "decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States."

McCain was responding to a town hall attendee who claimed he was concerned about raising a child under a president who "cohorts with domestic terrorists such as [Bill] Ayers." Despite the fact that McCain and his campaign have repeatedly used Ayers to hammer Obama in recent days, the Arizona Senator tried to calm the man.

"[Senator Obama] is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared about as President of the United States," he said, before adding: "If I didn't think I would be one heck of a better president I wouldn't be running."

The crowd groaned with disapproval.

Later, McCain was again pressed about Obama's "other-ness" and again he refused to play ball. "I don't trust Obama," a woman said. "I have read about him. He's an Arab."

"No, ma'am," McCain said several times, shaking his head in disagreement. "He's a decent, family man, [a] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about."

At another point, McCain declared, "If you want a fight, we will fight. But we will be respectful. I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments." Supporters booed then also. "I don't mean that has to reduce your ferocity," McCain responded. "I just mean to say you have to be respectful."

The episode reflected the intensity of the anger that many McCain-Palin supporters have for Obama -- anger that was stoked, in large part, by McCain itself. It also underscored just how difficult a situation McCain has walked himself into. Hours before he attempted to calm nerves, the Senator's campaign sent out a statement to reporters defending the remarks of its crowd members. (
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: BT on October 10, 2008, 10:22:00 PM
Totally proof positive that Republicans are full of hate and rage and will boo their own man if he refuses to endorse their Hannity-infused lies, distortions and Utter Bullshit.

More and more, I'm convinced more and more that McCain is out to lose this race and drag down the hate-filled, bigoted evangelicals with him into oblivion.

I'm not sure what you are demanding here. Are you saying that McCain should abridge the free political speech of people who attend his rallies?

Do we know they are McCain supporters and not Obama plants?

If so, how do we know that?

Seems assumptions are being made.

I'm satisfied with the way McCain is handling the boisterous ones so far.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Michael Tee on October 10, 2008, 11:32:32 PM
Looks to me like McSame let the genie out of the bottle and now the genie won't get back in and is starting to embarrass him. 

Pretty soon the only folks at his and Palin's rallies will be wearing their sheets and hoods openly, and that can't look good for a national candidate.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 10:33:01 AM
More and more, I'm convinced more and more that McCain is out to lose this race and drag down the hate-filled, bigoted evangelicals with him into oblivion.

I'm not sure what you are demanding here. Are you saying that McCain should abridge the free political speech of people who attend his rallies?

I don't think any legal action is being demanded here. McCain gave his opinion and said Obama is an honorable man and his presidency should not be feared.

Some of his supporters booed him for this.

That's free speech in action.

I think the action that Brassmark and Tee are suggesting is that people who are not haters and racists observe what sort of people are supporting McCain, and, wishing not to have such people be rewarded for their hate and racism, vote for Obama ans elect him.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Knutey on October 11, 2008, 10:56:51 AM
Totally proof positive that Republicans are full of hate and rage and will boo their own man if he refuses to endorse their Hannity-infused lies, distortions and Utter Bullshit.

More and more, I'm convinced more and more that McCain is out to lose this race and drag down the hate-filled, bigoted evangelicals with him into oblivion.

I'm not sure what you are demanding here. Are you saying that McCain should abridge the free political speech of people who attend his rallies?

Do we know they are McCain supporters and not Obama plants?

If so, how do we know that?

Seems assumptions are being made.

I'm satisfied with the way McCain is handling the boisterous ones so far.

As to abridging freedom. Repubes have a long history of doing just that . Especially MCSamesastheBushiot's twin,  The Bushidiot,2933,153720,00.html (,2933,153720,00.html)

They cannot b Obama plants because no dem is as angry , fat , ugly and hate-filled as the moron in this clip.

we might be one or two , but not all four. Take me for instance. I am only angry & hate-filled.

No assumptions just obvious truth of y'alls obsessive hatred for anyone that wants to take your taxcuts away.

I suspect you would be satisfied  if he led the angry mob with a pitchfork to kill Frankenstein Obama.
John did start it afterall.

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: BT on October 11, 2008, 11:10:13 AM
They cannot b Obama plants because no dem is as angry , fat , ugly and hate-filled as the moron in this clip.

Have you not heard of Michael Moore?

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 11:15:26 AM
Michael Moore may be overweight, but he always presents a cheerful demeanor.
If I were he, I think I would shave more often.

I find watching Michael Moore for an hour entertaining. I cannot conceive of watching that angry lout at the McCain rally for even five minutes. 

Michael Moore got an Oscar, millions have paid to see his films, so I am not alone in my opinions.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: richpo64 on October 11, 2008, 11:42:00 AM
>>I think the action that Brassmark and Tee are suggesting is that people who are not haters and racists observe what sort of people are supporting McCain, and, wishing not to have such people be rewarded for their hate and racism, vote for Obama ans elect him.<<

I'm not going to attempt to figure out what's being suggested, but after eight years of the most vile, hateful, traitorous behavior by democrats I'd suggest it's hate that's fooled Americans into voting for a racist, socialist, appeaser named Obama and his brain addled sidekick Joe Biden.

It's not surprising at all that Americans are reacting this way to Nancy Pelosi and her partisan hatred during a crisis. Are you surprised that Americans are angry about their brave men and women in the military being called cold blooded killers, terrorists, and murderers of women and children? We watched the media forge documents to influence an election in 2004. Now we’re seeing democrats commit election fraud in broad daylight and nothing is going to be done about it. Democrats stole classified documents to cover up their complacency that helped bring about the worst attack ever on American soil. Nothing was done about it. The invective leveled at President Bush and  America by democrats for the past eight years should make people mad. Really mad.

The problem is McCain’s not really going to fight fire with fire. He smiles while Obama repeats the same old lies and makes no real comment. The old man has no fight left in him. Sarah does though. Regardless of who’s president I’m hoping and praying we’ve found our voice in Governor Palin. Someone who’s not afraid to call these loathsome democrats just what they are.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 11:47:22 AM
Sarah does though.

McCain say "Country First"

Palin, wishing to keep it simple, leaves out three letters of this motto, hoping for the day when the old fool croaks.

Obama will soon be our president.

Not good news for the moose and wolves, but we'll all be better off, other than that.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: richpo64 on October 11, 2008, 11:54:29 AM
Maybe Barry mayl be president, and his big gumbed wife will finally be able to steal anough to pay for piano lessons for their daughter. Good for her!

One can only hope that what democrats has wrought with the economy crushes the Obama presidency in less than four years thus reducing all our suffering.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Knutey on October 11, 2008, 11:59:29 AM
They cannot b Obama plants because no dem is as angry , fat , ugly and hate-filled as the moron in this clip.

Have you not heard of Michael Moore?


Actually, Moore isnt ugly.


And he at least never suggested killing people

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 12:02:43 PM
I am opposed to my suffering, but it was caused by a moron fighting a war on credit: $10 billion a month for how many months?

I fail to see what you have against Michelle Obama's gums. She has perfectly normal gums.

Have you even LOOKED at Cindy McCain's gums? Or maybe McCain's first wife's gums?

I am beginning to think that you are not even worthy of respect as a gums fetishist.

As for piano music, it is only a matter of months before you can get a CD of "Condoleeza Rice plays the Piano Classics"

She excels at the piano. You won't have to wait for Obama's daughters to mature musically.

You can lay back and listen as Condi soothes you as you leer at the centerfold in "Big Gums" magazine.

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: richpo64 on October 11, 2008, 12:09:02 PM
Those gums are even more prominent when she's doing the Bill Clinton grin.

Reminds me of Bubba Blue from Forrest Pump. "I was born wid big gumbs sir."

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 12:23:44 PM
Those gums are even more prominent when she's doing the Bill Clinton grin.

Surely you jest.

When she closes her mouth, her gums are not visible, let alone prominent. Such gums as you perceive are in your imagination, which heretofore you do not seem to exercise overly.

You are pointing out a similarity that does not exist with a character actor, who may or may not have been wearing a prosthesis to conform to a character in a novel.

I suggest that you are too obsessed with gums, and should strive to form or find a proper fetish interest group.

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Michael Tee on October 11, 2008, 12:27:02 PM
Thanks, Knutey, for the video clip.  I never realized the Democrats were so skilled at infiltrating Republican rallies.  While that hate-filled moron in the centre of the screen was spewing his hate-filled gargage, the entire audience rose to cheer and applaud him.

Do you realize what this means, if BT and Rich are correct?  That MCSAME HAS NO SUPPORTERS LEFT!!!      Everyone at that rally was a Democratic infiltrator, including the guy with the mic, all trying to make McSame look bad.  November won't be a land-slide, it'll be a wipe-out.
Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: richpo64 on October 11, 2008, 12:40:55 PM

Listen to this guy argue about gumbs ...

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 12:45:57 PM

Listen to this guy argue about gumbs ...

It was not I who began this conversation about your obsession with Michelle Obama's gums.

Read my posts again more carefully. I am not arguing, I have not offered any divergent opinions whatever.

 I am suggesting positive ways by which you can pursue this, your hidden obsession.

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: richpo64 on October 11, 2008, 12:51:23 PM
Fell free to continue your infatuation buddy. Here's another picture of Michelle's big ole gums for ya.

We'll wait until you're done. Eew ... when you see her up close she's kinda creepy looking.  :o Maybe she's more of a combination of Bubba Blue and the Joker.

Title: Re: McCain Gets Boo'ed When He Disagrees With His Supporters
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 11, 2008, 01:14:39 PM
I am sure I'd rather look at her than you.

Her gums are barely visible in this photo.

Is it Mary Blige that has the spectacular gums?

I am not into gums, so I forget.