General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Kramer on January 17, 2010, 06:47:24 PM
America needs to stop our occupation of Haiti. The imperial American military has to leave Haiti immediately. Obama and the occupiers are war criminals that should be tried by the World Court then hung with piano wire for crimes against the Haitian people.
We need to be there to avoid a Somali West.
We need to be there to avoid a Somali West.
oh yes glasshoppa the Domino Theory of course why didn't I think of that
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Chavez is Chavez, But on the bright side even he is criticizing Obama.
Chavez is Chavez, But on the bright side even he is criticizing Obama.
apparently kissing Hugo's ass didn't work all that good for Obama (
Of course not, he is a tool of wall street.
The federal government is playing a major role in earthquake relief and recovery efforts in Haiti, aided by an array of technology tools, some of which were not been available in past disasters. Social media, satellite communications and other innovations could make a real difference as the battered island nation struggles to regain some degree of normalcy.
Social media tools, significantly Twitter and Facebook are playing a major role in communicating information about the effort. The State Department began sharing information on its official Facebook pages hours after the earthquake struck.
One post told people who want to donate money or provide assistance whom to contact. Persons responding to the post shared other ways to provide assistance.
State's Web site points people wishing to donate or provide assistance to the Center For International Disaster Information. The center operates under a grant from the United States Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and support from IBM. (
The federal government is playing a major role in earthquake relief and recovery efforts in Haiti, aided by an array of technology tools, some of which were not been available in past disasters. Social media, satellite communications and other innovations could make a real difference as the battered island nation struggles to regain some degree of normalcy.
Social media tools, significantly Twitter and Facebook are playing a major role in communicating information about the effort. The State Department began sharing information on its official Facebook pages hours after the earthquake struck.
One post told people who want to donate money or provide assistance whom to contact. Persons responding to the post shared other ways to provide assistance.
State's Web site points people wishing to donate or provide assistance to the Center For International Disaster Information. The center operates under a grant from the United States Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and support from IBM. (
be careful where you donate money is all I can say.
Yep, Chavez is Chavez.
from the article that Kramer himself linked to:
<<A perennial foe of U.S. "imperialism," Chavez said he did not wish to diminish the humanitarian effort made by the United States and was only questioning the need for so many troops.
<<The United States is sending more than 5,000 Marines and soldiers to Haiti, and a hospital ship is due to arrive later this week.
<<The country's president said U.S. troops would help keep order on Haiti's increasingly lawless streets.
<<Venezuela has sent several planes to Haiti with doctors, aid and some soldiers. A Russia-Venezuela mission was set to leave Venezuela on Monday carrying aid on Russian planes.
<<Chavez said Venezuela's planes were the first to land in Haiti after Tuesday's 7.0 magnitude earthquake, . . . >>
Anyone got a problem widdat? Nothing wrong with Chavez being Chavez, far as I can see. Looks to me like the world needs a lot more Chavez and a lot less George W. Bush.
Retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, who led relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina in 2005, said the evacuation of the clinic?s medical staff was unforgivable.
?Search and rescue must trump security,? Honor? said. ?I?ve never seen anything like this before in my life. They need to man up and get back in there.?
Honor? drew parallels between the tragedy in New Orleans, Louisiana, and in Port-au-Prince. But even in the chaos of Katrina, he said, he had never seen medical staff walk away.
?I find this astonishing these doctors left,? he said. ?People are scared of the poor.?
The medical staff in questions? First the Canadians and then the Belgians. (
Wow, good for Sanjay Gupta. He's a hero. And shame on the Canadians and the Belgians, that was disgraceful and there's no excuse.
Same combination of Belgians and Canadians let down the Rwandans too, in the Rwandan massacres. Maybe they're no good for each other. They ought to be separated in all future UN operations.
Don't know if i would stick around either if i had the key to the pharmaceutical grade morphine locker and marauding machete wielding looters were heading my way and nary a gun toting defender in sight.
And my guess is that is why the Marines are on the ground now.
All the more reason why Sanjay Gupta deserves his props.
It's kinda like the dilemma in Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim. You can escape with your life, but then you have to live with the knowledge that you jumped and abandoned your post. Here it's worse, because the knowledge you must live with is that you abandoned your patients to the "machete-wielding looters."
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France accused the US of "occupying" Haiti on Monday as thousands of American troops flooded into the country to take charge of aid efforts and security.
from the rest of the article - -
<<Geneva-based charity Medecins Sans Frontieres [Doctors Without Borders] backed his calls saying hundreds of lives were being put at risk as planes carrying vital medical supplies were being turned away by American air traffic controllers.
<<But US commanders insisted their forces' focus was on humanitarian work . . . >>
alright, but then why did they later promise that
<<and last night agreed to prioritise aid arrivals to the airport over military flights, after the intervention of the UN.>>
from the rest of the article - -
<<Geneva-based charity Medecins Sans Frontieres [Doctors Without Borders] backed his calls saying hundreds of lives were being put at risk as planes carrying vital medical supplies were being turned away by American air traffic controllers.
<<But US commanders insisted their forces' focus was on humanitarian work . . . >>
alright, but then why did they later promise that
<<and last night agreed to prioritise aid arrivals to the airport over military flights, after the intervention of the UN.>>
obama should go -- he screwed this up too.
<<obama should go -- he screwed this up too.>>
He probably could have done it better from the start, but when the error was brought to his attention, he fixed it and continued moving forward with the aid. It's NBD. He's doing a pretty good job overall.
Obama has done a better job than Kramer, in every aspect but one.
Kramer is better at annoying everyone with moronic posts.
<<obama should go -- he screwed this up too.>>
He probably could have done it better from the start, but when the error was brought to his attention, he fixed it and continued moving forward with the aid. It's NBD. He's doing a pretty good job overall.
We are at the very early stages so he will screw up again and again and again before this is over. now I'm hearing they want to import Haitian babies over here. I think they should go to Canada and France -- we have too many liberals here and don't need any more.
<<now I'm hearing they want to import Haitian babies over here. I think they should go to Canada and France -- we have too many liberals here and don't need any more.>>
Well, don't tell ME about it, Kramer, why don't you take your concerns to the mothers and fathers who are willing to open their hearts and their homes to the little guys. I'm sure they'd appreciate your humanitarian concerns.
Israeli field hospital treats, operates on hundreds of Haitians
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 18, 2010, 10:18 AM (GMT+02:00)
IDF field hospital at full stretch in Haiti
The only facility in Haiti with a fully-functioning operating theater, the large Israeli field hospital treated many hundreds of patients in its first four days and helped at least one woman give birth. Another jumbo jet loaded with supplies and equipment is due to set out to replenish the facility's dwindling stocks. Medical aid and other basic necessities are still reaching the millions of distressed Haitians in Port-au-Prince and its outskirts too slowly to save lives.
The estimate of 200,000 dead may never be confirmed as at least 80,000 corpses have so far been dumped into mass graves to ward off epidemics. Two men pulled out of the rubble - one a Danish UN officer and a Haitian by the Israeli rescue team working for eight hours to extricate him - may be among the last to have survived more than five days in their concrete traps.
The Israeli military team of 250 is working flat out in the city's Antoine Izmery soccer field, in a fully-equipped operating theater, intensive care units, child and maternity wards, laboratories, an X-ray facility and a pharmacy. One-third of the medical team of 40 doctors, 20 paramedics and nurses plus technical staff are reservists who volunteered for the Haiti disaster relief team. They are treating 500 patients a day.
A small Zaka team, which flew in earlier from Mexico, pulled eight survivors out of the ruins of Haiti University on Saturday.
Thousands of US and UN personnel have been mobilized to secure the distribution of aid in chaotic conditions, but have not yet been effectively fielded to help the aid workers struggle against dangerous violence and looting to bring succor to the needy.
I wonder if it would help to make buildings out of lighter materials ?
Two men pulled out of the rubble - one a Danish UN officer and a Haitian by the Israeli rescue team working for eight hours to extricate him - may be among the last to have survived more than five days in their concrete traps.
I wonder if it would help to make buildings out of lighter materials ?
Plane are you advocating building "a house of cards"? ;)
I wonder if it would help to make buildings out of lighter materials ?
Plane are you advocating building "a house of cards"? ;)
It is a tough choice.
Hurricanes hit Hati now and then , concrete homes are a plus then.