
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Christians4LessGvt on May 26, 2010, 07:50:33 PM

Title: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on May 26, 2010, 07:50:33 PM
Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach (

Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Michael Tee on May 26, 2010, 08:21:19 PM
Yeah, that's only cuz it was Teacher Appreciation Week earlier in the month.  She's complaining that she's undercompensated for her work, and he's telling her, so quit the job!  Rather than discussing rationally whether or not her compensation is fair.

This kind of fuck-you attitude to hard-working and well-qualified civil servants can't bring any long-term benefit to anyone.  It kills any willingness to compromise on the part of the teachers' union and it encourages school boards to hold the line on their side.

It's a perfect example of the class war, though - - the rich don't give a shit about public school teachers, because their kids are all in private schools anyway.  They can afford "the best" for their kids' futures, they bought it and paid for it, so now fuck the rest of the community, fuck their kids and fuck their kids' futures.  Christie, the Republican, represents the rich and he sure as hell ain't gonna tax them for educating the children of the non-rich in the public schools.  Level playing field?  Fuck dat!
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: BT on May 26, 2010, 09:25:37 PM
The teacher in question is being paid 83k a year.

Poor baby.

Meanwhile she wants the taxes raised on some janitor at wal-mart so she can get paid more.

And Christie is the bad guy?
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Plane on May 26, 2010, 09:35:17 PM
  She's complaining that she's undercompensated for her work, and he's telling her, so quit the job!  Rather than discussing rationally whether or not her compensation is fair.

This seems like a perfectly rational presentation of arguments.

What the irrational part is ,I can't tell..
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on May 26, 2010, 10:22:09 PM
The teacher in question is being paid 83k a year.

i dont think the video again
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: BT on May 26, 2010, 11:47:31 PM
My bad. She wants a 25-50% increase in salary.

Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: sirs on May 27, 2010, 05:06:03 AM
The teacher in question is being paid 83k a year.
Poor baby.
Meanwhile she wants the taxes raised on some janitor at wal-mart so she can get paid more.
And Christie is the bad guy?

Don't forget Bush
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 27, 2010, 03:27:17 PM
The clever plan by the reactionary right to improve education by pissing off the entire teaching profession does not seem likely to meet with success.

They said they'd like to give a big bonus to the best teachers. What this will come down to is a couple thousand to one teacher in each school: it is about as likely to succeed as an Ed McMahon type prize, since there are no real criteria. 
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: kimba1 on May 27, 2010, 03:40:12 PM
looks to me that everything needs a complete do over

when teachers get $50 for a annual supply budget and when the solution with a nonperforming teacher is put said teacher in a room without student with pay then it`s time to do eveything fresh.

I must point out that people have a bad habit of blaming everything on one problem or side,so don`t fall for that trap. all sides are to be blamed,finding out whose more guilty is counter productive.
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Plane on May 27, 2010, 07:58:41 PM
    Simpler and less expensive schooling was very effective in our grandparents day , many things have changed , which things would it be profitable to change back?

     I wonder if modern kids would fare well in a one room schoolhouse or simular environment?
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: kimba1 on May 27, 2010, 08:09:37 PM
I think the one room school houses smack their kids.I think the kids today might be alittle slower . I just don`t think a short attention span is a plus in the working world. people need the ability to do a useless simple task repeatedly for long of time. useless teacher still make thier student writing a sentence a hundred times for punishment.
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 27, 2010, 11:15:30 PM
I actually was in a one room school with one teacher and 32 students in grades 1-6. It sucked. The teacher was lazy and took a two-hour nap after lunch. My father quizzed me with the textbooks I was given,and when I didn't know much of anything, he took me out of that rural school and I took the Greyhound into the county seat elementary school for the next 5 years until we moved to town.

The school board was an assortment of six farmers who did not seem to give a damn about more than basic literacy.
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: kimba1 on May 27, 2010, 11:47:05 PM
The school board was an assortment of six farmers who did not seem to give a damn about more than basic literacy.

hey!  that sounds like where I grew up, but most of us didn`t even go to school. they just can`t seem keep one running very long.

most of us kids taught ourselves with the help of family. the difference is we really want to know what those comics are saying the picture just don`t satisfy us. my sister was a taskmaster she every other day made us write something a hundred times. I never realize it taught me focus.
Title: Re: New Jersey Gov Chris Christie tells teacher she doesn't have to teach!
Post by: Plane on May 28, 2010, 01:05:27 AM
Especially in high school , I felt I was on a conveyer belt being served to a long sucession of very frustrated teachers.