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Topics - R.R.

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The Nebraska-based billionaire, whose fortune is estimated at $62bn, threw his weight wholeheartedly behind Henry Paulson's rescue package for Wall Street, arguing that US industry will "grind to a halt" without action.

"Last week, we were at the brink of something that would have made anything that's happened in financial history pale," Buffett told CNBC television. "I'm not saying the Paulson plan will eliminate the problems but it's absolutely necessary, in my view, to avoid going off the precipice."

Buffett, whose opinions are hugely influential among millions of private investors in the US, said that if the Treasury acts shrewdly by buying banks' distressed assets at a competitive price, taxpayers will end up as financial winners.

"I bet they'll make a profit," said Buffett, who pointed out that hedge funds specialising in junk assets were already picking up mortgage-related securities with a view to making profits of 15% to 20%. He said a positive return was feasible if the government ignores the book value of instruments or the original cost to banks and instead pays the prevailing market rates for the bombed out assets.

"They'll pay back the $700bn and make a considerable amount of money if they approach it like that," said Buffett. "I would love to have $700bn at Treasury rates to buy fixed-income securities - there's a lot of money to be made."

Buffett's $5bn investment in Goldman Sachs' preferred stock was matched by a further $5bn capital raising yesterday as the bank took the opportunity to bolster its balance sheet. Goldman's shares, which fell as low as $86 last week, rose by 2% to $127.88 during early trading in New York.

3DHS / Joe Biden praises FDR's TV speech in 1929
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:53:39 PM »
Biden garbles Depression history

Joe Biden's denunciation of his own campaign's ad to Katie Couric got so much attention last night that another odd note in the interview slipped by.

He was speaking about the role of the White House in a financial crisis.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

As Reason's Jesse Walker footnotes it: "And if you owned an experimental TV set in 1929, you would have seen him. And you would have said to yourself, 'Who is that guy? What happened to President Hoover?'"

3DHS / Oppose the bailout
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:22:21 PM »
An Open Letter to Ben Bernanke
Arnold Kling

Dear Ben,
The Wall Street Journal reports,

"If it doesn't pass, then heaven help us all," responded Mr. Paulson

He is referring to legislation to authorize the next round of bailout activity by the Treasury, with rules, methods and accountability all to be determined. You should oppose this legislation. It is an attempt to avert a financial meltdown by means of a political and fiscal meltdown.

I fear you may be seeing this crisis through the lens of the Great Depression. Then, the wave of bank failures was an element in the severity of the downturn. However, keep in mind that there is still controversy over the relative weights of various causes of the Depression, and not everyone is convinced that bank failures per se were the main factor.

Today, it is clear that the U.S. financial sector needs to shrink. As another one of your former classmates, Ken Rogoff, has pointed out, the financial sector has accounted for an unusually large share of corporate profits in recent years. It is time for this country to shift talent and capital elsewhere. In order for that to happen, some firms in the industry need to tighten their belts, some weaker firms need to merge with stronger firms, and the weakest firms need to fail. As tempting as it is to intervene in this process to try to make it more orderly, dislocation is inevitable, and intervention may only make it worse.

We have excesses. Too many housing units. Too many "homeowners" who don't have equity in their homes and never did. Too many banks and financial institutions. The excesses need to be worked out by the markets.

Henry Paulson is not the first strong Treasury Secretary to appear in a crisis. John Connally held that job in the Nixon Administration, In response to a run on the dollar, he abandoned the Bretton Woods agreement and introduced wage and price controls. In the short term, this was well received, and it allowed the economy to rebound in time for Nixon's re-election. In the long run, it was a disaster, ultimately unleashing virulent inflation and, as oil prices rose, leading to the painful disorder of rationing and lines at gasoline stations.

Connally's cure was worse than the disease. I strongly suspect that Paulson's cure will prove similarly harmful.

My suggestion to you is that you get out of your financial industry cocoon for a while. Talk to people who are concerned about the direction that policy is taking, including former colleagues of yours in academia. A Central Banker should stand up to fear-mongering. Even when it comes from a Treasury Secretary.

3DHS / A good one from Obama
« on: September 19, 2008, 03:09:30 AM »
Obama has finally produced a good campaign ad.

It's hard hitting, and it uses a narrator from one of my favorite documentaries, Inside 9-11, from National Geographic. I did some research and the voice over is done by Nick Shatzki. He's got a very damning, and ominous voice.

You can view Inside 9-11 here

The ad packs a punch when he very damningly says the name of each of McCain's surrogates: Carly Fiorina, Phil Graham, and President Bush.

Well done, even though this ad won't have very much sway outside of the far left wackos who already support Barack Obama.

Note: Mr. Schatzki's voice overs for commercials for Fruit of the Loom, American Express, and Checkers aren't as ominous, and he's being paid to say these things for the Obama campaign. But it's a good ad nonetheless.

3DHS / Heartwarming
« on: August 30, 2008, 12:34:03 PM »
What she knew and others didn't at the time was that her son, Trig, would be born with Down syndrome. There was never a doubt that she and Todd would have the child, she told the AP earlier this year in describing what she and her husband have confronted.

"We've both been very vocal about being pro life," Palin said. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

Still, Palin waited a few days before telling her husband who was out of town. Once Todd returned and heard the prognosis, he told his wife: "We shouldn't be asking, 'Why us?' We should be saying, 'Well, why not us?'"

Trig Paxson Van Palin (an homage to the rock band Van Halen) was born in April. With Trig in tow, Palin returned to work a few days later, for a meeting of her energy team.

3DHS / It's OK. Really!
« on: August 30, 2008, 01:32:26 AM »

3DHS / Obama got tested for AIDS
« on: August 24, 2008, 01:25:27 PM »

3DHS / George Clooney is advising Obama on foreign policy
« on: August 12, 2008, 07:49:42 PM »
How Clooney offers good friend Obama advice on issues from body language to Iraq

By Caroline Graham and Sharon Churcher
11th August 2008

George Clooney once famously declared he could never run for public office because he?d ?slept with too many women, done too many drugs and been to too many parties?.

But now the Hollywood heart-throb has entered the political arena at
the highest level ? by becoming an unofficial adviser to US Presidential front-runner Barack Obama.

Oscar-winner Clooney, 47, is said to be helping the Democratic candidate to polish his image at home and abroad.

But he is also sharing with Obama his strong opinions on Iraq and the Middle East.

Sources say the actor has tried to hide the pair?s friendship for fear his Left-wing views and playboy image would hurt the Presidential hopeful?s bid for the White House.

But Democratic Party insiders have revealed that Clooney and Obama regularly send texts and emails to each other and speak by phone at least twice a week.

One said last night: ?They are extremely close. A number of members of the Hollywood community, including Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, offered to help raise funds for Barack but it was with George that he struck up this amazing affinity.

?George has been giving him advice on things such as presentation, public speaking and body language and he also emails him constantly about policy, especially the Middle East.

?George is pushing him to be more ?balanced? on issues such as US relations with Israel.

'George is pro-Palestinian. And he is also urging Barack to withdraw unconditionally from Iraq if he wins.

?It?s a very risky relationship. His hope of becoming America?s first black President depends heavily on winning over conservative voters and it would be suicidal for him to be perceived as a tool of a Hollywood Leftie, which is how they regard George.

?But they text and email each other almost every day and speak on the phone at least a couple of times a week, often more.?

The Ocean?s Eleven star is among many Hollywood figures to have endorsed Obama, including Barbra Streisand, Scarlett Johansson, Warren Beatty and Steven Spielberg.

One of Clooney?s trusted acquaintances said: ?George is a master at crafting his own image and he is helping Obama to hone his image both domestically and abroad.

'He told me he feels Obama is a once-in-a-lifetime leader. He is doing everything he can behind the scenes to bolster support in Hollywood, not just with other celebrities but with the money men at the studios.?

The acquaintance added: ?He has tried to keep the true extent of their involvement out of the Press because he is frightened of alienating voters.?

Clooney himself has admitted in an interview: ?I?ve had the conversation with him saying, ?Look, I?ll give you whatever support you need, including staying completely away from you.??

The star has never tried to hide his liberal views and last week announced he is making a ?15million film about the lawyer who defended Osama Bin Laden?s former driver, Salim Hamdan, on terror charges.

Clooney?s spokesman Stan Rosen-feld said last night: ?I know they have spoken. I view it as a private conversation.? Obama?s Press office did not comment.

3DHS / Democrats praise the Maverick
« on: August 07, 2008, 11:33:49 PM »


3DHS / The Original Maverick (another good mccain ad)
« on: August 05, 2008, 12:22:31 PM »

McCain really has a good media team. There were 2 or 3 points in this spot that made me say "Yeah!"

I like the part where it says Mccain fought corruption in both parties. I could see this ad actually swaying votes.

Gallup, Zogby, and Rasmussen now have McCain leading nationally. Some estimate that McCain's "celebrity" ad generated up to $40 million in free advertising.

3DHS / The biggest celebrity in the world
« on: July 31, 2008, 12:42:38 PM »

3DHS / Pump
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:06:46 PM »

3DHS / The Summer of Love
« on: July 09, 2008, 12:09:03 PM »

3DHS / Change we can believe in
« on: July 06, 2008, 02:37:01 PM »

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