is a very serious accusation, so serious that ....
How is this done , are all rape accusations taken with a large grain of salt because the accusation is so devastating?
Should all rape accusations be taken as true because the crime of rape is such a destructive crime?
Neither of these extremes works for justice , but we have been near both extremes within the span of my life for the sake of the search for justice.
When rapists ever realize that they have impunity , they commit rape and make use of the impunity , that is no good.
Also no good is giving to a large group of human beings the right to have their accusations believed , this amounts to a power that can be abused, and giving any large group a power that can be abused , it shall be abused.
Rape is such a serious crime that it ought to be treated exactly like other crimes , with the establishment of the truth being more important than the status of the accuser or accused.