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3DHS / I'm sure she thinks we owe it to her
« on: August 24, 2011, 04:33:17 PM »
Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations

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3DHS / Hey bitch, don't blame whitey, blame your president
« on: August 23, 2011, 04:18:35 PM »
"When you look at African American males, 40% of them are unemployed, those under 30 years of age. I understand exactly the entire nation must be involved in this recovery but the black community is experiencing a great recession. That's what we're experiencing," Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) told MSNBC.

"And all of the growth in the past 30 years, we see it slipping away. From home ownership, the middle class; it's slipping away from our hands. And it has a lot to do with many issues. Racism, shipping jobs overseas, access -- no access to technology. You know, the digital divide is there and many of the new jobs that's what it requires. So, we have a problem."

3DHS / Look what Obama & Hugo have in common
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:46:31 PM »
This is what happens to Marxists & Socialist countries!

Standard & Poor's on Friday downgraded Venezuela's credit ratings as it implemented a new methodology more heavily focused on political risk—a key weakness in the oil-producing country.

S&P cut Venezuela's long-term sovereign rating to B-plus from BB-minus. The outlook on the new rating is stable. The agency's new methodology was published on June 30, a little more than a month before it invoked political concerns to downgrade U.S. credit ratings.

Political risk has been a constant issue in Venezuela, where change in economic rules and nationalization of companies are common. Uncertainty about the health of President Hugo Chavez, who had surgery in Cuba earlier this summer to remove a cancerous tumor followed by chemotherapy treatment, has added to those risks, S&P said in a statement.

"In our opinion, changing and arbitrary laws, price and exchange controls, and other distorting and unpredictable economic measures have undermined private-sector investment and hurt productivity, weakening Venezuela's domestic economy," S&P analyst Roberto Sifon Arevalo wrote in a report.

Venezuela's vast oil and gas reserves "somewhat" offset the policy uncertainty, S&P said. The country posts steady current account surpluses which, combined with strict capital controls, result in positive net asset positions.

However, S&P expressed concern about the actual level of Venezuela's gold and foreign exchange reserves after reports that the country plans to repatriate them.

"When you have the reserves held abroad, you do have some level of confidence," Arevalo told Reuters in an interview. "That is not going to be the case anymore. They are going to be held at the central bank domestically, then you fall in the same circle of lack of transparency that everything else has in Venezuela."

3DHS / If Palin were to run for president
« on: August 19, 2011, 04:51:22 PM »
If Palin were to run for president.

Given the choice between Palin or Obama and taking their track records into account, surely Palin would win.

Pollster John Zogby updates our weekly Obama Report Card with a grade on the president's performance. Zogby uses his polling, expert analysis and interaction with major players to come up with a grade and some comments that capture how he sees the president's week ending.

John Zogby on Week: 135

"Both the stock market and President Obama's poll numbers are tanking. So Obama has gone into campaign mode, and even threw some light jabs at the Republicans. Meanwhile, the new GOP candidate to beat, Rick Perry, opened his campaign with wild haymakers that draw cheers from the Republican right, but not from mainstream voters who may have qualms about electing another governor from Texas. Rep. Michele Bachmann won the high visibility, low impact Ames, Iowa Straw Poll, thus providing another welcome diversion from the pickle Obama is in. Obama promises a speech on jobs next month, but one wonders if his words are losing their power with voters. At least he is getting ahead of the curve, as elite and popular opinion now seem to realize that spending cuts and deficit reduction should not be our highest priorities with jobs scarce and demand stagnant. Obama was elected as a new FDR. Now he must answer whether his role model will be Harry Truman in 1948 or Jimmy Carter in 1980."

This week's grade: D

Last week's: D

3DHS / I'm going to go out on a limb
« on: August 18, 2011, 06:32:00 PM »
If things keep going downhill for Obama; I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that he won't run in 2012.

Yup, his ego is so large that if he smells defeat in 2012 he will come up with an excuse not to run.

3DHS / Quote
« on: August 18, 2011, 06:23:22 PM »
Donald Trump: "Our president is grossly incompetent. He doesn't know what he's doing. The world is laughing at us. It's very, very sad."

3DHS / Jobs Plan
« on: August 17, 2011, 06:37:16 PM »
Obama to lay out Jobs Plan, after vacation

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Seeking to jolt the economy, President Barack Obama will propose new ideas to create jobs and help the struggling poor and middle class in a major speech after Labor Day. And then he will try to seize political advantage by spending the fall pressuring Congress to act on his plan.

Obama's plan is likely to contain a mix of tax cuts, jobs-boosting construction projects and steps to help the long-term unemployed, a senior administration official told The Associated Press. The official emphasized that Obama's proposals would be fresh ones, not a rehash of plans he has pitched for many weeks and still supports, like his idea of an "infrastructure bank" to finance construction jobs.

On a related front, Obama will also present a specific plan to cut the staggering national debt and to pay for the cost of his new short-term economic ideas. His version will challenge the new "supercommittee" of Congress to go beyond its goal of $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction.

Confirming the deficit-reduction part of his plan directly, Obama told a rural town hall crowd in Illinois on Wednesday: "I don't think it's good enough for us to just do it part way. If we're going to do it, let's go ahead and fix it."

Obama's major economic speech will come right after the Sept. 5 Labor Day holiday. Republicans were underwhelmed.

Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, said via Twitter that Obama could scrap the speech and just hand over a detailed plan to Congress. "Seriously, just drop it in the mail. Podium not required," Buck's tweet said.

Obama will seek to use his economic proposals as leverage against Republicans in Congress, hoping to show a nation disgusted with gridlock that he is the one trying to get results. Obama's re-election campaign and the White House are also sure to use any specific ideas from the president as a way to blunt attacks from the Republicans hoping to run against him in next year's presidential election.

Already, Obama has been previewing his line of attack.

"My attitude is, get it done," he said in one Iowa town hall on Monday. "And if they (lawmakers) don't get it done, then we'll be running against a Congress that's not doing anything for the American people, and the choice will be very stark and will be very clear."

In Illinois on Wednesday, Obama is likely to touch on his economic plans during the final leg of a campaign-themed Midwest bus tour.

Republican White House contender Mitt Romney, campaigning in New Hampshire, needled Obama for showing up with too little and too late on the economy.

"But we appreciate the fact that he's going to devote some time to it," Romney said. "Not just going to be on the bus tour, not just going to be vacationing in Martha's Vineyard, but giving some thought to the American people."

Meanwhile, Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor prodded Obama to work with them. In an opinion piece published in USA Today, they focused on cutting taxes, easing regulations and finding new energy sources, and said GOP jobs bills now languish in the Democratic-led Senate.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer confirmed that Obama would release a package of economic initiatives and push Congress to act on them in early September.

The official who disclosed details on Obama's jobs and deficit plans spoke on condition of anonymity because Obama has not yet disclosed them. No final decisions on the economic package have been made.

Seeking re-election in a dispiriting economic time for the nation, Obama's rollout plan allows him to come into September swinging after one of the roughest periods of his presidency.

The economy has improved from the deep recession Obama inherited, but growth and hopes have stalled.

The unemployment rate is at 9.1 percent. No president in recent history has been re-elected with a jobless rate nearly that high.

Obama's economic team has been hashing out the new package since he and Congress struck a last-minute debt deal in late July to prevent a debilitating government default.

As president, Obama is under unparalleled pressure to start showing more economic progress. His own job is expected to depend on it.

Nearly 14 million people are unemployed. Many millions more have given up looking for jobs or haven't found a way to move from part-time to full-time work.

The administration official would not offer details about the tax cuts Obama is likely to propose for the middle class.

They are expected to be separate from the extension of the payroll tax cut for employees that Obama has lobbied for by the day. Obama also has promoted a familiar list of other ideas, including patent reform and three major trade deals. And he has pushed for longer benefits for the chronically unemployed.

As for debt reduction, Obama is trying to have some say over the highly influential committee charged with recommending major changes fast.

That 12-person panel of Republicans and Democrats will start work in September on coming up with - by Nov. 23 - $1.5 trillion in savings over the coming decades. If not, or if Congress fails to approve the committee's plans, automatic spending cuts that both parties oppose would kick in across the government.

Obama's plan will be bigger.

By how much isn't clear, but he has already envisioned $4 trillion in cuts over a slightly longer period of time.

He pressed again Wednesday for a package that reduces the deficit by raising taxes on wealthier people, not just by cutting spending. He said he was concerned that Boehner has already said the members he appointed to the special debt-cutting committee won't consider raise taxes.

"Everything's going to be on the table," Obama insisted, although he has little say over whether Congress goes that route.

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3DHS / Obama tells Farmer to not always believe what you hear
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:42:47 PM »
Obama tells Farmer to not always believe what you hear.
So should the Farmer not believe Obama?

During a town hall meeting at Wyffels Hybrids in Atkinson, Illinois, a farmer expressed concern to President Obama about forthcoming regulations. The man stated that people would rather be farming than "filling out forms and permits to do what we like to do." President Obama told the farmer "don't always believe what you hear" and blamed Washington for ginning up speculation. Obama added that, "Nobody is more interested in seeing our agricultural sector successful than I am, partly because I come from a farm state."

3DHS / Liberal Puke Survey From Harvard
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:23:43 PM »
In an op-ed article in the New York Times, Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, and David E. Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame, say they have collected data indicating that the tea party is "less popular than much maligned groups like 'atheists' and 'Muslims.'"

But Campbell says the tea party was really an afterthought in their research.

"We didn't go into this study to look at the tea party," Campbell said in an interview with The Ticket.

The professors were following up on research they conducted in 2006 and 2007 for their book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us" and decided to add the tea party and atheists to their list of survey queries. By going back to many of the same respondents, the professors gleaned several interesting facts about the tea party.

One of their more surprising findings, Campbell concedes, (and one drawing national attention) is that the tea party drew a lower approval rating than Muslims and atheists. That put the tea party below 23 other entries--including Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Republicans and Democrats--that the professors included on their survey of "a representative sample of 3,000 Americans."

By examining which respondents became supporters of the tea party, Campbell and Putnam's survey "casts doubt on the tea party's 'origin story,' " they write in the Times.

Early tea partiers were described as "nonpartisan political neophytes," Campbell and Putnam write, but their findings showed that tea partiers were "highly partisan Republicans" who were more likely than others to have contacted government officials.

"They are overwhelmingly white, but even compared to other white Republicans, they had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and they still do," they went on.

In addition to being socially conservative, the study found  a close tie between religion and the tea party, whose supporters seek out "deeply religious" elected officials.

"This helps to explain why candidates like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are just as much about the public presentation of themselves as religious people as fiscal conservatives," Campbell told The Ticket.

Campbell said Tuesday that he does not regard his research as politically motivated.  "I don't have a particular dog in this or any other political fight," he said.

"We actually didn't go into this study primarily to look at the tea party," he told the Ticket. "The primary purpose of the study is to update what we learned about religion in America."

3DHS / Hey unemployed, as Obama buses around the country
« on: August 17, 2011, 03:59:28 PM »
Hey unemployed, as Obama buses around the country - The bus was made in Canada!!

WASHINGTON -- President Obama is barnstorming the heartland to boost US jobs in a taxpayer-financed luxury bus the government had custom built -- in Canada, The Post has learned.

The $1.1 million vehicle, one of two that Quebec-based Prevost sold the government, has been tricked out by the Secret Service with state-of-the-art security features and creature comforts.

It's a VIP H3-45 model, the company's top of the line, and is used by major traveling rock bands.

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3DHS / Green is Red
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:30:05 PM »

Last year, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn announced the city had won a coveted $20 million federal grant to invest in weatherization. The unglamorous work of insulating crawl spaces and attics had emerged as a silver bullet in a bleak economy – able to create jobs and shrink carbon footprint – and the announcement came with great fanfare.

McGinn had joined Vice President Joe Biden in the White House to make it. It came on the eve of Earth Day. It had heady goals: creating 2,000 living-wage jobs in Seattle and retrofitting 2,000 homes in poorer neighborhoods.

But more than a year later, Seattle's numbers are lackluster. As of last week, only three homes had been retrofitted and just 14 new jobs have emerged from the program. Many of the jobs are administrative, and not the entry-level pathways once dreamed of for low-income workers. Some people wonder if the original goals are now achievable.

"The jobs haven't surfaced yet," said Michael Woo, director of Got Green, a Seattle community organizing group focused on the environment and social justice.

"It's been a very slow and tedious process. It's almost painful, the number of meetings people have gone to. Those are the people who got jobs. There's been no real investment for the broader public."

'Who's got the money'

Evergreen Solar Inc., the Massachusetts clean-energy company that received millions in state subsidies from the Patrick administration for an ill-fated Bay State factory, has filed for bankruptcy, listing $485.6 million in debt.

Evergreen, which closed its taxpayer-supported Devens factory in March and cut 800 jobs, has been trying to rework its debt for months. The cash-strapped company announced today has sought a reorganization in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware and reached a deal with certain note holders to restructure its debt and auction off assets.

President Barack Obama on Thursday toured a vehicle battery plant in Michigan, touting his administration’s focus on green technology and jobs, at a corporation where federal money authorized by the economic stimulus law that Obama signed at the beginning of his presidency had created "green" jobs at a cost of about $2 million in federal subsidies per job.

3DHS / Ron Paul (likely) Has MY Vote in 2012
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:51:04 PM »,0,1093453.story

Ron Paul, the libertarian wolf dressed in Republican clothing, blasted his fellow GOP presidential aspirants on Monday in a video that calls them the same kind of politicians as President Obama.

Paul, who finished second in the Ames straw poll just 152 votes away from winner Rep. Michele Bachmann, has an ardent following in the GOP’s libertarian wing and on the Web, where he has been a money-raising powerhouse. Despite his popularity in conservative and libertarian circles, he has had problems moving beyond single digits on the national scene.

In the video, he lumps former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Minnesota’s Bachmann together with Obama and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "smooth-talking politicians" caught in the games of "he said, she said."

The ad is designed to remind Republicans that Paul has always been the outsider despite representing Texas in Washington, often voting against his party on "every tax increase, every unbalanced budget" and against raising the debt ceiling. And in 2012, being an outsider is a help.

Paul is "the one who will restore liberty," the narrator intones. Paul is “the one who can beat Obama and restore America now.”

In the wake of the straw poll, the media has focused most of its attention on the trio of Romney, Perry and Bachmann, generally ignoring Paul despite his strong second-place finish. But polls have shown over the years that Paul can rise a bit beyond just being a gadfly and could play a role in the nominating process.

Perhaps more importantly, Paul has set the intellectual tone for at least part of his party and paved the way for the "tea party" movement and its strength in the GOP. He has ridden the wave of fascination with Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and his free-market vision of small government as the road to freedom. In his video, Paul also pledged to “stop the spending, save the dollar" and "create jobs" -- the mantra in the 2012 presidential sweepstakes.

On foreign affairs, Paul said he will "bring peace," ending U.S. military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and the U.S. role along with NATO in Libya. As a libertarian, Paul has long opposed U.S. intervention abroad, putting him at odds with parts of his own party that favors a robust U.S. presence on the world scene.

The video ad is scheduled to play in Iowa and New Hampshire, where the first presidential nominating contests will be held in February.

3DHS / Another liberal perv gets caught in the act
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:19:05 PM »

SPRING HILL, Tenn. – Police in Spring Hill arrested a local music teacher Thursday morning after he was caught engaging in a sex act with a doll outside a local elementary school.

Officers were called to Allendale Elementary School on Prescott Way in Spring Hill amid reports of a white male with a duffle bag under a bridge on school property.  The bridge provides access to the school from the main road.

Spring Hill police told Nashville's News 2 the responding officer witnessed the man, identified as 56-year-old Daniel Torroll, performing sex acts on a child-like doll police later discovered he'd cut holes into.

3DHS / Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:15:49 AM »
Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

Read more: Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

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