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Topics - Brassmask

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3DHS / No One Wants Palin to Play In Their Reindeer Games
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:22:17 PM »
Aaaawwww, why is everyone hatin' on poor ole Sarah?  Why do they hate women?  Oh, wait, Hillary Clinton is still a woman, right?

What's utterly delicious about this is how when Obama won the primary and then he didn't pick Hillary as his running mate, the rightwing comedians on the radio (Hannity, Limbaugh, my guy Fleming) suddenly became major Hillary supporters who felt so sorry for her and had so much respect for her and said Obama was so sexist.

Now that Palin's been thrown over for Hillary, I guess it's time to switch gears to using the word "partisan" for the negative attacks.

Sarah Palin blames 'Democrat partisans' for her being uninvited to rally
From the Associated Press
September 20, 2008

BLAINE, MINN. -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin told supporters Friday that "Democrat partisans" had pressured organizers of an anti-Iran rally in New York next week to withdraw an invitation for her to appear.

"This should be an issue that unites all Americans. Iran should not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, period," Palin said at a rally in this Twin Cities suburb. "Unfortunately, some Democrat partisans put politics first, and now no elected official can appear. This should not be a matter of partisan politics."

Palin had been set to attend the rally protesting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad organized by major Jewish organizations and sponsored by the National Coalition to Stop Iran Now. New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton also had been scheduled to appear at the rally, but canceled after learning from reporters that Palin would be there.

On Thursday, organizers announced that they had withdrawn their invitation for Palin to attend, saying they did not want the event to be overtly political.,0,1950103.story

3DHS / No Cries From the Right Regarding Massive Socialization of Corps Debt
« on: September 19, 2008, 09:36:26 PM »
Guess everybody feels ok about socialism when a Republican does it.

So much for "conservatism's" libertarian streak.

1 - 2 trillion (trillion!) dollars going to corporations who blew it.  Corporations who handed out money willy nil hoping to rake it all in but relying on the fact that they knew that (once again!) the federal government would bail them just like they've always done.

Gone are the salad days of being able to say that the GOP is the party of "grown ups" who know how to manage money.  Oh those halcyon days of boot-strapism, of let the market sort itself out.  Now we come to the reality that the GOP is the party that knows how to start depressions through massive DE-regulation.

How do we know this?  For if Bush's boy at the Federal Reserve hadn't ponied up the dough, we'd be watching Wall Street rats jumping out of windows.

If only Bush had stood his ground like a man, sticking to his principles and letting the cards fall where they may, we'd all be living in a reality instead of this over-inflated dream world where the market is back over 11,000 and everything's all good.   :'( No, really, nothing's wrong at all.  We always whistle past this graveyard!

The junkies got their fix.  And so, we sail along till the next shoe drops. 

Nice of Bush to spend his legacy in such a petty, little bitch manner, huh?  Remember how outraged you guys were when you were fed the lie that the Clintons ripped W keys off keyboards and tore up the White House before they left it to the Bushes?  I'm sure we won't hear a peep out of you when the Obamas go in to find how the Bushes completely wrecked our nation and nearly shattered democracy as a whole.

3DHS / Slight "Adjustment" in the Palin Market
« on: September 19, 2008, 02:33:42 PM »
Palin's Favorability Ratings Tumble
Gov. Sarah Palin's favorable/unfavorable ratings have suffered a stunning 21 point collapse in just one week, according to Research 2000 polling. Last week, 52% approved and 35% disapproved of the GOP vice presidential nominee (+17 net). This week, 42% approved and 46% disapprove (-4 net).

Earlier this week, Newsweek also saw the drop in other polling. "Over the course of a single weekend... Palin went from being the most popular White House hopeful to the least."

3DHS / Boy, Talk About More Of the SAME!
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:12:21 PM »

Palin Refuses To Say Whether She Would Be Part Of Executive Branch

When Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain’s running mate, President Bush said that she “had the executive appearance and that’s what it takes to be a capable person…in the executive branch.” But like Bush’s own vice president, it’s not clear that Palin would consider herself to be part of the executive branch.

The Hill reports that it inquired with both Joseph Biden and Sarah Palin about whether they would consider themselves to be part of the executive branch in the next administration. The Hill’s Kevin Bogardus reports, “Sen. Biden (Del.) believes the office he is seeking is solely in the executive branch, according to his staff. But aides to Alaska Gov. Palin did not answer the question”:

    [A] spokesman for the Republican presidential campaign did not answer the question. Instead, he e-mailed remarks Palin gave at a campaign rally in Golden, Colo., on Monday.

    Palin did not say what branch of government she believes the vice president’s office is part of in those remarks. Instead, Palin said she and Republican presidential nominee John McCain had discussed what responsibilities she would take on as his second-in-command.

Dick Cheney, and his chief aide David Addington, have repeatedly tried to argue that the vice president is not part of the executive branch. Cheney, who has referred to his office as “a unique creature,” has tried to exempt himself from a presidential executive order designed to safeguard classified national security information.

Already, Palin’s handling the “Troopergate” probe has demonstrated a striking resemblance to Cheney’s penchant for secrecy. Palin is thwarting both a state legislature probe and a state Personnel Board investigation into the ethics scandal. Like the Bush White House, she is claiming “executive privilege” on e-mails from personal accounts. And just yesterday, her husband Todd Palin — following in the footsteps of Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten — said thanks but no thanks to a subpoena demanding he appear before the state Senate Judiciary Committee.
When Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain’s running mate, President Bush said that she “had the executive appearance and that’s what it takes to be a capable person…in the executive branch.” But like Bush’s own vice president, it’s not clear that Palin would consider herself to be part of the executive branch.

The Hill reports that it inquired with both Joseph Biden and Sarah Palin about whether they would consider themselves to be part of the executive branch in the next administration. The Hill’s Kevin Bogardus reports, “Sen. Biden (Del.) believes the office he is seeking is solely in the executive branch, according to his staff. But aides to Alaska Gov. Palin did not answer the question”:

    [A] spokesman for the Republican presidential campaign did not answer the question. Instead, he e-mailed remarks Palin gave at a campaign rally in Golden, Colo., on Monday.

    Palin did not say what branch of government she believes the vice president’s office is part of in those remarks. Instead, Palin said she and Republican presidential nominee John McCain had discussed what responsibilities she would take on as his second-in-command.

Dick Cheney, and his chief aide David Addington, have repeatedly tried to argue that the vice president is not part of the executive branch. Cheney, who has referred to his office as “a unique creature,” has tried to exempt himself from a presidential executive order designed to safeguard classified national security information.

Already, Palin’s handling the “Troopergate” probe has demonstrated a striking resemblance to Cheney’s penchant for secrecy. Palin is thwarting both a state legislature probe and a state Personnel Board investigation into the ethics scandal. Like the Bush White House, she is claiming “executive privilege” on e-mails from personal accounts. And just yesterday, her husband Todd Palin — following in the footsteps of Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten — said thanks but no thanks to a subpoena demanding he appear before the state Senate Judiciary Committee.

3DHS / Prominent Tennessee Politico's Son Contacting Re: Palin Hack
« on: September 18, 2008, 06:47:37 PM »
There wasn't much discussion of the Palin hack here and frankly, I found it reprehensibly boring and disgusting.  I surmised it was simply a stupid kid and not some DNC-hatched plot like Hannity and others were hoping.

It is sad that this Kernell kid might be involved since it is simply one more thing that brings shame to West TN.

Report: UT student "contacted" in Palin hacking case

Here's the two versions of the Tennessean report, copied and pasted.

Tennessean: The son of state Rep. Mike Kernell has been contacted by authorities in connection with a probe into the hacking of the personal e-mail of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Kernell confirmed on Thursday.

UPDATE: The Tennessean has changed the lede: State Rep. Mike Kernell confirmed Thursday that his son, a University of Tennessee-Knoxville student, is at the center of heated Internet discussion into the hacking of the personal e-mail of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Kernell, a Memphis Democrat, said his 20-year-old son David had been contacted by authorities investigating the hacking of Palin's personal email account.

The FBI and the Secret Service started a formal investigation on Wednesday into the hacking.

David Kernell is a student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Mike Kernell said he spoke to his son on Thursday, as he does on a regular basis.

Kernell otherwise declined to comment, or discuss his son's whereabouts and whether he was in custody.

Reports that Palin's e-mail had been hacked bounced across blogs and into the news on Thursday.

Contact Theo Emery at 615-726-4889 or

Here's the jump of the later version: Kernell, a Memphis Democrat, confirmed that it is his 20-year-old son, David, who is being widely named on Internet blogs and chatrooms in connection with an unfolding story about Palin's hacked e-mail accounts.

The FBI and the Secret Service started a formal investigation on Wednesday into the hacking.

David Kernell is a student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Mike Kernell said he spoke to his son on Thursday, as he does on a regular basis.

Kernell otherwise declined to comment, or discuss his son's whereabouts.

Contact Theo Emery at 615-726-4889 or

3DHS / Really, Guys, You Are Making A Huge Egotistical Error
« on: September 18, 2008, 10:18:49 AM »
Over and over again, Palin is making mistake after mistake and telling lie after lie.  She shoots totally off the cuff, totally making her answers up for questions that arise.  I know you like her.  She's pretty and sassy and who wouldn't like that in a woman but her record speaks for itself and, sadly, so does she.

It has turned out that most of her "story" has turned out to be a pile of half-truths and simple outright lies.  She has turned out to be capable of forming coherent sentences and not fall over when on camera but she is no "reformer"  She is no "maverick".  Sadly, she's turned out to be the new Edsel model. Unfortunately, she's still an Edsel.

NBC reported this morning that she became mayor of Wasila when it had a surplus but left it millions in debt.

As governor, she's pursued earmarks, not fought against them.  That famous "bridge to nowhere" lie she keeps telling?  Come on!

I think it is time you guys cut your losses, just make it through the next 8 years of President Obama (like we've suffered through the Bush Junta) and regroup, refresh and come out swinging in 2016.  And, for pete's sakes, don't be obstructionists for those eight Obama years.  Your rep is already in the terlet.

Epic Fail: Palin can’t answer softball question about national security experience at first town hall meeting

Probably because she doesn’t have any. At all. Well, not unless you count the proximity of Alaska to Russia. Sarah Palin made her first unscripted appearance Wednesday at a town hall meeting with John McCain and proved exactly why the McCain campaign has tried their damnedest to keep her as far away from those things as possible. In this clip, a questioner throws up a softball about national security cred and Palin can’t remember her talking points about being able to see Russia from some remote island or that she’s the “Commander-in-Chief” of the Alaska National Guard.

video_wmv Download | Play  video_mov Download | Play

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Governor Palin, there has been quite a bit of discussion about your perceived lack of foreign policy experience. And I want to give you your chance. If you could please respond to that criticism and give us specific skills that you think you have to bring to the White House to rebut that or mitigate that concern.

    PALIN: Well, I think because I’m a Washington outsider that opponents are going to be looking for a whole lot of things that they can criticize and they can kind of try to beat the candidates here, who chose me as his partner, to kind of tear down the ticket. But as for foreign policy, you know, I think that I am prepared and I know that on January 20th, if we are so blessed as to be sworn into office as your president and vice president, certainly we’ll be ready. I’ll be ready. I have that confidence. I have that readiness.

    And if you want specifics with specific policy or countries, go ahead and you can ask me. You can even play stump the candidate if you want to. But we are ready to serve.

Turns out the town hall was pre-ticketed and she still couldn’t answer the question coherently. Sheesh.

    McCain town hall style meetings are generally open to the public where anyone may wait in line on the day of the event and come in without an advanced invitation.

    However, at tonight’s 3,500 person townhall in Grand Rapids, Michigan–the first time Palin is taking questions from the public– only ticketholders are allowed in.

3DHS / Hey, Guess What! McCain Invented The Blackberry!!
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:32:58 PM »
OMG.  What will you guys do now?  What WILL you DO?

Speaking to reporters today, McCain campaign adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin claimed that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is responsible for the “miracle” of PDAs. Politico reports:

    “He did this,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin told reporters this morning, holding up his BlackBerry. “Telecommunications of the United States is a premier innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the Commerce committee so you’re looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that’s what he did.”

Although he doesn’t e-mail, McCain told the New York Times in July that he does “use the Blackberry.” Campaign aide Mark Salter added, “He uses a BlackBerry, just ours.”

According to the AP, Holtz-Eakin also pointed today to McCain’s service leadership of the Senate Commerce Committee, which “put him at the intersection of a number of economic interests, including the telecommunications industry.” Similarly, McCain yesterday told

    Under my guiding hand, Congress developed a wireless spectrum policy that spurred the rapid rise of mobile phones and Wi-Fi technology that enables Americans to surf the web while sitting at a coffee shop, airport lounge, or public park.

However, what McCain failed to accomplish has left a bigger impression on tech experts than anything that McCain actually did. “The thing that stands out for his entire tenure is that he has never had a priority, and has never had, to my knowledge, any accomplishment of any kind at all,” former FCC chairman Reed Hundt told Salon last month. When McCain took over his second tenure of Senate Commerce Committee, the United States ranked fourth in broadband penetration. In 2007, two years after he had given up that position, the United States had dropped to 15th in the world.

Note to the McCain campaign: The Blackberry was invented in Canada.
UpdateWashington Wire reports that according to senior McCain aide Matt McDonald, the senator "laughed" when told about Holtz-Eakin's comment. "He would not claim to be the inventor of anything, much less the BlackBerry. This was obviously a boneheaded joke by a staffer,” McDonald said.

3DHS / McCain's Earmark Lie: Palin actually grubs $1 mil/day as Gov.
« on: September 15, 2008, 07:05:15 PM »
McCain's Earmark Lie: Palin actually grubs $1 mil/day as Gov.
by Kagro X
Mon Sep 15, 2008 at 03:00:11 PM PDT

The Wall Street Journal:

    Last week, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain said his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, hadn't sought earmarks or special-interest spending from Congress, presenting her as a fiscal conservative. But state records show Gov. Palin has asked U.S. taxpayers to fund $453 million in specific Alaska projects over the past two years.

It's been 652 days since Earmark Queen Sarah Palin took office as Governor of Alaska.

In that time, she's hustled for $453,000,000 in federal lipstick pork.

That's $694,785.28 a day. Six hundred ninetey-four thousand, seven hundred and eight five dollars and twenty-eight cents. Every day. Even Sundays!

Palin was grubbing six hundred ninetey-four thousand, seven hundred and eight five dollars and twenty-eight cents out of the federal trough on the very day when John McCain looked America in the eye and said she was taking zero.

And she took it again today, too.

And she took it on every one of the 312 nights she spent at home and billed the Alaskan taxpayers for it.

So why say it's a million dollars a day? Well, first, let me show you what Slick Sarah Palin is telling people:

    On the campaign trail, Gov. Palin has repeatedly attacked Sen. Obama on earmarks. "Our opponent has requested nearly one billion dollars in earmarks in three years. That's about a million for every working day," she said at a rally in Albuquerque, N.M.

Ohhhh, this feels like it's going to get embarrassing in a second....

And, behold! Look what "The Math" says!

    It is difficult to compare Sen. Obama's earmark record with Gov. Palin's -- their states differ in size, for instance, and the two candidates play different roles in the process. But using the same calculation that the McCain campaign uses, the total amount of earmarked dollars divided by the number of working days while each held office (assuming a five-day workweek, every week, for both), Gov. Palin sought $980,000 per workday, compared with roughly $893,000 for Sen. Obama.

Not only is Palin taking much more, but oh my word if the million dollar figure doesn't actually fit her sooooo much better than the person she's trying to use it against! What a surprise!

So that's almost a million dollars a day, whether she showed up at the office or not. A million bucks, plus $60 in her pocket for defrosting one of her own mooseburgers for lunch.

And really, Palin must be asking herself, why not chisel the Alaska state government a little bit? After all:

    The state's earmark requests stand out in part because its state government is among the wealthiest in the U.S. Flush with oil and gas royalties, it doesn't impose income or sales taxes. In fact, money flows the other way: Every man, woman and child this year got a check for $3,200.

Gosh, but they're such rugged individualists up there! They're gonna launch themselves into orbit with those bootstraps, don'tcha know?

A million dollars a day. From you and me. Plus $3,200 in the bank for each one of 'em. And $60 in Sarah's pocket for every lunch at home. (Like every working mom, of course!)

It's the new fiscal responsibility, in John McCain's seven house-owning, $5 million middle class living world!

3DHS / Palin Backs Off Bridge to Nowhere LIE
« on: September 12, 2008, 09:45:37 PM »
Palin Backs Off Bridge To Nowhere Lie, Admits She Supported ‘Infrastructure Being Built In The State’

During her interview with ABC’s Charlie Gibson tonight, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) seemed to admit that she has repeatedly lied to the American public. Palin has repeatedly claimed that she had said, “Thanks, but no thanks” to Congress for money to build the infamous Bridge to Nowhere.

Tonight, Palin did not object as Gibson explained that “it’s now pretty clearly documented that you supported that bridge before you opposed it.” She defended the earmarking process saying, “It’s not inappropriate for a mayor or for a governor to…plug into the federal budget”:

    GIBSON: But it’s now pretty clearly documented. You supported that bridge before you opposed it. You were wearing a t-shirt in the 2006 campaign, showed your support for the bridge to nowhere.

    But you turned against it after Congress had basically pulled the plug on it. […]

    PALIN: I was for infrastructure being built in the state. And it’s not inappropriate for a mayor or for a governor to request and to work with their Congress — their congressmen, their congresswomen, to plug into the federal budget along with every other state a share of the federal budget for infrastructure.

    What I supported was the link between a community and its airport. And we have found that link now.

As ThinkProgress has documented, Palin was a strong backer of the project and expressed her desire to renew federal funding for the project on several occasions.

According a ThinkProgress count, Palin and the McCain campaign have repeated the Bridge to Nowhere lie 31 times since August 31, when McCain first announced his pick. Palin repeated the lie herself 8 times to both national audiences and at smaller campaign stops.

Will Palin apologize for having misled the public?

3DHS / John McCain: Still Lying. Again.
« on: September 12, 2008, 09:27:18 PM »
And there isn't any way this is an "honest mistake", because the figures for Alaska earmarks have been floating around as a major campaign issue, the last week. He's just a liar:

    MCCAIN: Well, first of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half a billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.
    WALTERS: She also took some earmarks there.

    BEHAR: A lot.

    MCCAIN: No, not as governor she didn’t, she vetoed...

    WALTERS: As Mayor.

    MCCAIN: Well, look, the fact is that she was a reform governor.

Um, no. Not even close. Alaska under Palin still sought more earmark dollars per-capita than any other state. Alaska requested $750 million dollars in earmarks during the time she was governor. Denying that she took earmarks is about as credible as McCain announcing he won the Tour de France (maybe he's saving that one for next week.) And yes, Walters was correct to note that as Mayor of Wasilla, Palin was also an avid earmark seeker.

Not even Bush was this flagrant, in his campaigns. The Bush campaigns would waffle, parse, omit, and yes, lie, but there was nothing like this -- a weeklong campaign in which absurd, transparently false, multiply-debunked lies are horked up again and again, with absolutely no compunction or remorse.

I'd say its a pathology, but it's rather clearly just an intentional campaign strategy of the worst and most cynical sort. John McCain doesn't care if he lies through his teeth -- he knows that many in the audience of "The View" won't know the truth, and is hoping the lie will connect with those people. The rest of us -- and the media, which is finally and increasingly, I must admit, calling him out on this stuff -- can go suck eggs.

What would it be like to have this guy as president -- someone who lies this easily, and about everything, and about plain facts that aren't just easily looked up but that have been in the news frequently, such that there's just no way to credibly believe the campaign isn't fully aware of the truth? What exactly does McCain stand for, as a conservative, or as a "maverick", or whatever else he wants to call himself, if everything he says he stands for is a campaign fabrication?

I have to believe that not even our media -- and not even, dare I say, "real" conservatives -- can put up with a candidate who comes up with outlandish, baldfaced lies during nearly every campaign appearance. Who will be the first conservative to call McCain out as being a cheap and crooked candidate?

Cantor Defends McCain’s Lie By Lying: Palin ‘Rejected The Monies’ For The Bridge To Nowhere

On MSNBC today, Norah O’Donnell asked Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) if Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was misspeaking or distorting the facts when he falsely claimed on “The View” today that Sarah Palin never asked for an earmark as the governor of Alaska. “The proof is in the pudding,” replied Cantor. “And the fact is Sarah Palin, when she was governor of Alaska, rejected the monies that came from Washington to construct the Bridge to Nowhere.”

Cantor also claimed that “Palin rejected the earmarking that went on here in Washington,” but, as ThinkProgress noted earlier today, in her two years as governor, Palin “requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation.”


    O’DONNELL: Let me ask you about, John McCain was on “The View” today with the ladies of “The View” in New York, also along with his wife, Cindy McCain. McCain said in that interview that Sarah Palin, his running mate, the governor of Alaska, has never asked for lawmakers pet projects as governor. But in fact as governor she requested $200 million in earmarks. Did he misspeak or did he distort?

    CANTOR: No, you know, I think the proof, the proof is in the pudding, and the fact is that Sarah Palin, when she was governor of Alaska, rejected the monies that came from Washington to construct the Bridge to Nowhere. She has said repeatedly that Alaska did not need that money, they did not that bridge, and if they ever need that bridge, they will build it themselves.

    O’DONNELL: Congressman, are you saying that she sent the money back to Washington? Is that what you’re saying?

    CANTOR: No, I think Sarah Palin has said that she does not think it appropriate for federal tax payer dollars to be used to construct a Bridge to Nowhere.

    O’DONNELL: I just want to be clear on that because she did initially support the Bridge to Nowhere then she said the bridge was not a good idea. But she did not send the money back to Washington, so I just want to be clear on that.

    CANTOR: Well, again, transportation dollars flow to the states and are then allocated according to state formulas, state priorities. I believe and do not know, though, that the Bridge to Nowhere was not a priority for the Alaskan people and therefore I don’t know how Alaska then distributes it’s money. But I think it’s very clear that Governor Palin rejected the earmarking that went on here in Washington, which really did not reflect the will of the Alaskan people.

On ‘The View,’ McCain Falsely Claims Palin Never Requested Earmarks As Governor Of Alaska»

Appearing on “The View” today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) falsely claimed that Sarah Palin never requested earmarks as the governor of Alaska. “Not as governor she didn’t,” McCain told Barbara Walters after she noted Palin “took some earmarks”:

    WALTERS: What is she going to reform specifically, senator?

    MCCAIN: Well, first of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half a billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.

    WALTERS: She also took some earmarks there.

    BEHAR: A lot.

    MCCAIN: No, not as governor she didn’t, she vetoed…

    WALTERS: As Mayor.

    MCCAIN: Well, look, the fact is that she was a reform governor.

McCain’s claim that Palin never accepted earmarks as the governor of Alaska is divorced from reality. In fact, she actively sought them:

    – Though Palin did reduce Alaska’s earmark requests, “in her two years in office, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation.”

    – In March 2008, Palin wrote an op-ed in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, saying that her “role at the federal level is simply to submit the most well-conceived earmark requests we can” and that her reduction of requests was a response “to the changing circumstances in Congress.”

    – In February 2008, Palin’s office sent Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) “a 70-page memo outlining almost $200 million worth of new funding requests for the state.”

    – In her most recent earmark requests, “Palin requested millions of federal dollars for everything from improving recreational halibut fishing to studying the mating habits of crabs and the DNA of harbor seals.”

As ThinkProgress has noted, Palin has requested earmarks of the very type that McCain routinely mocks while on the campaign trail. As Walters pointed out, Palin was also a big fan of congressional pork as the Mayor of Wasilla, even hiring a lobbyist to help secure them.

3DHS / Polling
« on: September 04, 2008, 08:48:53 PM »

3DHS / Joe Lieberman Not Sold on Sarah Palin
« on: September 03, 2008, 08:04:11 PM »
    Mitchell: Do you feel Sarah Palin is qualified to be commander-in-chief if, God forbid, something should happen to John McCain?

    Lieberman: Well, you know….let’s assume the best.  John’s in great shape, he’s gonna be the president and let’s assume that nothing bad will happen. Why should we? But if it does…yes, she’ll be ready.

3DHS / Seriously???? Seriously???? RNC Co-Chair Gets Palin's Name Wrong
« on: September 03, 2008, 07:46:36 PM »

RNC Co-Chair: We are proud to be nominating Sarah Pawlenty

“We are holding a convention that will nominate a Republican woman governor, Sarah Pawlenty, as our next Vice-President.”

3DHS / David Frum Not Sold on Palin
« on: September 03, 2008, 07:42:01 PM »
As David Frum, a former speechwriter for President Bush, put it during a discussion here about the campaign: “When someone takes the rent money and puts it on black at the roulette table, and it comes up black, we don’t say “Wow! What a terrific piece of judgment.”

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