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Messages - R.R.

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3DHS / Cain's speech
« on: November 08, 2011, 06:59:30 PM »
Flat out awesome presentation. He answered every question like a man and addressed this directly. Also, he looked presidential up there, despite the content.

This was a better speech than anything I have seen Obama give, and he went totally without notes but for a brief moment.

3DHS / Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« on: November 08, 2011, 06:51:03 PM »
BTW, for those of you who don't know, I'm an amputee from wounds I recieved in Vietnam. What this is all about is that Kramer has been hurling cheap shots about that fact at me for years.

If you don't want people to comment, then don't post personal information about yourself on the internet. How stupid is it to tell strangers personal information about yourself?

People can say whatever they want to about themself on the internet, and it doesn't make it true either. I could say that I am Hulk Hogan, but it doesn't make it true.

I find the use of the N word to be much more offensive than poking fun at somebody's alledged medical malady that cannot be confirmed.

I'm not even sure why you are still posting here. The N word just isn't acceptable to say, anywhere.

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« on: November 06, 2011, 12:05:02 PM »
What facts do you use to back up your opinions?

LMFAO, quite well? With what?

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 06, 2011, 12:03:36 PM »
Cain is teflon. His numbers improved after this smear campaign by the media.

You offer no proof of sexual harassment. Your opinion is not based on fact, but on an alternate reality that you wished was true, but is not. I asked you what he said and to who, and you couldn't answer. You are talking out of your ass. Telling a woman that she is the same height as his wife is not sexual harassment. And it never will be, even in your demented, little mind.

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:49:43 AM »
You are dead meat. You made a wild accucation that you have no proof of.

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:48:47 AM »
Look it up. Do your homework.

You made an accusation and you have to back it up. If not, it's not true.

What accomplishments has Obama had?

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:40:48 AM »
Newt philandered on wife No.1 and Wife no 2. You can look up the dates.


Whatever Cain did

You said he committed sexual harrassment. What exactly did he say?

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:35:47 AM »
It is worse than we have been told,

Oh, really? Tell us, what did Cain say that was so bad?

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:32:56 AM »
Who did Newt philander on and when?

What did Cain say that was sexual harassment and to whom?

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:30:26 AM »
We don't even know allegedly what Cain did or allegedly to who. This story is not only over, but it shouldn't even have been reported in the first place.

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:25:16 AM »
Cain/Gingrich in 2012?

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich were on stage together in what was billed as a classic Lincoln-Douglas style debate. As I sat and watched the entire event, I came away with one vivid impression: Did I just finish watching the Republican presidential ticket in 2012? Cain/Gingrich? Don?t laugh. It could happen. Romney has a ceiling of support and Rick Perry seems stuck in neutral.

Herman Cain?s poll numbers continue to impress and like Ronald Reagan, he seems to have a Teflon quality to him. [Yep, this is true. -R.R.] Gingrich is steadily rising in the polls due to the fact that voters are starting to realize that this guy is REALLY smart and is an idea factory. Could this be a ticket that provides both style and substance?

First of all, let?s start with this: They both respect each other and genuinely have a heartfelt friendship. Plus, for those voters concerned with Cain?s policy chops bringing on Gingrich could placate some wary voters. When I watched them on stage together Saturday night you could tell that Cain would LOVE to have Gingrich as his VP candidate. He even gave a big hint when he asked Gingrich the following question:

Herman Cain to Newt Gingrich: ?If you were Vice President of the United States, what would you want the President to assign you to do first? (Gingrich then began to laugh heartily)

Both of these men have triggered something inside the hearts of voters. They both strike a chord when they go after the liberal media but it?s much more than that. Voters seem attracted to Newt for various reasons including his bluntness and a capacity to offer big ideas to solve big problems. Every event I go to people seem to gravitate to him because he is coming across as a serious candidate for a serious time in America. As for Herman Cain, people simply like him and his no-nonsense approach. The more they hear him the more they are starting to realize that while he doesn?t have the policy wonkish knowledge of Gingrich they do seem to believe he has good judgment and the ability to surround himself with the smartest people around.

Maybe Cain and Gingrich should take their Lincoln-Douglas style debates on the road. Make it a bi-weekly road show. Should they look into printing 2012 General Election signage too?

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 05, 2011, 11:58:37 PM »
We have many good candidates. I am fine with any of them as well.

You supported Kucinich, then Hillary, then Obama. Are you a hypocrite?

3DHS / Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« on: November 05, 2011, 10:44:05 PM »
This was a very refreshing discussion. I could see Newt now take the second spot in polling and Romney drop to third. A Cain/Newt ticket sits very well with me. And so does a Romney/Christie ticket. I guess it depends how much change people are looking for.

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