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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: Am I wrong to defend trump?
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:30:51 PM »
Because he wasn't supposed to win.  He is so villified now, that those villifying him as the 2nd coming of not just Hitler, but Satan as well, keep forgetting they're literally calling half of the contry evil nazis as well

3DHS / Re: Before the left and media start piling on.....
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:28:31 PM »
That appears to be a bit of a distortion.  Trump was telling people to vote for was Ryan.....both stated this was the only bill to vote on.  Bannon likely said the same thing, unless you can provide more context of the "order"

And I read earlier, reinforcing what I've already alluded to, even moderate Democrats have been given their compromising with Trump.....especially on Obamacare   

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 28, 2017, 04:25:59 PM »
I think the "need" here is how many Democrats need to secure subsequent Presidential election....which is why you'll never get any kind of ceiling as to the number that should be allowed in

3DHS / Re: Obama in his own words about "illegal immigrants"
« on: March 25, 2017, 01:38:14 PM »
That was obviously before he received his doctorate in political correctness.  Now, per the latest PC definitions, such a term is obviously racist to make

3DHS / Re: Before the left and media start piling on.....
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:02:29 PM »
The gamble Trump is making now, is that Obamacare will implode under its own weight, and he's betting that the Democrats will then come crawling to him to help fix the program they solely put into place.  That assumes that the DC Democrats actually care about the people of this country.  I'm sure some do, but they'd be crucified by the likes of Pelosi & Schumer, if they demonstrated ANY attempt to compromise with Trump, especially on Obamacare

So, the GOP can ONLY expect help in actually passing legislation from themselves.  Get something passed in the House, then let the Democrats hang themselves in trying to obstruct it, in the Senate.  In this case the GOP let both the Dems off the hook, and gave their own constituencies yet another reason not to want to support them, come next election cycle

3DHS / Before the left and media start piling on.....
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:39:14 PM »
.... Yes, this is the 1st big defeat of Trump's administration (that of the ACHA being pulled from being voted on)  It didn't have the GOP votes to pass in the House (we won't even discuss the Senate here). 

This is by no means Trump's fault, or even lack of his leadership, although he'll get shelled by the media and Democrats as a failure of his doing.  No, this sits squarely on the GOP, and I mean the ENTIRE DC GOP.  For years and years and years, they ran on repeal, and touted multiple plans to replace.  "If only they had a Republican President and control of both houses", they proclaimed........WHALAAA!!, they now have it.  And instead of putting together a simplified format, they ran on what largely amounted to in the "fixing" that Dems needed when they saw the ACA imploding.  Now granted, they removed the mandates, which was paramount, but still had too many Government fingers in the pot.

I realize the have to fashion a replacement bill that somehow appeases the conservative folk that ran on full repeal in the House, but at the same time, placate the moderate Republicans you'll need to theoretically have it pass the Senate.  They should have at the very least gotten a bill thru the House, but I do applaud the GOP in one sense.....that unlike the Dems who took Pelosi's bait, hook, line & sinker, to pass that abomination of a healthcare bill, most of them without even having read it, at least the GOP is looking at the bill in great detail and consideration.  But in the end, there should have been no excuse, NOT to come up with a replacement bill that would have passed the Republican controlled, House of Representatives

3DHS / Fear Mongering 101.....the left's calling card
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:55:10 PM »
When you listen to leftist pundits & politicians like NY Mayor DeBlasio or CA congresscritter De Leon, you'd think they were preparing their constituencies for some SWAT-like round-up of anyone, including infant children, here illegally.  Criticizing acts not just not happeneing, but at no time ever advocated as pending policy.

Thus their efforts to adopt actual legal sanctuary city or even sanctuary state "protect" those poor defenseless children, just trying to leave school to get home to their mothers

Where the hell is the media to pounce on these politicans on where they're coming up with such fear pushing rhetoric??

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:55:46 AM »
The "freeloader" charge is so low on the totem poll of why folks like myself are so adamant about enforcing our immigration laws.  MOST folks that come here illegally, work damn hard....and its that reason that keeps wages down so low, because they are exploited for that purpose. 

Border enforcement 1st.....and let's refer to it as "comprehensive" border enforcement
- a wall
- e-verify implimentation
- deportation of violent criminal illegal immigrants
- staunch prosecution of businesses that actively hire illegal immigrants

THEN, we can start overhauling the actual immigration process

3DHS / Re: The CBO "issue"....
« on: March 19, 2017, 11:42:14 PM »
Actually the tax payers aren't so much stuck with paying as much as the Hospital ER's are simply screwed out of getting reimbursed for their services, since they are under legal requirement to care for anyone that comes into their ER

3DHS / The CBO "issue"....
« on: March 19, 2017, 05:10:39 PM »
Of course the Democrats are pouncing on the CBO report, proclaiming how so may are going to "lose" their coverage under the pending GOP legislation of replacement.  Just a few points of contention

a) despite initial claims, by no other than Pelosi no less, it would seem that "success" of Obamacare is simply how many people are insured, not the quality of that care or the skyrocketing premiums

b) the CBO report doesn't (actually can't until its actually in place) acknowledge the massive cost savings that would occur when individuals can actually purchase their healthcare insurance across state lines

c) and lastly, and for me, most importantly, the reason for such a proclamation that people will "lose" their coverage, is that the mandate that they MUST LEGALLY have insurance, or be deemed out of compliance, and literally be penalized under Obamacare, is in people that have "lost" their coverage, never actually lost it, they're simply no longer added by the CBO as going to have been mandated to have it.

I'm still no fan of the plan, as the Government still has too many fingers in the broth, but at the very least, the freedom to choose and access what people want, and don't want, will be back in play again

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 18, 2017, 05:36:29 PM »
The issue again for me Kimba is legal/Constitutional.  People who want to come here have no constitutional protections.  Explointed or not, people who come here illegally, should have ZERO support in American tax dollars.  And those here who hire illegal immigrants, thus pushing the demand, absolutely should have the heavy hand of Federal justice come down on them, and then watch how fast that demand nosedives. 

But until we have some rational control of our own fricken border, none of what we want as far as legal immigrants matter

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 16, 2017, 01:47:23 PM »
That could be a rationalizion for not doing it, but its not founded in anything legal or constitutional, which is the point.  Who knows how many Americans might have died, if Nazis were able to infiltrate under the guise of "refugees".  That's the point....We were at war then, we are at war now. 

The Constitution gives the President precisely this power.  It's ok for people to not like Trump or the policies he advocates.  But he's well within his legal right to impose such a temporary ban, regardless of how others might find it offensive, or mean, or "discriminatory".  People wanting to come here do NOT have religious freedom protections.  We, as a sovereign nation, get to decide.  And the President, right or wrong, decided that people from some regions of the world should have a stop sign applied....just like when Carter imposed his temporary ban, and not a whiff of condemnation

3DHS / "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 16, 2017, 03:55:44 AM »
Now...about this latest Hawaiian Judge to squelch Trump's latest EO regarding a TEMPORARY travel ban from just a FEW countries, that are predominantly Muslim.....This ruling is wrong, on so many levels.  The jist of the ruling is that the Judge proclaims that although there's no actual language that specifcally bans anyone based on their religion, the apparent jist of the EO does indeed apparently ban folks from entering this country, based on their religion. 

Let's put away the Trump hatred mindset for a few moments and deal with present Constitutional guidelines and legal precedent. 

1) Let's pretend that the Judge is exactly correct....that he was able to read the mind of Trump, and ascertain the REAL reason for the EO, that of banning Muslims from entering this country, simply because they're Muslim.  Guess what.....the Constitution gives him precisely that authority.  Constitutional protections, which includes religious protections, ONLY APPLIES TO AMERICANS, AS IN LEGAL CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY.  It does NOT apply to ANYONE NOT of this country, which includes ANY person, or ANY religion.  That's egregious error #1

2) The Judge even concedes that there is no language that specifically bans anyone from this country, based on their religion.  However the Judge apparently knows how nefarious Trump is, and has decided to read into the EO, something that simply isn't there.  A gross overstepping of Judicial authority.  That's egregious error #2

3) If this was a supposed ban on all Muslims, it would have included ALL Muslim countries, and not just those that just happen to also be designated terrorist havens/training grounds, by the PREVIOUS Administration  Egregious error #3

4) Lastly, we have in previous presidents have performed precisely that, which Trump is trying to do...impose a TEMPORARY BAN on specific locations, as in countries, NOT religions.  Jimmy Carter imposed a ban on Iranian immigrants.  Where was the outrage??  The beloved FDR, one of the Left's icons, imposed a ban on even Jewish refugees, for fear of Nazi spies hiding among them.  Fricken error #4

3DHS / Re: That pesky 'Double Standard' thing
« on: March 13, 2017, 06:10:35 PM »
Yeah, how long after Oblather's election did we keep hearing Trump and the birthers keep claiming he wasn't an American citizen?

Don't know, since I was neither one of them, nor found it compelling.  Just hearsay, and then it was dropped.  Yet the media kept playing it up as if it was still some big Trump issue.  Thank you again for demonstrating yet another blatant media double standard and their treatment of Trump in particular

3DHS / Re: That pesky 'Double Standard' thing
« on: March 11, 2017, 07:53:48 PM »
There's always wishful thinking for you to fall back on, I suppose.  Still doesn't address the gross double standard, in play

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