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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: That pesky 'Double Standard' thing
« on: March 11, 2017, 01:39:39 PM »
..... and now, even the Dems on the Senate Intelligence committee are conceding there's just nothing there regarding collusion.  Where the frell is the media in countering the ongoing accusations and inferrences that there was (and still is) by the left and liberal democrat pundits??

3DHS / Re: That pesky 'Double Standard' thing
« on: March 11, 2017, 03:12:23 AM »
Speaking of double standard, we've now had a confirmed TWO FISA subpoenas that looked into the Russian connections to the Trump campaign, initiated just prior to the Nov elections, one of those specifically targeting the server used, and to this day, in NOTHING.  So, who is the media still allowing the Dems to run these baseless allegations??

3DHS / Re: The reason for the Trump-Putin bromance breakup?
« on: March 10, 2017, 02:18:36 PM »
I agree whole heartedly, Kimba.  It took a couple of years for Reagan's tax cuts to take effect.  Same with Bush II.   And when Obama's economic numbers flatlined after 2+years, it was simply "the new normal".  GDP under Obama was anemic, and we had the highest number of folks simply stop looking for echoes the WH talking points, simply "the new normal", when we all know that with similar numbers, a GOP President would have been crucified, much like what Clinton did to Bush I  (Remember the campaign slogan?, "It's the Economy, stupid")  And Bush's 1's economy was only mildly bad compared to Obama's

We can't connect too much of this spike in numbers, to Trump, although you can't dismiss both the enthusiasm that both the stock market, and people simply looking for work are having, as both have spiked after Trump's election.  But I agree, the economic numbers need more time for crunching, to see just how effective the policies implimented are, not just the rhetoric

3DHS / Professor Ryan
« on: March 09, 2017, 02:29:05 PM »
Class is in

Hate it, or hate it more, at least the GOP is up front in trying to explain the legislation, vs Peolosi's tactic of ramming it down our throats to "see what's in it"

3DHS / Re: The More Trump Wins, the Angrier They Get!
« on: March 09, 2017, 02:25:57 PM »
I've been up to speed on this epic bastion of tolerance by the left, as soon as these "safe spaces" started popping up across the academic landscape.  But good video, none the less

3DHS / Re: The More Trump Wins, the Angrier They Get!
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:54:11 PM »
Apparently it's one of the few things Clinton was being truthful about.....lecturing us that if folks didn't accept the results of the election, our very democracy could be at risk

3DHS / Re: The reason for the Trump-Putin bromance breakup?
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:06:13 PM »
I've seen Arnold's acting.... Let's say the only one in love with Arnold

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: March 08, 2017, 02:07:16 PM »
Discussion is far more difficult when 1 side, hightails it with the 1st sign of disagreement.  But at least you're making an effort here, so that's a good start

We all generally subscribe to the same news feeds, H.  What I referred to here as "informative" is precisely what you referenced, different thought processing under the same situation/scenario.  How it might influence my thought processing.  We all love the idea of new blood....doesn't help when you erroneously proclaim to any would be prospects that  that this is some good ol boys club, when we all can disagree

No, Sessions didn't lie....he simply wasn't as clear as he could have been.  As I said, a molehill of a molehill.  A lie to me is an overt attempt to deceive.  So, Sessions either is the dumbest AG since......Lynch, with how easily it was shown that not just he, but nearly every other congress critter has met with the Russian Ambassador, or he simply wasn't clear in that he never met with the Russians to discuss the campaign.  If you want to call it a lie, fine, that's your perrogative.  I'm not on any type of witch hunt to try and shoot down every one of Trump's cabinet picks, with some verbal technicality.

And your points on not requiring some official order on a wire tap, is absolutely valid....I've heard numerous folks connected with the NSA or FBI echoing the same thing.  So, Obama can "truthfully" say he gave no such order....doesn't mean it wasn't done.  But at the same times, doesn't justify some ridiculous accusatory tweet, minus any evidence to the accusation

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: March 08, 2017, 03:23:42 AM »
The wiretapping tweet was a ridiculous tactic

We can agree to disagree.

Cu4, with all due's an allegation....of a former President, with not a shred of any evidence to support it.  We're appropriately giving substantial grief to the Dems for trying to allege some intimate collusion between Trump & the Russians, with the elections, without a shred of proof.  Why would we not hold ourselves to the same standard?? 

Now, I wouldn't put it past the Democrats and Obama to have pulled such a felonious stunt, but tweeting the accusation was childish.  He won the election, its done with it.  Why bring this up? a tweet no less??  Send a memo of concern to the FBI, and if they find something, THEN tweet it,... with fanfare even.

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: March 07, 2017, 05:36:35 PM »
Flynn may have been a "victim", but unlike Sessions, who had a perfectly legal postition, as a senator, to dialog with any Ambassador, including the Russian Ambassador, Flynn was still a private citizen when he was speaking to the Russian Government.  Doesn't matter he was going to be part of a Trump Administration.  He wasn't being up front, and kind of hung Pense out to dry, when he defended Flynn's original position, that he had absolutely no contact.

In whatever effort he felt obligated to faciltate possible actions to lessen the tension between the U.S. & Russia, he messed up, and appropriately tendered his resignation.

The Sessions' molehill is nothing but a molehill, and showcasing Democrats acting utterly desperate. 

The wiretapping tweet was a ridiculous tactic, and diminishes that great joint congress speech he gave last week.

3DHS / Re: Whats the deal with the jews
« on: March 07, 2017, 02:38:51 PM »
...not to mention, from the reporting I've read, Asians are actually penalized much harder, as in their race actually hurts their chances of getting accepted via AA.  Not helped

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: March 07, 2017, 01:48:30 PM »
..... So what else would you like to talk about Flynn?

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: March 07, 2017, 01:40:00 PM »
...I like you guys and I know I can learn things from you , but I can't learn what the opposite sort of thinking is like here anymore....

Why do you think that is?

I come in with a post about Flynn. Sure, I was happy he left. But instead of getting an actual discussion about Flynn, I get a bunch of links to old stories meant to show, hey, it happened to so-and-so during Obama's watch, blah blah blah - but nothing about Flynn himself. .....That's why I haven't been back to discuss the Russian ties, Sessions, or the latest full retard tweet fest about being wiretapped - why bother?

Because its informative.  That's why bother.  Trump's tweeting on this wiretapping is ridiculous.  If he suspects something, just send a memo to the FBI.  There probably is something there, but simply throwing out an accusation where there's no evidence is much like..... claiming the Russians were in cahoots with the Trump administration during the the elections.   But somehow you think that not sticking to Flynn is tantamount to not wanting to discuss the issues??  oy vey.  That's weak, H.

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:25:47 AM »
I'm assuming the basics of math & reality.  When a city (or state) embraces anyone that wants to come in illegally, and will even protect them from Federal prosecution for their crime of entering illegally, with many of these illegal immigrants having precious little to support themselves, much less a family, that's a Democrat politician's dream...more potential votes to push for more Government assistance, at a greater cost to tax payers.  A win win for the politician, and a lose lose for the middle class

3DHS / Re: Dumping Trump
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:20:45 AM »
not really sudden it`s been building up for quite awhile. it`s just on this president it finally gone crazy blatant. The left claims they`re not doing anything different than how republicans treated obama and any difference is because republicans knew obama was easily better than trump. i`m paraphrasing a video on this issue.

the toxic merchandise is for brick and morter businesses . amazon seems a more viable venue for her product. nobody can harass you online for what you buy.

  Is there a discernible difference in style between TEA party rallies and Occupy events?

Night & Day in their tactics & tolerance

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