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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

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3DHS / Re: Wells Fargo complaints of Hillary Fraud.
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:21:07 PM »
I am c thinking that the solicitors for Hillary, like those that pester me all the time from other charities, get a cut of any donation they bring it. They are working on commission.

Yesterday some woman called and told me that I was really hard to get hold of, as hard as her children, tee hee, just like she actually knew me and she wanted to converse with me.

 Then she started to tell me she was a paid solicitor for some damned fund drive. I had heard this same approach before, so I just hing up without saying anything. I do contribute, but not to telephone solicitors. Junk mail I can pitch put without reading it. Phone calls take up my time and interrupt my life. And I do not care when they tell me that they have a fund drive.

Perhaps some day I will tell them, "no thanks, I am celebrating my un-birthday".

3DHS / Trump stiffs wedding caterers.
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:13:55 PM »

By Christine Lavin:

Today I did something I never did before — I ‘defriended’ someone who chastised me in a letter about how offended she was by “Trumped Up Cards,” and how she wanted me to know she was voting for Trump. This was not a fb friend, but someone who subscribes to my website newsletter ( So I told her a true story I’ve known about Trump since 1994.

An actor friend of mine worked for a caterer in 1993. It was a new caterer, and this caterer was thrilled to land the kind of job that can really boost a career — catering Donald Trump and Marla Maples wedding. At the time she wondered why he didn’t hire other caterers he’d used in the past, but just thanked her lucky stars he hired her.

Everything went beautifully — the food was a hit, the waiters/waitresses all were totally professional. Everything was first rate.

Donald Trump refused to pay the bill. He told the caterer, “I know you are new at this, and when you tell people you catered MY wedding, you will get more business than you could ever dream of. So I am doing you a favor. And when I do favors, I don’t pay. End of discussion.”

She couldn’t believe it — she sent numerous bills — ignored. She threatened to sue — he said “Go ahead. I don’t lose in court.” She explored suing, but came away knowing it would cost her high legal bills, and wouldn’t be worth it. After more than six months of his stonewalling she ended up paying her staff out of her own pocket, though couldn’t pay them fully or she’d be out of business. So Trump stiffed not only her, but her staff, her chefs, her busboys.

This is not a story I recently heard — it’s one I heard 22 years ago. We know many stories like this now. The woman who wrote to me today said, “I know you have a big heart and won’t hold it against me, but I wanted you to know I’m 100% for Trump.”

I wrote back, “I may have a big heart, but it’s not that big. Goodbye.”

Should she write back to chastise me more, her email will go straight to the trash where it belongs.

Trump seems to think that he is some sort of royalty. Like Her Royal Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth.
Lots of British companies attach  a label to their products stating, "Official purveyor of fine (whatever) to HRH Queen Elizabeth II" .
I have no idea whether her Royal Majesty pays for the stuff she buys. I suspect that she does.

But apparently Trump thought that he should get his wedding catered for free because other lesser customers would flock to a caterer who catered to him and his second wife (or was it the first?)

3DHS / Re: WHAAT???! The Wall Street Journal endorses ....
« on: October 02, 2016, 05:08:45 PM »
"No support"?...Laughable!....By all accounts this is a close race.

It is to laugh! HA!
Chances of winning: Clinton 71.2%.  Trump 26.5%

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: October 02, 2016, 05:01:40 PM »
Is Bernie now a registered Democrat? I do not think so.
The GOP make Trump jump through several hoops, the Democrats allowed Bernie to run with no jumping.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:58:51 PM »
Practically anything that is an effective drug will have the government discourage it.

I question that.

The FDA requires tests to protect the public from lethal drugs like Viox and mutant-causing drugs like Thalidomide.

I recall that the Salk vaccine for polio was put into use as soon as it passed the tests.

You just hate government.

3DHS / Re: Sex change operation?
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:55:18 PM »
Clinton did not denounce women in public as 'fat slobs' and 'cows'. He never mentioned 'blood coming out of their...wherever.' Trump is a lout who considers women to be ornaments for guys like him.

3DHS / Re: What should Gary Johnson have said?
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:52:45 PM »
Google find do in two minutes what a researcher in a library might take two hours to find.

It would probably do little good to mention Estonian or Mongolian politics to thew American public. Most could not fine either on a map.

There were times in which I had no students in my class that could name the capital city of Canada or even Mexico.


3DHS / Re: Sex change operation?
« on: October 02, 2016, 11:13:54 AM »
 I consider hatred of women counterproductive.

I am even against harassment of women.

You are atypical of rightwingers. Most of them tend to be total nutballs (guess who we know that fits that description).

Trump enjoys harassing women. I thoroughly expect it to result in his pending downfall. That and his two beliefs that he should pay NO taxes and that ALL taxes he might have paid would have been would have been squandered.

Anyone visiting DC will surely note that it has been seriously improved since Washington's time, when it was more of a swamp than it is today.

One can argue that perhaps there was some graft involved in building all the museums and monuments, but one cannot argue that they are beautiful and that they exist thanks to taxes.

3DHS / Re: What should Gary Johnson have said?
« on: October 02, 2016, 11:00:08 AM »
I suspect not even deceased.

Libertarianism is NOT any sort of popular political preference anywhere.
But if Johnson had just googled a bit, he could have found a couple of Estonians and a Mongolian who he could have mentioned, and he would not have appeared to be such a total dolt.

There is this fellow:

and this one:
who has been married thrice and wears bowties, because his father always did.

and perhaps this one:
who is shacked up with a pop singer. Singing is really big in Estonia.

Estonians who describe themselves as believers in a god are 16% of the population.

Estonia has a balanced budget.

The hard part for Johnson would be pronouncing Tsakhoagiin Elbegdorj, Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Taavi Roivas. Thdere is an umlaut (two dots) over the o in Roivas.

There are many who confuse Mongolia with Manchuria, so perhaps he was worried about "Mongolian Candidate" getting confused with "Manchurian candidate".

Perhaps Johnson might try wearing a bowtie. But again, Elijah Mohammad and Malcolm X were fond of those.

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: October 02, 2016, 10:41:56 AM »
No, it is not.

Trump was a registered Republican when he submitted his name for the nomination.
True, the party hacks did not like him, but they could not refuse him, because he was a registered Republican.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: October 02, 2016, 10:39:41 AM »
It seems to be available now.

As for Oxycontin abuse, there is no way to explain why there is so much abuse of these expensive and addictive pills in the US compared to other countries than the actions of the drug companies who make bazillions of them.

Big Pharma is the nation's biggest pusher.
They know the problems, and they are not forced to sell or even make this stuff.

3DHS / Watch The Donald try acting in a softcore porn tape.
« on: October 02, 2016, 10:31:17 AM »
Hugh Hefner was Trump's God for a while.
Buzzfeed is of course, buzzfeed, but just watch this for yourselves.

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: October 01, 2016, 08:34:30 PM »

    And Hillary Clinton, without saying so , makes it as tough as possible for the will of the people to choose anyone else to fix it.

It is hardly Hillary's fault that this country has a two party system. Estonia has 1.6 million people and has six parties and none of them has ever had a majority. Nor can Hillary be blamed for campaigning well enough to get the nomination, Even without the superdelegates, she would have won.  I preferred Bernie and voted for Bernie. Since Bernie was not even a member of the Democratic Party, they did not have to allow him to run in the primary. In the entire history of the GOP, only Eisenhower was not a member of the GOP when they convinced him to run.

Ike was chosen, by the way,only because the progressives in the Party, guys like Stassen, Rockefeller, Earl Warren,and other Liberal Republicans (the faction that would be called RINOS today) knew that otherwise, their candidate would have been Bob Taft, a rather sullen guy who  was an unappealing speaker, would have been the nominee, and Stevenson would have beaten him easily.

Ike was a war hero, and so they made an exception for him. The rightwingers called Ike a Communist.

No way would today's GOP have allowed someone who was not a member of the party to run.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: October 01, 2016, 08:22:39 PM »
There is a reason why American doctors are prescribing these addictive drugs while doctors in other countries are not. I suggest  that it is NOT a wise decision and that the logical place to seek an answer is to look at the behavior of those who benefit most, namely, the Pharma industry.

When I was 17, I delivered prescriptions for a local drugstore that was owned by a neighbor.
For about a year and a half, I delivered a Morphine prescription to a elderly thin and cheerful man who lived alone in a large house.  The pharmacist, who knew the man's doctor, told me that the guy had terminal cancer and not long to live. And of course, then he died. That is the sort of patient that should get opiates, I would say. By the way, the prescription cost  65¢ for a month's supply.

3DHS / What should Gary Johnson have said?
« on: October 01, 2016, 08:15:01 PM »
Gary Johnson, the Libertarian, was asked if he could name  a political leader of some other country whose views he admired as a Libertarian.

Then he was ridiculed for not being able to name a single one. I think he should have been prepared to name at least a couple, since he is after all running as a world leader.

Can any of YOU name a world leader for Johnson to admire?

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