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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

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3DHS / Re: i predict holloween will be crazy boring in the future
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:34:41 AM »
Disney is crass and often engages in subtle moneygrubbing. They go out of their way to enhance profits. The drinking fountains at Disney parks are rather well concealed near the restroom doors. This is done to cause the public to pay $2.00 or more for drinks.

But I cannot really fault Disney for portraying a Hawaiian king figure as huge and obese, because Hawaiian nobility were deliberately huge and obese. It is the nature of the art of cartooning to exaggerate the outstanding features of the subjects. Had that portrayed the Hawaiian nobility as Charles Atlas types, that would have also resulted in criticism.

Should anyone venture to the famous Hula Bowl Flea Market in Honolulu, they are sure to note that the Hawaiian and other Polynesian locals are not at all the svelte Duke Kahanamoku  types.
It is, by the way, a great place to shop and chat with the locals. Everyone in Honolulu is quite friendly.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:24:38 AM »
Well, sure, destroying the ecological balance would punish future generations.
But the tale of Adam Eve and the talking snake (who formerly had legs, until Phht! De Lawd removed them from him and all his offspring was not in any way about the ecological balance.

Jehovah said that if Adam ate the forbidden fruit, he would die. Well, Adam, according to the Bible, Adam lived NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS. And we complain about death sentences that stretch out for 20 years. But those of us who came after Adam, well, they croak almost always before they turn 100, and not a one of them was guilty of eating any forbidden fruit.

Somehow after the Forbidden Fruit Tree was no longer needed as a character in this childish fable, it vanished and was heard of never again.

sirs claims that God is nonsensical because he does not have to make sense. What a cop-out!

There is no value to suffering. Pain has a purpose at times, though surely not all the time.
It is useful that we feel pain when we touch a hot griddle, so we don't burn our stupid hands off. But the pains arthritis have no reason to exist other than poor design.

3DHS / Re: "Donald It is good to be with you"
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:12:55 AM »
The country REALLY NEEDED President Obama to show his LONG FORM birth certificate, How patriotic of The Donald to force him to show it.

And what about Trump's investigators?

3DHS / Re: The Wall
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:09:45 AM »
The Chinese Wall did not keep out the Mongols. The Manchu Dynasty was composed of the people the Chinese were trying to keep out.

Israel is puny. And the Israelis built the wall to keep out bombers in suicide vests. Trump's Wall will NEVER be built and who won't build it is even more certain.

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:06:19 AM »
Imagine Trump stiffing even dishwasher because he did not perform their duties. The turkey claims that he somehow has a right to pay less than promised or not pay at all if he doesn't like the work.

And if he pays ZERO in taxes, that shows how smart he is. 
As hard as he may, he cannot spin that into an act of patriotism.

He had better cough up his tax returns.
He gets audited every year because he is what is known as a gonif.

Clinton clearly won thus debate. The Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar went up in value in response. Wall Street knows a gonif when it sees one.

No reports of Michael Bloomberg stiffing his employees, declaring bankruptcy, or being sued by 3000 people. 

3DHS / Re: Debate rules aren't favoring Clinton....bummers
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:06:16 PM »
Bullshit. Total bullshit. Trump is nothing but an egomaniacal bullshit artist.
First the idiotic rightwingers claim that they aren't racists and then do all that is in their power to prevent our first Black president to do his job.
Now they claim they aren't sexist and plan to fuck up the country in the same manner because they are sexists and cannot bear to see the country being led by a woman.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:02:38 PM »
The idea that the entire human race is guilty because some distant ancestor was disobedient is absurd. I bet Donald Trump has LOTS of relatives who were the SS, Hitler Youth, served as guards at Auschwitz. So why don't we blame him for errors of his relatives' ways?

Because of course, condemning someone for the misdeeds of an ancestor is unjust and silly.

Why should it be in any way necessary for Jesus to submit to torture for his mother's human relatives to be forgiven?  If God is omnipotent all he really needed to do was simply say, okay, I forgive you. All of you.

This is all tied up in the absurdity of sacrificing animals and humans to deities. It is strictly emotional and make no fucking logical sense whatever,

The Christian religion is built on ancient tribal foolishness. Of course, we know what the REAL justification is: the priests need to be fed and revered. So we tell all the saps that they are evil sinners and must be redeemed on a regular basis so they will support a bunch of priests.

3DHS / Re: FBI is shamed.
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:17:30 PM »
Asinine, stupid, inaccurate and revolting, sirs.

3DHS / Re: Debate rules aren't favoring Clinton....bummers
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:16:16 PM »
Hillary surely has far more ability to get bills passed than Trump. She has much more experience at dealing with the political class, and of course, she has Bill, who is probably the most effective politician in this country today.

Trump picks fights for no reason at all. Michael Bloomberg knows NY, he knows politics and he knows Trump and he considers him  totally unacceptable. His own ghostwriter rejects him as well.

Emails are minor compared to actively bilking suckers at Trump's bogus university.

3DHS / Re: i predict holloween will be crazy boring in the future
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:10:38 PM »
The brouhaha about Disney portraying a Hawaiian VIP as huge seems to seems to indicate that today's Hawaiians are torn between the ancient culture in which obesity was a positive thing and a sign of wealth, importance and aristocracy, and the mainland culture, which regards is as a mark of poverty and unstylishness.

Take the greatly respected singer called "Iz, who was probably the hugest celebrity of his time.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:04:34 PM »
Why not silly to everyone?
Why should a suffering deity be regarded with greater respect than one that is actually omnipotent?

This is related to the pagan rite of sacrifice, of course. Sacrificing vegetables somehow is unimpressive, but sacrificing things that bleed makes for a much more impressive ritual, and quite often for a better diet for the priests.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:42:53 AM »
Pain teaches us to avoid dangerous results. But I am talking about DELIBERATE suffering, like monks and other religious nuts perform to demonstrate devotion. Like Mother Teresa thought was so great.

Such as enduring a headache rather than taking a pill to make it away.

The whole Jesus deliberately hanging on the cross to erase an incident of an ancestor heeding the advice of a talking snake, for example, is just silly.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: September 25, 2016, 02:04:16 PM »
So, what is the value of suffering?

I don't see any.

These guys do.
Self-torture seems to be a psychological mental problem of the Middle East.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:56:13 AM »
That doesn't make sense.
No one is inspired by atheism to do good works. Atheists who do good works do them because they simply want to benefit their fellow men or the zoo, or whatever cause it is.

The Medical profession, by the way, has all but eliminated leprosy. Scientifically, not miraculously. They easily outdid Jesus in curing leprosy.

Atheism is not a cult and will never be a cult, or a religion. It is simply a statement of a lack of belief.
Just like there is no cult for people who dislike asparagus or like anchovies on their pizzas. There are no rituals, no initiations, no baptisms, no marriages, none of that stuff. There are no atheist priests to support. The closest you get to that are atheist writers like Christoper Hitchins who state their beliefs and then perhaps discuss or debate them in forums. There are a lot of such forums and discussions on youtube.

3DHS / Re: Debate rules aren't favoring Clinton....bummers
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:47:18 AM »
She does not remind me of either of them.
I don't think either of my grandmothers were qualified for elected office, and neither did they.
Hillary is infinitely better qualified that Trump.

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