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Messages - Lanya

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3DHS / Re: GOP Losers Circle Wagons For Child Predator
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:35:58 PM »
"The IM's took place in 2003. The Adam Walsh ACT was passd in 2006 and is not retroactive.

Greenwald is either an idiot or is being deliberately misleading.

Take your pick."

Amianthus: that's the post I was responding to. BT's post.  I tell you again, I have trouble navigating this forum.  I make a point, and if it is not in exactly the right spot...well, that's the way it is.

3DHS / Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:32:35 PM »
I guess I don't understand.  GOP imploding seems a pretty apt description.  What's wrong with that title?  Is there another title used that I've missed?

The "implosion" of what Foley did is not limited to the GOP Lanya.  Anyone with a sense of morals & ethics is "imploding" at what Foley did.  So why the focus on the GOP?  Are you implying that the Dems have no problem with this kind of behavior??

Those IMs are enough to make me throw up and I can handle cleaning up puke, blood, feces, and phlegm without a problem.   The email was creepy.  The page thought so.  Red flags all around.  

I suppose I need to ask the question again, since somehow it was avoided....Please demonstrate how the the GOP is "circling the wagons", defending what Foley did?, defending blatantly unaccetable behavior?  That is the theme of the foaming at the moth accusations currently coming from your side

You have got to be kidding.   Tony Snow said "a few naughty emails."  GOP leader denies he was ever told about it.  Other GOP congressmen say they did tell him.  He forgot.  You all bring up any Dem you can remember, 20+ years ago, doesn't matter. 
Matt Drudge says it was the pages' fault..."They were egging him on, the little beasts."    Reynolds says "the page's parents didnt want us to go further so we didnt'."   Some investigation.
 Other members of Page Board say they were not notified (Kildee and Capito I think).  Some pages were warned about him, some weren't.
There are calls on Hastert to step down from his leadership position.

People all over the country, Dem and Rep, are FURIOUS about this.  Bay Buchanan is one.  Did my heart good to listen to her and agree with her, for once.  But I don't see a concerted effort by the party in power, the GOP, to protect the pages.  If they knew years ago and did nothing, if they knew last spring and did nothing, why not? That's just unacceptable. 

  This is horrible.

3DHS / Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:18:05 PM »
Then why did he say Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge ?

3DHS / Re: GOP Losers Circle Wagons For Child Predator
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:16:10 PM »
I think he was speaking in the present tense.  "Is" and "would be"....would be , what's that, pluperfect? 

3DHS / Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« on: October 03, 2006, 03:55:54 PM »
I guess I don't understand.  GOP imploding seems a pretty apt description.  What's wrong with that title?  Is there another title used that I've missed?

I do have difficulty navigating this new forum.
Those IMs are enough to make me throw up and I can handle cleaning up puke, blood, feces, and phlegm without a problem. 
The email was creepy.  The page thought so.  Red flags all around. 

3DHS / Re: GOP Losers Circle Wagons For Child Predator
« on: October 03, 2006, 03:50:20 PM »
Ill be damned there really IS a Rep Studds. Personal sex is no one elses business when it is between consenting adults, not when children are exploited by someone in power like you Repubs always like to do.
 I have always thought that it is because you guys are not comfortable with your sexuality which is why when it does come out ( sot to speak) it comes out perverted. I know you all would prefer to do tax cuts anyway!

Studds dated a page that was 17. Foley sent emails to a page that was 16. The age of consent in DC is 16, so both were adult relationships.

Either that or neither were.

Your choice.

via Glenn Greenwald:
For now, I will just note what seems to be the bizarre and incoherent contradiction in the law, noted by Atrios yesterday, that in-person, actual sex between Foley and a 16-year-old page would be perfectly legal in D.C. and in most places in the U.S. (see UPDATE below), but it seems that it is a criminal act for Foley to discuss or solicit sexual acts with the same page over the Internet. Despite all the irritatingly righteous (and overheated) "pedophile" language being tossed around, in the overwhelming majority of states, and in Washington DC, the legal age of consent for sex is 16 years old. That means that actual, in-person sex between Foley and a 16-year-old page in D.C. would not be criminal at all (though it likely could have other legal implications).

But under the so-called "Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006" (of which Foley was a co-sponsor), along with 18 U.S.C. 2251, discussion or solicitation of sexual acts between Foley and any "minor" under the age of 18 would appear to be a criminal offense (see Adam Walsh Act, Sec. 111(14) ("MINOR.--The term 'minor' means an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years") and 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2256 (1) (“'minor' means any person under the age of eighteen years").

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 02, 2006, 04:09:56 PM »
Lanya, Democrat Gerry Studds had a gay relationship with an underage page, and not only did he not resign from office, he continued to run for reelection to congress and the Democrats in MA kept sending him back. 
Yeah, I read about that.  That's really surprising they'd vote him back in. I had never heard of him before this weekend.  That was in 1973---a sign of how morals have changed since then?  I don't know.
Here's what it says in Wikipedia about it:
''''Studds is remembered chiefly for his role in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with a minor – in Studds's case, a 1973 relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page. The relationship was consensual, but violated age of consent laws and presented ethical concerns relating to working relationships with subordinates.

During the course of the House Ethics Committee's investigation, Studds publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, a disclosure that, according to a Washington Post article, "apparently was not news to many of his constituents." Studds stated in an address to the House, "It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligations of either public or private life, let alone both, but these challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected public official and gay."

As the House read their censure of him, Studds turned his back and ignored them. Later, at a press conference with the former page standing beside him, the two stated that what had happened between them was nobody's business but their own.''''

3DHS / Re: this is way beyond too far
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:52:32 PM »

<<school shooting should only happen in the inner cities where nobody cares it happen.
I`m qouting several people who stated this when school shootings started to get popular.>>

What a horrible thing to say.  Kids are kids.  It's very shocking to have it happen in Amish country, though.  Not much happens there (to my way of thinking anyway)  but clip clopping of horse hooves.  Very peaceful there...usually.

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:48:20 PM »

Question to ask my Republican senators:
“Will you be introducing legislation soon to retroactively make on-line sexual solicitation of minors legal?”

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:41:40 PM »
E-mails Show Foley Sought to Rendezvous with Page

October 02, 2006 12:14 PM

Brian Ross and Maddy Sauer Report:

Apr_mark_foley_061002_nrIn addition to explicit sexual language, former Congressman Mark Foley's Internet messages also include repeated efforts to get the underage recipient to rendezvous with him at night.

"I would drive a few miles for a hot stud like you," Foley said in one message obtained by ABC News.

The FBI says it has opened a "preliminary investigation" of Foley's e-mails. Federal law enforcement officials say attempts by Foley to meet in person could constitute the necessary evidence for a federal charge of "soliciting for sex" with a minor on the Internet.

    * FBI Opens "Preliminary Investigation" of Foley
    * Video Foley's Behavior No Secret in Washington
    * Check Out Video Reports by Brian Ross on Our Home Page

In another message, Foley, using the screen name Maf54, appears to describe having been together with the teen in San Diego.

Maf54: I miss you lots since san diego.
Teen:   ya I cant wait til dc
Maf54: :)
Teen:   did you pick a night for dinner
Maf54: not yet…but likely Friday
Teen:   ok…ill plan for Friday then
Maf54: that will be fun

The messages also show the teen is, at times, uncomfortable with Foley's aggressive approach.

Maf54: I want to see you
Teen:   Like I said not til feb…then we will go to dinner
Maf54: and then what happens
Teen:  we eat…we drink…who knows…hang out…late into the night
Maf54: and
Teen:  I dunno
Maf54: dunno what
Teen:  hmmm I have the feeling that you are fishing here…im not sure what I would be comfortable with…well see

Foley resigned Friday after ABC News questioned him about the Internet messages.

He says he has checked into a rehabilitation facility to deal with alcohol and behavioral issues.

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 01, 2006, 11:14:15 PM »
CREW stands for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington .

Of course they should have come forward. To do otherwise goes counter to their purpose.

UPDATE VII: This is an overlooked though critical fact -- when the group known as CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics) received copies of the Foley e-mails over the summer, they reported them to the FBI. From the original AP article on this story:

    The e-mails were posted Friday on the Web site of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington after ABC News reported their existence.

    Naomi Seligman, a spokeswoman for CREW, said the group also sent a letter to the FBI after it received the e-mails. CREW did not post their copies of the e-mail until ABC News reported them, instead waiting for the investigation.

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 01, 2006, 10:17:21 PM »

GOP Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) let Foley spend "a lot of time" with pages, including private dinner with one, after GOP knew Foley was a problem
by John in DC - 10/01/2006 08:41:00 PM

Shimkus is toast. There's even video of Shimkus letting Foley talk to the pages AFTER the GOP knew Foley had page-issues.

You'll recall that he is the Republican member of Congress who runs the Page Board, the group in charge of the pages. You'll also recall that tonight we learned on ABC News that GOP House staff warned the page class of 2001-2002 to stay away from ex-Rep. Mark Foley.

Then why is it that on June 6, 2002, well after the kids were warned to stay away from Foley, Shimkus notes approvingly that Foley has spent a lot of time with the Page Class of 2001-2002? This is Shimkus speaking at the page's goodbye ceremony,

    MR. SHIMKUS: I thank my colleague. Now someone who spends a lot of time with you also, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Foley), would like to say a thank you.

(Note: We've confirmed in the Congressional Record that this is the exact transcript of the proceedings that day.)

The GOP staff knew Foley was a problem the year before, they warned the pages in 2001. Yet Shimkus, the next year is acknowledging that Foley was still permitted to spend "a lot of time" with the pages. In the name of God, why?

Oh, but it gets worse.

Foley then gets up in front of Shimkus and tells a special little story of how he took one male page to a private dinner in downtown Washington, DC. Put the page in his BMW and "cruised" - Foley's word - to dinner.

And now for the kicker.

Foley told the kid he had to get permission from his mom and he had to notify the Clerk of the House, Jeff Trandahl, the Republican staffer who works for Republican Speaker of the House Denny Hastert (R-IL). You'll also recall that Trandahl is the Clerk who joined Shimkus in 2005 to talk to Foley about the creepy email exchange with the first child who got this scandal started.

Why did Shimkus let Foley spend so much time with the pages after GOP staff already knew Foley had a "page problem"? Did the Clerk of the House approve of this dinner? Did Shimkus? Clearly Foley had no fear in the kid going to Clerk and asking for permission - so Foley seemed to think the Clerk wouldn't mind. And clearly Foley had no fear in telling the story in front of Shimkus, so he obviously didn't think Shimkus would mind either.

Shimkus then introduces Foley. Read what Foley has to say to the pages of the 2001-2002 class in his speech wishing them goodbye.

    FOLEY: John [one of the pages] was the highest bidder on lunch with Mark Foley. Maybe you all do not know this story, but John had paid considerable sums to dine with me. I had offered to take the winning bidder to lunch in the Members' dining room. Then I heard how much John Eunice paid. And I said, ``John, there is no way in the world after you committed so much money to have lunch with me that I would dare take you downstairs to eat in the Members' dining room.'' I said, ``Where do you want to go?'' He says, without reservation, ``Morton's.'' I said, ``Morton's? Like in Morton's Steakhouse?'' He said, ``Oh, would that be too much?'' I said, ``Oh, no, we'll go.'' I said, ``Call your mother, get permission, make sure she notifies the Clerk and we will go to Morton's.'' And so we proceeded to cruise down in my BMW to Morton's.

Putting aside the creepy notion of children bidding on dinner with an already-suspected child sex predator, what in God's name were Shimkus and the Clerk doing approving of Foley taking a kid in his BMW to a private dinner in downtown Washington? The GOP staff already knew that Foley was trouble. They had already warned the kids. Yet Shimkus let Foley spend lots of time with the kids, by Shimkus' own admission. And then they let Foley cruise the kid to dinner in his beamer.

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 01, 2006, 07:30:53 PM »
September 30, 2006
A Note From the Editors

There still seems to be some confusion about the order of events related to our coverage of Rep. Mark Foley and his email exchanges with teenagers he met through the congressional page program. Let me try to clear this up.

In November of last year, we were given copies of an email exchange Foley had with a former page from Louisiana. Other news organizations later got them,too. The conversation in those emails was friendly chit-chat. Foley asked the boy about how he had come through Hurricane Katrina and about the boy's upcoming birthday. In one of those emails, Foley casually asked the teen to send him a "pic" of himself. Also among those emails was the page's exchange with a congressional staffer in the office of Rep. Alexander, who had been the teen's sponsor in the page program. The teen shared his exchange he'd had with Foley and asked the staffer if she thought Foley was out of bounds.

There was nothing overtly sexual in the emails, but we assigned two reporters to find out more. We found the Louisiana page and talked with him. He told us Foley's request for a photo made him uncomfortable so he never responded, but both he and his parents made clear we could not use his name if we wrote a story. We also found another page who was willing to go on the record, but his experience with Foley was different. He said Foley did send a few emails but never said anything in them that he found inappropriate. We tried to find other pages but had no luck. We spoke with Rep. Alexander, who said the boy's family didn't want it pursued, and Foley, who insisted he was merely trying to be friendly and never wanted to make the page uncomfortable.

So, what we had was a set of emails between Foley and a teenager, who wouldn't go on the record about how those emails made him feel. As we said in today's paper, our policy is that we don't make accusations against people using unnamed sources. And given the seriousness of what would be implied in a story, it was critical that we have complete confidence in our sourcing. After much discussion among top editors at the paper, we concluded that the information we had on Foley last November didn't meet our standard for publication. Evidently, other news organizations felt the same way.

Since that time, we revisited the question more than once, but never learned anything that changed our position. The Louisiana boy's emails broke into the open last weekend, when a blogger got copies and posted them online. Later that week, on Thursday, a news blog at the website of ABC News followed suit, with the addition of one new fact: Foley's Democratic opponent, Tim Mahoney, was on the record about the Louisiana boy's emails and was calling for an investigation. That's when we wrote our first story, for Friday's papers.

After ABC News broke the story on its website, someone contacted ABC and provided a detailed email exchange between Foley and at least one other page that was far different from what we had seen before. This was overtly sexual, not something Foley could dismiss as misinterpreted friendliness. That's what drove Foley to resign on Friday.

I hope this helps clarify a bit about what we knew and when we knew it.

Scott Montgomery

Government & Politics Editor

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 01, 2006, 07:16:02 PM »
ABC News
GOP Staff Warned Pages About Foley in 2001

Oct. 1, 2006 — - A Republican staff member warned Congressional pages five years ago to "watch out" for Congressman Mark Foley, according to a former page.

Matthew Loraditch, a page in the 2001-2002 class, told ABC News he and other pages were warned about Foley by a supervisor.

Loraditch, the president of the Page Alumni Association, said the pages were told "don't get too wrapped up in him being too nice to you and all that kind of stuff."

Staff members at the House clerk's office did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Some of the sexually explicit instant messages that led to Foley's abrupt resignation Friday were sent to pages in Loraditch's class.

Pages report to either Republican or Democratic supervisors, depending on the political party of the member of Congress who nominated them for the page program.

Several pages for members of Congress tell ABC News they received no such warnings about Foley, R-Fla.

Loraditch says the some of pages who "interacted" with Foley were hesitant to report his behavior because "members of Congress, they've got the power." Many of the pages were hoping for careers in politics and feared Foley might seek retribution.

Loraditch runs the alumni association for the US House Page Program and he is deeply concerned about the future effects this scandal could have on a program that he sees as a valuable educational experience for teens.

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures

3DHS / Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: October 01, 2006, 02:22:55 PM »
Right.  "Hey, no kids got fucked. [That we know of, anyway.] What's the big deal?"  Great Republican values.   

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