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Messages - _JS

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3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 27, 2006, 02:17:06 PM »
"True" nation?  I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.  A Democratic nation?, sure appears so.  Especially compared to so many other countries around the region

No, you skipped the operator "and."

The words "true" and "fair" should qualify "democratic."

I'll ask again more clearly.

Do you feel that Israel is a true democratic nation and a fair democratic nation? Please don't give an answer relative to their neighbors. After all, I don't think many of us argued which Warsaw Pact nation was a democracy based on relativity to the others. Clearly Israel's neighbors are not shining examples of democracy. That's not at question, nor is it my question.

3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 27, 2006, 01:39:33 PM »
We're not talking about attacks by Arab nations that have militaries. We are talking about terrorism and attacks by small groups who are hostile to the nation of Israel.

Now, why would they be hostile to the state of Israel?

Let me ask you, do you feel that Israel is a true and fair democratic nation?

3DHS / Re: Send your kiddies to 'Jesus Camp'
« on: September 27, 2006, 01:19:55 PM »
In the Muslim world encouragement for violence and suicide is rampant with every "fundamentalist" south of "moderate".


3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:58:58 PM »
In reality, the battle against Israel is founded within the mutated interpretations of the Quran & Islam

Are you sure that Israeli political policies play no role in the backlash against their state?

3DHS / Re: Dealing with some of those terms: Islamofascism
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:56:43 PM »
I think its because it's not politically correct

You see? That right there is why I don't bother with a decent reply.

Plane takes the time to at least find an article that references an academic article and makes an argument for similarity from that. The response? "It's not politically correct."

I commend you Plane, for trying to make a decent debate out of this. Part of me really wants to engage in the debate with an academic look at the political philosophy and history of fascism. Yet, another part is fairly certain that there is no point because of inane and quite honestly puerile comments such as this one by Sirs.

3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 26, 2006, 02:36:05 PM »
Depends on their actions, rhetoric, who's supporting them, and if they do or don't condemn actual militant Islam as the means to all and everything Allah

So, in theory, one can wage a political battle against a state like Israel and even use terrorism as a possible weapon, so long as they don't use Islam as an aspect of their assault? In that case they should theoretically not have to worry about the United States' war on terrorism (though of course Israel will still be looking for them).

A) we're not targeting and attacking innocent civilians as they do.  B) If we don't kill as many of them now, they grow in #'s regardless.  C) the more we take the battle to them there, and the more we kill them there, the less we have to deal with them here, on our own soil.

True, we're not targetting civilians specifically, but if we kill them then the end result is the same. In other words, if Ahmed's home just got shelled by American artillery and he lost his wife and daughter, I don't think he's going to care if you are sent to tell him "at least we didn't specifically target your wife and daughter like Hassan over there might have." Yet, after you leave, Hassan may come over there and say, "look, now do you see why the Americans have to go? You've got nothing left to lose Ahmed. Join us. Help us to send these murderers home."

See? You make an ethical clarification which is true, but I'm not sure it makes a big difference to those who suffer from collateral damage.

If we don't kill as many of them now, they grow in #'s regardless

That is an interesting point. That raises more questions for me.

1. Why are they growing in numbers?
2. Are we just trying to break even (i.e. keep their numbers down)?
3. Is this a war that can be "won?" Can we say at the end of a certain day that the war is over? Will there be a VT Day?

3DHS / Re: Is Bush really this crazy?
« on: September 26, 2006, 10:20:42 AM »
My $0.02 is that Iran's air force and military are irrelevant to the equation. It is Iran's influence in Iraq that is key along with the fact that the hardliners in Iran would love nothing more than to have the United States or Israel (or both) unilaterally bomb their territory. Nuclear facilities can be rebuilt and if Iran really wanted to they could do a far better job of spreading the facilities out and hiding them in more mountainous terrain.

Iran's ties to segments of Iraq's Shia population are well-known. Not only is there a covert operation with a militant bent, but there are Shia civilians who simply look up to Iran as an important state in the Shia community. An irate Shia community with an inflamed militant wing would not be ideal for the British, American, or Iraqi soldiers and policemen trying to establish order in a fledgling state.

Secondly, bombing Iran would prove the hardliners of that country right. They can point to the bombing and say, "Look, we told you that the Americans would not let us have the same energy source they use. The Americans fear us and so they will not let us progress. etc, etc..." Bombing them will entrench the hardliners in power and turn more of the common Iranian folks against the west.

3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:52:34 AM »
It was called "The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502)."

Thanks Ami. But if you'll read what I said I acknowledged the war in Iraq. Despite what you might think of me and leftists in general, I'm not an idiot, nor am I blind to the outside world. My problem is with the "war on terror(ism)."

Now Sirs, you said that these children were taught this at brith and that makes it a "malignancy" and an "infection." I have a few questions that I need answers on, because I don't understand this line of reasoning and why this makes it acceptable to go to war.

1. Children grow up. Clearly not all of them become violent suicide bombers and terrorists. As adults we make our own decisions, correct? Does that not diminish this "infection?"

2. What if a terrorist group denounces any religious symbolism and makes their case strictly political? Say, to free Palestine of apartheid policies? Do they still need to be attacked under this "war on terror" or are they no longer an Islamofascist threat?

3. What if, by bombing and using other methods to attack these groups, you are only driving more individuals to this cause by causing "collateral damage?" We've seen this effect in Cambodia, Lebanon, and Northern Ireland, will tactics change or will more attacks be necessary?

3DHS / Re: Dealing with some of those terms: Islamofascism
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:42:27 AM »
And I appreciate you not simply discarding the piece, based solely on its subject

Sirs, I could write a good reply and discuss why the National Review's piece is using a completely incoherent and trite definition of fascism, but why?

You'd refuse to actually read it with any objectivity. I have no evidence to show that anyone else actually reads that stuff either. I don't think you or others like you actually bother to understand the history and political philosophy of Fascism or even Arab fascism enough to care. So, I'm not sure why you are complaining to me about discarding the piece when I put enough effort to write a long, original piece that will simply be discarded or ignored anyway.

3DHS / Re: Dealing with some of those terms: Islamofascism
« on: September 25, 2006, 05:25:08 PM »
there should be no argument over who they are and what they want. They are fascists of an Islamic sort, pure and simple


3DHS / Re: Overused and misused words.
« on: September 25, 2006, 05:24:02 PM »
Apologies for not including which they were.

Liberal - overused and misused
Fascist - overused and misused badly
Class Warfare - misused badly
Communist - both
Socialist - both
Terrorist - overused
Neocon - overused, I'm not sure it even has a proper meaning
Bushism - overused
Values - both

3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 25, 2006, 03:07:18 PM »
Bzzzzzz, wrong again.  It's a malignancy that already infects thousands upon thousands of Muslims and Islamic sympathizers.  But just in case you were about to pull some hyperbolic charge, I'm not advocating concentration camps for people that think that way.  I'm advocating taking out as many as possible the ones who've actually taken up arms in that cause, and actively planning attacks against our way of life, in the name of that idea.   See the difference?

People make decisions for themselves Sirs, how can an idea be a "malignancy" that is "infecting" thousands of Muslims and Islamic sympathizers (what is an Islamic sympathizer?)?

I never said anything about concentration camps, you brought that up without me ever saying a word. I asked if internment was the answer. Is internment the solution?

You're advocating killing people taking up arms in the name of that cause, but I suggest you don't even know which terrorist groups support such a cause. What if a terrorist group has no such belief, will they be left alone?

3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:50:56 PM »
Apparently you ignored most of Domer's post.

So it is a "war" versus an idea. You've said so yourself. An idea that very few people have.

How exactly does one fight a war against an idea? Or, is holding the idea and espousing it OK, so long as you don't do anything about it? Or is even believing in a worldwide Islamic state a threat, even if you do nothing about it?

Is internment the proper solution?

3DHS / Re: The Death of Imagination
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:42:01 PM »
I was thinking of a good way to reply to this post.

I know it isn't the same thing, but one of my favorite books is All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque. The movie has probably supplanted the book in fame, but the author was indeed a soldier in the Great War. The novel gives an incredible description, not only of warfare, but of the soldier's return home and how the world he once understood (nationalism, patriotism, etc) became a foreign and bizarre world. Also of note is that Remarque was thoroughly rebuked by the Nazis who encouraged burning of his book and refused to allow war to be portrayed in a non-heroic fashion.

Also of note is that the title in German is Im Westen nicht Neues, which means "nothing new in the west." It was an ironic title meant to convey a tongue-in-cheek slap at the "west" - the bastion of civilization.

But as I said, that isn't the same. I think your point is very valid. Really, a great post Domer.

3DHS / Re: I wish some of you would get your terms right
« on: September 25, 2006, 01:56:36 PM »
Ridiculousness aside Sirs, you cannot even properly identify the enemy in your war.

We are at war, sure, in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm not talking about Congress declaring war, obviously that is a trite notion that was abandoned long ago. Yet, entering wars on nebulous entities, that's a problem.

September 11 showed us a few things. First, it welcomed us to the world at large. We're a superpower, but the truth is that our power has severe limits. We and the Soviets liked to think that we ran the world, but in many ways we didn't control anything. It is a lesson we still have yet to learn apparently. We also needed better security and I think we're working towards that, poorly in some areas and over-zealously in others. But, the drive is there to get it right from many parts of the political spectrum.

Yet, a war on terrorism? No. It is stupid and destined to fail just on its very concept. In fact, to look at your analogy of the three monkeys - I think it is you and others who "believe" in this war that have no real concept of the world outside of the United States. You cannot declare a war on a nebulous notion. Even you and your leaders cannot define the enemy well.

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