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Messages - kimba1

Pages: 1 ... 499 500 [501] 502 503 ... 535
3DHS / Re: Poo poo on the TP
« on: April 23, 2007, 11:41:37 PM »
Air drier?

not a good idea
don`t wanna get too dry in certail areas

in fact I don`t how using a bidet stops someone from using tp to dry .
if you don`t dab your gonna risk getting rashes.
cheryl realy shouldn`t be talking about this
damn her damn!!!!!

3DHS / Re: Poo poo on the TP
« on: April 23, 2007, 08:45:21 PM »
until people stop eating fiber
we`re gonna keept using TP.

3DHS / just say no
« on: April 23, 2007, 06:31:46 PM »

I got no problem with abstinence.
but parents are foolling themselves thinking sex negative culture is viable in teen life.
the very idea a 16 year old boy can brag he`s a virgin in public is just nonesense.
now if they bring up the negative aspect of a girl having sex and how boys talk about it.
than they may have something.
no one ever think about pitting boy against the girl to prevent under age sex.

3DHS / Re: Credit cards really are diabolical.
« on: April 23, 2007, 03:49:51 PM »
I`m think of doing that but I`ll bet it`ll have a overdaft built-in it for me to pay the penalty for it going over

I`m thinking about those gift cards like amex has
but i want to know if I got the option to recharge them to a higher amount.

3DHS / Re: Credit cards really are diabolical.
« on: April 23, 2007, 01:42:25 PM »
funny thing I`m shopping for a card and there are diabolical

I`m looking for a $200 limit card,si I can buy stuff on line and not worry about ID theft.
I usually say, can I get a card that if it the purchases over $200.00 it gets denied.
I was told no bank denied charges over the credit limit as long it not a very big amount.
because the bank can charge extra for overdraft.
it really is hard for people to save money these days.

3DHS / Re: Creation debate going Global. Sigh.
« on: April 23, 2007, 01:34:21 PM »
I have a question about creationism.
what are all the variations in this concept?
in evolution there are no limits of concepts
some actually think we`re decended from chimps.

3DHS / Re: San Fran Info
« on: April 23, 2007, 01:21:25 PM »
I`m losing track how many there are now
5-11-muni info
3-11-city info

In think 7-11- might be trafic
not many numbers left

3DHS / Re: I was affraid to mention bullies here
« on: April 20, 2007, 05:19:26 PM »
forgot another aspect about mental health field
the fact he actually got treatment is a indicator he really was near the edge
there is a very common fear of being taken away if one see`s a therapist.
but after a certain piont it get soo bad you`ll just not care about being taken away and that`s when people go see one.
strangely I`m not sure therapist acknowledge this bit of information.
but one cool thing is they usually don`t bill patients who miss appointments,unlike medical doctors.
you can understand why though

3DHS / Re: do you think asians are gonna get harrassed by this?
« on: April 20, 2007, 05:11:15 PM »
I think remember that town
they we`re called america first i believe.
i heard it`s the reason that phrase has never been used because of that town.

And since asian to the most part is fairly assimliated here in the U.S.
We even have one or two on TV.
it`ll most likely be minimul_I hope
but the only thing that maybe a problem is we`re such a small percent here in the U.S.
most people only see asian`s on tv.

3DHS / Re: do you think asians are gonna get harrassed by this?
« on: April 20, 2007, 04:14:30 PM »
don`t sure
I just want to know what`s gonna happen .
unfortunely predicting this kind of behaviour is not that hard
but predicting this will start people to actually address the problem and truely try to stop it
not very likely
note that the news hasn`t shown any program for school to not encourage this kind of out break
meaning no more bullies
no more taunting students
I`m not saying this would cure a trouble student,but it`ll definately minimize outbreak.
pretty much all of them has bullies as the catalyst.
I remember the san diego outbreak
the reaction on that one is he should of taken the harrassment and not act out
a kid on tv said something to that effect.
note how everything avoids tackling this issue of bullies.

3DHS / do you think asians are gonna get harrassed by this?
« on: April 20, 2007, 03:39:10 PM »
since the shooting in virginia the korean government stated concern of racism against koreans by this.
I know that will not never happen.
but harrassment toward the asian population in general is a possiblility.
look at the rodney king riot.
korean`s were targeted,but all other asian were attacked with the statement "their all the same"
my nephew is already getting bugged at school.
SARS was bad enough.
will this trigger something more?

3DHS / Re: I was affraid to mention bullies here
« on: April 20, 2007, 01:39:17 AM »
it`s a waiting game
it`s extremely hard for someone to lose it
thats how suicide hotline works.
if you talk to someone long enough the natural coping mechanism will kickin for that person to not do extreme.
therapy is basicly to get the patiant to spill everything to use up time and hope the therapist catches something to guide that person out of that state.
this is why very little is done in the mental health field
the numbers show it`s very hard for person to get that far ,so not much  is done
tons of people get depression,but very few will do anything severe
it just mean these people will rarely be happy and maybe get a shorter life span from the stress
note all the  people you`ve hear about in the news in your life ,not many compared to the population go homicidial or suicidal
tons think it but very few do it.
look at how we talk to people very rarely we ever think how this will hurt someone.

3DHS / Re: I was affraid to mention bullies here
« on: April 19, 2007, 09:45:53 PM »
mental health care is quite chaotic
I went to get treatment but the only way for me to get it was to quit my job since it`s mostly available 9 to 5
and it not like I can magically make money appear out of thin air for after hours treatment.
so i just skip it.
I remember reading somewhere most people need therapy,but since it`s not free and people are not willing to not eat ,
therapy is just not going to happen.

3DHS / this is sad to me
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:37:47 PM »

don`t know why but this is just extra sad to me
poor girl
I really really wish her a happy and UNEVENTFUL life

3DHS / Re: I was affraid to mention bullies here
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:29:27 PM »
<I would be very interested to know more about the family dynamics, which can be pretty intense in Korean immigrant families.  They really strive for the top and can be hard on kids who aren't giving 110% effort all day every day>

it`s intense in any overacchieving houshold.
it`s called acceptable abuse,and it will never bee take seriously.
remember overall nobody believes people can overstudy. their are college that brag about the massive curriculum.
but I notice I never hear of these unversities.
san luis is study how to roll back on this trend.
they actually have noticable burnout rate.
lowell a high level magnete school has a decent suicide rate.

funny thing is I think this kind of data may attract parents to these schools ,since every parent will only think their kid can handle it.

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