The GOP sucks, and they deserve to go down. No one needs goddamn Republican ratbag reactionaries.
Bit of a strawman, don't you think? Stop trying to appeal to our hearts. Everybody knows Republicans don't have them.
But it's really not about controlling the Hispanic vote, it's about controlling the votes of those who are legally allowed to vote, and the individual populations in the states. Sure, the Dems may win Arizona, New Mexico, New York, California... areas with high hispanic population. But those are four states. Big states, sure, but as long as the GOP wins Texas, Virginia, and most of the southern states it will even out.
And you say reactionary as though it were a bad thing? Reacting to a serious problem is something you consider a flaw? I'll grant you that on the surface, immigration reform may not seem like a huge issue, especially in light of the fact that we have two wars going on, but opening the borders completely isn't any better a solution.
And I will also admit that the wording of the Arizona law is kinda of sketchy and will allow for ordinarily racist cops to expand their abuse of power, and it should be reconsidered.
Since you bring it up, and since I am so new that I don't fully understand anybody's political views completely, could you explain to me how you would resolve this issue?