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Messages - Religious Dick

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3DHS / Re: Trying to hold it all together
« on: January 03, 2007, 09:01:14 PM »
I understand Hitler got his start hanging wallpaper, too.  ;D

3DHS / Re: Health care run by psychos
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:14:53 PM »
Well, as the article points out, we really already have universal health care.  It's just not run well and doesn't cover everyone when they need it.  But we all pay for it.  Even those people who don't like the ones who want it.  So they're kind of cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Not entirely true. I may now be paying for other people's health care, but those are still largely outliers. Most people are still paying for their own, or at least have an insurance arrangement to pay for them. So while we may have universal health care, I'm not yet paying for universal health care, I'm paying for my own health care and a portion of the cost for the outliers.

If you want to see the difference in cost, compare the tax rates between Canada, Europe and the United States. Even if I'm stuck with the bill for the outliers, I'm still getting off cheaper than I would paying for a single payer system.

And besides, the current system does more to torment the people I'm forced to pay for now more than a single-payer system would. So I'm at least getting some satisfaction for my money.  ;D

3DHS / Re: Saddam Hussein executed
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:02:11 PM »
Now, what makes this interesting is that, at least in the US, when a prosecuter charges, say, a serial killer, he's generally going to try and pin every last body that turns up on the defendant.

Not true. In the Atlanta Child Murders Cases they prosecuted Wayne Williams with only three out of 20+ of the murders even though they had strong evidense to tie him to many many more than that.

Yes true. Leaving aside that this is largely extraneous to the point, Williams was the exception, not the rule.

John Wayne Gacy - charged and convicted of 33 murders, although only 28 bodies were actually recovered.

Ted Bundy was tried no less than 3 times in different jurisdictions, receiving a total of 3 different death sentences.

Jeffrey Dahmer - 17 bodies, 17 (reduced to 15) charges, 15 convictions.

Lots of info on serial killers on Wikipedia

3DHS / Re: Saddam Hussein executed
« on: January 01, 2007, 09:25:54 PM »
Religious Dick,

The reason I've heard for not including the gassing of the  Kurds in his list of charges... I thought I heard that we did not want this brought up because it would have brought up The Chummy Years. 
When he obtained the material with which to gas them, I think.  And he would no doubt have mentioned this.
 It doesn't make him right to do it but it looks very bad for us, supplying an evil dictator with provisions he later uses on his own people.
So he's dead, he had a trial, he hurt and killed a lot of innocents.  Now we move on. 

There's that too, I suppose. But something tells me when the smoke has cleared, the facts are known, and the history is written, the reality of the situation is going to be shown to be at odds with the current official version. Too much doesn't add up.

3DHS / Re: Slam Uncle Sam Award for 2006
« on: January 01, 2007, 09:19:57 PM »
Since when is slamming the current crypto-fascist government equivalent to slamming Uncle Sam?

The goverment represents us and us is represented by Uncle Sam. Ergo......

Apparently someone forgot to tell that to the rest of the country.

3DHS / Re: Saddam Hussein executed
« on: December 31, 2006, 11:49:10 AM »
On the basis of the publicly available evidence, what do you think the chances are that a prosecuter could obtain a conviction against Osama bin Laden in connection with the WTC attack?

You don't think a filmed confession is enough?

First off, it's not clear that his statement was actually a confession. His statements on the matter were pretty ambiguous, depending on what version of the translation you hear.

Second, even if he did, ask any cop how many false confessions the police get to major crimes every day. Keep in mind, in some parts of the world, the WTC attacks aren't considered a crime, but an act of heroism. He'd have some incentive for claiming credit, even if he wasn't involved.

Cases with filmed confessions are thrown out of court every day. No, I don't think it's enough.

3DHS / Re: Saddam Hussein executed
« on: December 31, 2006, 11:33:44 AM »
The fact is that Saddam was NOT executed for the one crime that everyone mentioned: gassing fellow Iraqi men, women and children.
I suppose that the prosecution chose cases that were more provable, and perhaps more politically useful.

It wasn't like he was innocent. He was guilty as Hell of all sorts of dastardly acts.

I recall Nixon was also guilty of slightly less dastardly acts, be he got a pardon 'for the good of the nation.'

Well, that's my point. Saddam was no angel, to be sure. But I find it curious that some of the most damning allegations against him were never contested in a court of law. And I find it hard to believe that if he did indeed gas 5000 Kurds that there wouldn't be sufficient evidence to convict him.

I'm starting to smell a rat - when push comes to shove, it turns out that few of the allegations against the major players in the post-9/11 psychodrama are ever substantiated.

On the basis of the publicly available evidence, what do you think the chances are that a prosecuter could obtain a conviction against Osama bin Laden in connection with the WTC attack?

I don't think he could. Which may go a long way in explaining why bin Laden has never been captured.

3DHS / Re: Saddam Hussein executed
« on: December 31, 2006, 10:56:58 AM »

There is one single exception - the hanging of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006
after a careful, lengthy trial carried out under extremely difficult circumstances according to
internationally recognized judicial norms. The state of Iraq has succeeded where the rest of the civilized world has failed. It is a singular achievement, and it will stand. 

Interesting that what he was convicted for was the murder of 148 Shias after an assassination attempt. Somehow, the 5000 Kurds he allegedly gassed never made it into the court, although to hear the war-bots tell it, that particular occurrence was a demonstrable and incontestable fact.

Now, what makes this interesting is that, at least in the US, when a prosecuter charges, say, a serial killer, he's generally going to try and pin every last body that turns up on the defendant.

In this case, the crime of which Saddam was actually charged and convicted, compared with the allegations used to justify the invasion of Iraq, was a relative footnote. And considering there were plenty of reservations concerning the legitimacy and competence of the court in which he was tried in many quarters, you would have thought more effort would have been expended to demonstrate Saddam was every bit the monster he was claimed to be. But no, he was tried on the minimum charge he could be hanged for, and then hung as quickly as possible.

Why the rush? Obviously, he wasn't going anywhere, and you would think the Bush administration would have an interest in substantiating every last possible allegation used to justify the invasion. You would think that Saddam would have been more valuable to the authorities alive than dead.

Could it be that, possibly, if Saddam had lived, he might have been able to successfully contest some of those allegations if tried for them?

3DHS / Re: Gerald Ford has died at age 93
« on: December 29, 2006, 06:13:01 PM »
You also believe the illustration of the "magic bullet" path in "High Treason" when the photograph of the wound on Kennedy's body is clearly higher on the body than that shown in the illustration, and the photograph also matches the documentation produced by others.

Interestingly, both the diagram and that photograph appeared in High Treason. You would think they'd have provided some explanation, considering they contradict each other. It was that kind of sloppiness that killed the credibility of that book for me. The authors primarily railed against the Warren Commission's conclusion, but were never able to advance an alternate theory. Basically, all they had to say was, "Something ain't right here!".

For all that, the book does provide a lot of excellent source material, for anyone interested in that sort of thing.

3DHS / Glorious War!
« on: December 29, 2006, 01:32:22 AM »
Glorious War!

August 31, 2006    
Most observers are predicting a rout of the Republicans in this fall’s elections. Some think the Democrats can even recapture both houses of Congress.

I hope so. Oh, how I hope so. May the Republicans perish forever. May vultures gobble their entrails. May their name be blotted out. In short, may they lose their shirts in November.

Yes, I’m disillusioned with the GOP. It was bad enough when I thought they were unprincipled. Now, however, it’s worse, because they do have a principle after all: war.

Two Bush administrations have proved that. War on Panama, war on Iraq, war on “terror,” war on Afghanistan, war on Iraq again, and war on Iran, comin’ up. And of course the recent Israeli war on Lebanon was waged with George W. Bush’s complicity. Am I leaving anything out? Oh yes, his father’s war on “drugs”; but let’s not even count that one.

Next to the violence of war, I hate the philosophical fallout. This Bush administration has managed to pervert the meaning of conservatism: in most Americans’ minds, for the next generation, the word will mean, above all, militarism.

Not that this is wholly new. Goldwater conservatives supported the Vietnam war, originally a liberal project, even complaining that it wasn’t being waged with enough force. They began sneering at “peaceniks,” then equating peace with liberalism (and war with patriotism) and automatically favoring huge military budgets. Lyndon Johnson’s war soon became “Nixon’s war,” and the anti-war George McGovern redefined the Democratic Party.

By the Reagan years the old lines were redrawn. Quite a change from the days when Democrats wanted war on fascism and Republicans were accused of “isolationism” for preferring peace. Does anyone remember Robert Taft?

By identifying the conservative cause with war, the Republicans have given liberalism the finest gift they could possibly have bestowed on it. The popularity of war is intense but brief. Americans will support quick and victorious wars, but after a few months the thrill tends to wear off.

As late as 1976 grouchy Bob Dole, a bitter World War II vet, could still take a swat at “Democrat wars,” but the phrase sounded quaint. The amnesiac American public thought it was a contradiction in terms. When had the Democrats ever wanted war?

Today’s blowhard conservatives have no reservations about it. They suspect, and openly accuse, the “liberal media” of sympathy for the enemy so freely that you wonder why they don’t just call them the “Islamic media.” For these right-wingers, the Iraq war — not the Constitution, government spending, or abortion — is the defining issue dividing liberals and conservatives.

They even pardon liberal Republicans like Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger (as well as the liberal Democrat Joe Lieberman) for supporting abortion and homosexual rights, as long as they support the war. That is, they count a liberal as a conservative, provided only that he’s for this war.

Being the most devastating of human activities, war would seem to be at the opposite pole from conserving anything. It’s a grotesque accident of history that it should have acquired even a verbal association with the philosophy of conservatism.

Just what is that philosophy? Is it a philosophy at all, or just a natural disposition to reject radical change? These questions have been debated for centuries, and I can only suggest an answer.

Briefly, conservatism is a more or less articulate sense of normality, whereas liberalism has been described (by G.K. Chesterton) as “the modern and morbid habit of always sacrificing the normal to the abnormal.” Conservatism can tolerate many abnormal things that can’t be eliminated from human society, but it doesn’t call them “rights” or confuse them with normal things. And, after all, few things are more abnormal than war.

So today’s alleged conservatives (and especially the misnamed “neoconservatives”) are aberrations. They delight in destruction; they are full of enthusiasm for violent and radical action; they lack the ironic and skeptical attitude of real conservatives, the prudent sense that precipitate acts bring “unintended consequences.”

The presidency of George W. Bush has been one long object lesson in unintended consequences. It’s amusing to recall that his father was kidded for using the phrase wouldn’t be prudent, an expression the son could profitably adopt.

Until the Republicans learn that peace is normal, they will deserve defeat and infamy.

Joseph Sobran

3DHS / Re: "Support Our Troops"
« on: December 29, 2006, 01:16:54 AM »
Strakon Lights Up

"Support Our Troops"


This year I let February 22 pass by unremarked, and I regret it. I'm not referring to the fact that it's the birthday of Old Father George. No, this year February 22 was the 60th anniversary of the guillotining, in Munich, of Hans and Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst.

The Scholls, brother and sister, and their friend Probst were among the principal members of The White Rose, a group of Christian antiwar, anti-Nazi youths who understood that the criminal regime that ruled them would have to suffer defeat in the criminal war it was waging before their beloved homeland could have a hope of recovering — eventually — its "freedom and honor." (That phrase is from their fourth leaflet.)

They wrote and surreptitiously distributed five leaflets, but unfortunately Sophie Scholl's distribution of a sixth leaflet was less than surreptitious. A Gestapo informant observed her scattering copies into the courtyard from an upper gallery at the University of Munich, and then the game was up, and their lives were over.

"We must soon bring this monster of a state to an end," The White Rose wrote in their third leaflet. "The military victory over Bolshevism dare not become the primary concern of the Germans. The defeat of the Nazis must unconditionally be the first order of business." Though characterizing their approach as "passive resistance," the youths called for outright sabotage across the economy and throughout the culture, too. They urged people not to donate to the periodic war-drives: "The government does not need this money; it is not financially interested in these money drives. After all, the presses run continuously to manufacture any desired amount of paper currency. But the populace must be kept constantly under tension, the pressure of the bit must not be allowed to slacken!" (Did George Orwell read that last sentence before writing 1984?)

I honor the courage of the young men and the young woman of The White Rose. How much less courage is required of us, in a polite-totalitarian country where the penalties for dissent, though pervasive, are still (pace the gangster Ashcroft) largely informal and nonviolent! And how much easier the choice is for us than for those of The White Rose, who had to resign themselves to being overrun and ruled, for an unknown period of time, by the Bolsheviks and the Western imperialists before their country's "freedom and honor" could be restored. No Iraqi horde threatens to overrun and rule us.


Remarkably enough, the sheeple baaing their way to the various flag-waving country-music-warbling politician-infested "patriotic" rallies seem to understand something basic that escapes those verbally nimble activists who proclaim, "Support Our Troops — Bring them home NOW!"

In practical fact, what can Supporting Our Troops possibly mean besides Supporting Their War?

If the authorities, resorting to "impolite" totalitarianism on the home front, declared that all books critical of the regime were to be seized, would we tug our forelock, scuffle our feet, and meekly mumble, "Well, I oppose the seizure, but, you know, we've got to Support Our Police"? Nonsense. The police are the arm of the authorities: it is they and only they who make the pronunciamentos of the authorities more than empty wind. Just so are the U.S. troops in Mesopotamia the arm of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Perle: it is they and only they who make those villains' pronunciamentos more than empty wind.

As an anarchist, naturally I am no constitutionalist — like Lysander Spooner, I consider the Constitution "of no authority." But since almost everyone else out there is always bleating about the sanctity of the Constitution, I will observe that the war in Iraq is just as unconstitutional as a seizure of books would be. If this war is not illegal, there is no such thing as an illegal war.

But leave aside the Constitution. The war is illegal and unjust in terms of nonstate legal theory and moral principle. Are we really to condemn the crime and celebrate the criminal?

The question would be more complicated if Our Troops were hapless conscripts — slaves dragooned abroad to murder other slaves. But they are not. They are careerist mercenaries, and the question is simple. Dead simple. If the troops of the United State will not leave Iraq voluntarily, we must — to Support Our Country — hope for their defeat.


I am sick and tired of the whole series of weepy mini-melodramas we're being treated to by both the networks and local stations, in which military family members moan about the dangers their loved one is facing in a distant land. One almost has the impression that the military individual was kidnapped from his home in the dead of night or press-ganged down at the mall, instead of deliberately joining a warmaking organization and freely turning his fate over to the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Perle. I'd feel some sympathy if one of those relatives would say, "I begged him not to get involved with that gang. I begged him not to go. He just wouldn't listen," but that's one thing we never hear.

As for the military members themselves who get banged up or captured in Mesopotamia, or in whatever exotic realm they invade next, they are in for little sympathy hereabouts, at least as sympathy is usually understood. I have more sympathy for heedless teenagers who wreck themselves performing stunts with snowmobiles. At least those clowns aren't going over into somebody else's country and shooting people. They're asking for trouble, but only for themselves. And they're not financing their heedlessness with money robbed from us taxpayers.

By way of contrast, the U.S. military member in Iraq isn't just asking for trouble — he's going halfway around the world to create trouble. And all on our dime. Thanks for nothing. It's remarkable: the Iraqis would present no threat to Americans if Americans would just stay the hell out of Iraq! The only Americans being shot, blown up, maimed, or imprisoned by Iraqis are the ones who have attacked and invaded the Iraqis' homeland.

What sympathy I do feel is really more of a lowering melancholia, an awareness that in a fundamental way the troops were lost before ever falling in battle. It is an awareness of tragedy, arising from the recognition that optima corrupta pessima sunt: The best, once corrupted, are the worst. I've used that saying before in my writing, and I will surely do so again. If you think about it, it could be the great motto for American history, fatally mixed and mangled and poisoned as that history has been with United State history. The military members who have gone to Iraq include some of the most resourceful, organized, focused, hard-working, courageous young Americans there are. And most loyal, too — to their freely chosen masters, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Perle. What a loss for the cause of liberty, justice, and peace!

The word tragedy has been made threadbare by overuse in our time, but if that's not a tragedy, I don't know what is.

March 31, 2003

© 2003 by WTM Enterprises. All rights reserved.

for Nicholas Strakon's
"'Support Our Troops'"


* I find especially revolting the bellowed declarations of many "patriotic" Americans — most of them Constitution-ravers — to the effect that we war resisters have to shut up now that the shooting has started. But since it did not declare war under the Constitution, the regime is under no presumed obligation ever to declare peace. And as a practical matter George W. Bush's Crusade against World Evil would result in the closest thing to an eternal state of warfare as could readily be imagined.
What the "patriotic" war fans are really telling us, then, is to shut up forever. What ugly children they are. And what good little United Statians, toddling their way all by themselves so far down the road to serfdom.


From the first leaflet of The White Rose: "Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct."
And: "Do not forget that every people deserves the regime it is willing to endure!"

The White Rose Website is at

3DHS / "Support Our Troops"
« on: December 29, 2006, 01:12:28 AM »
Would You “Support the Troops” in Bolivia?
by Jacob G. Hornberger, December 27, 2006
Soldiers who join the military voluntarily sign a very unusual contract with the federal government. It is a contract that effectively obligates the soldier to go anywhere in the world on orders of the president and kill people as part of an invasion force against other countries. It doesn’t matter whether the intended victims deserve to die or not. That issue is irrelevant as far as the soldier is concerned. His job is not to question why people he is ordered to kill should be killed; his job is simply to invade and carry out the killing, no questions asked.

For example, let’s say that President Bush orders U.S. troops to invade and occupy Bolivia. The order would reach the Pentagon, which then would pass the order downward to generals, colonels, majors, captains, sergeants, and privates in America’s standing army. With perhaps one or two exceptions, no soldier would challenge the president’s decision to invade Bolivia, because that’s not part of the employment contract he has signed with the military. The soldier’s duty would simply be to carry out the president’s order to invade Bolivia.

Suppose a soldier says, “Mr. President, I can’t carry out this order because it would involve killing innocent people wrongfully, including the people who are going to defend their nation from this attack. You have no moral right to order an invasion of Bolivia because neither the Bolivian people nor their government has attacked the United States. Moreover, the invasion would be illegal under our form of government because you haven’t secured the constitutionally required congressional declaration of war. My conscience will not permit me to kill any Bolivians as part of this operation, including Bolivian soldiers defending their nation from this attack. Therefore, I simply cannot participate in this invasion. ”

That soldier would be taken aside by a few superior officers for a very candid and direct conversation. His superiors would explain to him that it is not within his job description to second-guess the president’s decision to attack Bolivia. The soldier’s job, he would have carefully explained to him, is to trust that his commander in chief is making the right decision and to carry out his order. The soldier’s superiors would also explain to him that if he persists in his refusal to participate in the operation, he will be court-martialed and severely punished.

What about conscientious-objector status? Wouldn’t that relieve the soldier from participating in the attack on Bolivia?

No, because under military rules conscientious-objector status applies only if a soldier objects on moral or religious grounds to all war. A soldier is not permitted to gain conscientious-objector status if he happens to object to a particular war as being illegal, unjust, or immoral.

Back to our Bolivia example. To make it easy on U.S. soldiers who might feel a bit squeamish about killing Bolivians, the president could announce that they were invading Bolivia in order to oust the recently elected socialist president, a man who has close ties to Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chavez, who is another socialist and who has close ties to Fidel Castro, who is both a socialist and a communist and who had close ties to the communist Soviet Union, which had once promised to bury America.

Thus, by invading Bolivia, the president would argue, the troops would be helping bring freedom and stability to Latin America and also be protecting the United States from the threat of communism. Moreover, U.S. troops occupying Bolivia would be serving as a magnet for attracting Latin American communists and terrorists that U.S. troops could then exterminate. Finally, the president could provide another rationale for the invasion: that by invading Bolivia, U.S. troops would actually be defending the United States from an invasion by undocumented Bolivian immigrants.

It would be all the troops would need to go forward with a clear conscience. Undoubtedly, 99 percent of U.S. troops would obey the orders of the president to invade Bolivia, even if they felt a bit uneasy about killing people in the process. They would faithfully fulfill the terms of their employment contract.

How do we know that this is true — that U.S. troops would faithfully do their duty by carrying out the orders of their commander in chief to invade Bolivia? Easy — because we know that they followed the president’s order to invade Iraq, a country that never attacked the United States or even threatened to do so. And on invasion day, they would dutifully drop 500-pound bombs on Bolivia, fire missiles into cars and buildings, and shoot Bolivian soldiers who resisted the invasion. Women and children who would be killed as part of the operation would be considered the unfortunate collateral damage of war. And the more the Bolivian military resisted the invasion, the more it would be held morally responsible for Bolivian casualties.

Throughout the operation, the troops would be reporting back on how they’re killing the “bad guys.” American reporters, donning military helmets and embedding themselves with the troops, would dutifully attend Pentagon briefings, after which the U.S. press would breathlessly exalt the heroic exploits of the troops. Bronze and silver stars would be awarded soldiers who fought courageously against Bolivian soldiers and insurgents.

No one would keep count of how many Bolivians were killed in the operation because no one would want to know and no one would care. Only the deaths of American soldiers would count and be counted.

The American people would be infected with war fever. Dissidents would be challenged with “Now is not the time to debate whether we should have gone to war against Bolivia. The fact is that we are at war and so we’ve got to support the troops.” The FBI would monitor anti-war protests for threats to national security from socialists, communists, and terrorists. The country would be rife with anti-immigrant hysteria, and there would be raids, round-ups, and deportations of Hispanic immigrants.

Protestant ministers and Catholic priests would exhort their parishioners to support the troops in harm’s way. Those ministers and priests serving in military reserve units as chaplains would accompany the troops to Bolivia and explain to them that war is in the Old Testament, that as soldiers they could trust the judgment of the president, and that they could kill Bolivians with clear consciences. Church newspapers and bulletins would wax eloquent on how this was a “just” war, especially given that it would be protecting the national security of the United States from communism and also liberating the Bolivian people from the horrors of socialism and the threat of communism. The American flag would be displayed proudly in church altars, especially during Sunday service or mass (except, of course, in churches in Bolivia, where Protestant ministers and Catholic priests would be proudly displaying the Bolivian flag.)

People who came to the assistance of the Bolivians from Colombia, Ecuador, and other Latin American countries would be considered “terrorists” or “bad guys.” Those who came from Cuba would be called “communist terrorists.” And U.S. troops would kill them all, especially if they were trying to kill U.S. troops.

But what about the morality of the entire operation? Where is the morality of killing people who have never attacked the United States and who have done nothing worse than try to defend their country from a wrongful invader? Where is the morality in killing in “self-defense” when you don’t have a right to be there killing people in the first place? Does a burglar who has entered someone’s home in the middle of the night have the moral (or legal) right to claim self-defense if he kills the homeowner who shot at him while he was burglarizing the homeowner’s home in the middle of the night?

Indeed, where is the morality in signing a contract that obligates a person to go kill people who haven’t attacked his country?

“But we signed the employment contract thinking that we were defending America,” soldiers say. “We’re just trying to be patriots.”

But everyone knows that presidents don’t use their standing army to defend America. They use it to attack countries that haven’t attacked the United States. After all, how many times has America been invaded by a foreign army in the last 50 years? (Answer: None!) What country in the world today has the military capability of invading the United States? (Answer: None!)

By signing a contract that obligates the soldier to kill people in the process of obeying the president’s order to invade other nations, the soldier effectively agrees to surrender his conscience to the will of the president. After killing people pursuant to that contract, he effectively says to himself and to God, “I’m not responsible for killing that person I just shot or bombed because I signed a contract with my employer that obligates me to kill people on his command and that relieves me of having to decide whether my employer’s order was right or wrong.”

But the troops aren’t the only ones who surrender their consciences. As soon as the troops are committed to battle, many citizens also surrender their consciences, rallying to support the troops and cheering them to victory, praying that God bring an end to the violence and the “terrorism” in the country that the troops have invaded, without heed to whether the troops have the moral right to be in the invaded nation killing people.

How wise is the surrender of conscience, both among the troops and the citizenry, in both the short term and long term, especially in a country that prides itself on Judeo-Christian principles?

In my opinion, not wise at all.

Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He is one of 23 speakers at The Future of Freedom Foundation's upcoming June 1-4 conference “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties” in Reston, Virginia. Send him email.

3DHS / Re: Merry Christmas in Iraq
« on: December 26, 2006, 10:23:27 AM »
The people have to scream on the street corners now.     We did it before, we can do it again.

A good point, but since there isn't (at least not yet) a draft, I expect the amount of old-fashioned screaming will be limited.

My expectations are that the Democrats will dawdle and do little, if anything, about the war for around a year, and then with elections approaching and the war becoming ever more unpopular, they'll eventually get around to pulling the plug on it.

3DHS / The Giving Gap
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:36:34 PM »
The Giving Gap

Is the right more generous than the left?

Katherine Mangu-Ward | December 19, 2006
'Tis the season for giving—and it turns out that conservatives and like-minded welfare skeptics more than hold their own when it comes to charity. So says Arthur C. Brooks in his new book Who Really Cares?: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism. Brooks, a public policy professor at Syracuse University, sums up his own results thusly: Giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

Brooks shows that those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes. The average donation to educational causes among redistributionists was eight dollars per year, compared with $140 from their ideological opposites, and $96 annually to health care causes from free marketeers versus $11 from egalitarians.

A 2002 poll found that those who thought government "was spending too much money on welfare" were significantly more likely than those who wanted increased spending on welfare to give directions to someone on the street, return extra change to a cashier, or give food and/or money to a homeless person.

Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential—in fact, liberal households make about 6 percent more per year. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. And while religion is a major factor, the figures don't just show tithing to churches. Religious donors give significantly more to non-religious causes than do their secular counterparts.

But far more striking than conservatives outbidding their liberal pals for charity points is what Brooks finds about class distinctions. Brooks finds that in families with incomes of less than $14,000 annually, working poor families gives more than three times as much as families on welfare. They also are twice as likely to give, and twice as likely to volunteer. "It is not poverty per se that makes people uncharitable—but rather the government's policy for eradicating it," says Brooks.

    There is an appropriate intuition that American people are really generous, and they are. But you'd think that people give away a higher percentage of their income because they can afford to, and that's not true. It turns out that the people who give the biggest percentage of their income away are the working poor in American today. Now the "working" part is key, because the non-working poor who have the same incomes give the least. But the working poor who have low incomes but employment, particularly stable employment give like crazy and we should all take a giving lesson from them. They're also very income mobile and so there's this virtuous cycle of giving and success. These people are also hugely interested in issues of freedom and pretty hostile to government income redistribution. We are told that the poor are a homogenous group in America and they neither homogenous behaviorally, nor attitudinally.

Asked about the relationship of the belief in freedom to the levels of giving, Brooks responds quickly: "Freedom and opportunity are the sister virtues to charity," he says. "People who do not value freedom and opportunity simply don't value individual solutions to social problems very much. It creates a culture of not giving."

Of course, conservatives have a stake in proving that private charity works, and liberals have stake in proving that government solutions work. So there may be two sides to this coin. Sure, liberals don't give to charity, but when conservatives are put in charge of social services, they tend to do a pretty awful job. No one needs to be acting in bad faith for this to be true. It's simply human nature not to focus your energies where you think they will not be best rewarded.

The people who give the least are the young, especially young liberals. Brooks writes that "young liberals—perhaps the most vocally dissatisfied political constituency in America today—are one of the least generous demographic groups out there. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood." Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income. The families point is driven home by other results from Brooks. He writes that young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, "a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love."

Not to worry, though. The problem is one of age, not generation: "When people age," says Brooks, "they get better. I don't know exactly why that is, but one of the ways that they do so is they figure out what makes them feel good and what is good for other people and most pursue more of those activities. Giving is healthy and pro-social and so you see more of it as people get wiser."

There's something fundamental about the urge to give. Brooks explains the "helper's high" occurs when our brains reward us with pleasure-producing opiods when we help someone out—this factor, he says, promotes a virtuous cycle: "Tangible evidence suggests that charitable giving makes people prosperous, healthy, and happy. And that on its own is a huge argument to protect institutions of giving in this country, as individuals, in communities, and as a nation. We simply do best, as a nation, when people are free and they freely give."

"There's something incredibly satisfying, inherently, about voluntary giving," says Brooks. "And nobody has ever reported any brain science suggesting that you get an endorphin rush when you pay your tax bill."

Katherine Mangu-Ward is an associate editor for reason.

3DHS / For those who said "It won't happen here."
« on: December 18, 2006, 10:58:24 AM »
Former U.S. Detainee in Iraq Recalls Torment

One night in mid-April, the steel door clanked shut on detainee No. 200343 at Camp Cropper, the United States military’s maximum-security detention site in Baghdad.

American guards arrived at the man’s cell periodically over the next several days, shackled his hands and feet, blindfolded him and took him to a padded room for interrogation, the detainee said. After an hour or two, he was returned to his cell, fatigued but unable to sleep.

The fluorescent lights in his cell were never turned off, he said. At most hours, heavy metal or country music blared in the corridor. He said he was rousted at random times without explanation and made to stand in his cell. Even lying down, he said, he was kept from covering his face to block out the light, noise and cold. And when he was released after 97 days he was exhausted, depressed and scared.

Detainee 200343 was among thousands of people who have been held and released by the American military in Iraq, and his account of his ordeal has provided one of the few detailed views of the Pentagon’s detention operations since the abuse scandals at Abu Ghraib. Yet in many respects his case is unusual.

The detainee was Donald Vance, a 29-year-old Navy veteran from Chicago who went to Iraq as a security contractor. He wound up as a whistle-blower, passing information to the F.B.I. about suspicious activities at the Iraqi security firm where he worked, including what he said was possible illegal weapons trading.

But when American soldiers raided the company at his urging, Mr. Vance and another American who worked there were detained as suspects by the military, which was unaware that Mr. Vance was an informer, according to officials and military documents.

At Camp Cropper, he took notes on his imprisonment and smuggled them out in a Bible.

“Sick, very. Vomited,” he wrote July 3. The next day: “Told no more phone calls til leave.”

Nathan Ertel, the American held with Mr. Vance, brought away military records that shed further light on the detention camp and its secretive tribunals. Those records include a legal memorandum explicitly denying detainees the right to a lawyer at detention hearings to determine whether they should be released or held indefinitely, perhaps for prosecution.

The story told through those records and interviews illuminates the haphazard system of detention and prosecution that has evolved in Iraq, where detainees are often held for long periods without charges or legal representation, and where the authorities struggle to sort through the endless stream of detainees to identify those who pose real threats.

“Even Saddam Hussein had more legal counsel than I ever had,” said Mr. Vance, who said he planned to sue the former defense secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, on grounds that his constitutional rights had been violated. “While we were detained, we wrote a letter to the camp commandant stating that the same democratic ideals we are trying to instill in the fledgling democratic country of Iraq, from simple due process to the Magna Carta, we are absolutely, positively refusing to follow ourselves.”

A spokeswoman for the Pentagon’s detention operations in Iraq, First Lt. Lea Ann Fracasso, said in written answers to questions that the men had been “treated fair and humanely,” and that there was no record of either man complaining about their treatment.

Held as ‘a Threat’

She said officials did not reach Mr. Vance’s contact at the F.B.I. until he had been in custody for three weeks. Even so, she said, officials determined that he “posed a threat” and decided to continue holding him. He was released two months later, Lieutenant Fracasso said, based on a “subsequent re-examination of his case,” and his stated plans to leave Iraq.

Mr. Ertel, 30, a contract manager who knew Mr. Vance from an earlier job in Iraq, was released more quickly.

Mr. Vance went to Iraq in 2004, first to work for a Washington-based company. He later joined a small Baghdad-based security company where, he said, “things started looking weird to me.” He said that the company, which was protecting American reconstruction organizations, had hired guards from a sheik in Basra and that many of them turned out to be members of militias whom the clients did not want around.

Mr. Vance said the company had a growing cache of weapons it was selling to suspicious customers, including a steady flow of officials from the Iraqi Interior Ministry. The ministry had ties to violent militias and death squads. He said he had also witnessed another employee giving American soldiers liquor in exchange for bullets and weapon repairs.

On a visit to Chicago in October 2005, Mr. Vance met twice with an F.B.I. agent who set up a reporting system. Weekly, Mr. Vance phoned the agent from Iraq and sent him e-mail messages. “It was like, ‘Hey, I heard this and I saw this.’ I wanted to help,” Mr. Vance said. A government official familiar with the arrangement confirmed Mr. Vance’s account.

In April, Mr. Ertel and Mr. Vance said, they felt increasingly uncomfortable at the company. Mr. Ertel resigned and company officials seized the identification cards that both men needed to move around Iraq or leave the country.

On April 15, feeling threatened, Mr. Vance phoned the United States Embassy in Baghdad. A military rescue team rushed to the security company. Again, Mr. Vance described its operations, according to military records.

“Internee Vance indicated a large weapons cache was in the compound in the house next door,” Capt. Plymouth D. Nelson, a military detention official, wrote in a memorandum dated April 22, after the men were detained. “A search of the house and grounds revealed two large weapons caches.”

On the evening of April 15, they met with American officials at the embassy and stayed overnight. But just before dawn, they were awakened, handcuffed with zip ties and made to wear goggles with lenses covered by duct tape. Put into a Humvee, Mr. Vance said he asked for a vest and helmet, and was refused.

They were driven through dangerous Baghdad roads and eventually to Camp Cropper. They were placed in cells at Compound 5, the high-security unit where Saddam Hussein has been held.

Only days later did they receive an explanation: They had become suspects for having associated with the people Mr. Vance tried to expose.

“You have been detained for the following reasons: You work for a business entity that possessed one or more large weapons caches on its premises and may be involved in the possible distribution of these weapons to insurgent/terrorist groups,” Mr. Ertel’s detention notice said.

Mr. Vance said he began seeking help even before his cell door closed for the first time. “They took off my blindfold and earmuffs and told me to stand in a corner, where they cut off the zip ties, and told me to continue looking straight forward and as I’m doing this, I’m asking for an attorney,” he said. “ ‘I want an attorney now,’ I said, and they said, ‘Someone will be here to see you.’ ”

Instead, they were given six-digit ID numbers. The guards shortened Mr. Vance’s into something of a nickname: “343.” And the routine began.

Bread and powdered drink for breakfast and sometimes a piece of fruit. Rice and chicken for lunch and dinner. Their cells had no sinks. The showers were irregular. They got 60 minutes in the recreation yard at night, without other detainees.

Five times in the first week, guards shackled the prisoners’ hands and feet, covered their eyes, placed towels over their heads and put them in wheelchairs to be pushed to a room with a carpeted ceiling and walls. There they were questioned by an array of officials who, they said they were told, represented the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

“It’s like boom, boom, boom,” Mr. Ertel said. “They are drilling you. ‘We know you did this, you are part of this gun smuggling thing.’ And I’m saying you have it absolutely way off.”

The two men slept in their 9-by-9-foot cells on concrete slabs, with worn three-inch foam mats. With the fluorescent lights on and the temperature in the 50s, Mr. Vance said, “I paced myself to sleep, walking until I couldn’t anymore. I broke the straps on two pair of flip-flops.”

Asked about the lights, the detainee operations spokeswoman said that the camp’s policy was to turn off cell lights at night “to allow detainees to sleep.”

A Psychological Game

One day, Mr. Vance met with a camp psychologist. “He realized I was having difficulties,” Mr. Vance said. “He said to turn it into a game. He said: ‘I want you to pretend you are a soldier who has been kidnapped, and that you still have a duty to do. Memorize everything you can about everything that happens to you. Make it like you are a spy on the inside.’ I think he called it rational emotive behavioral therapy, and I started doing that.”

Camp Rule 31 barred detainees from writing on the white cell walls, which were bare except for a black crescent moon painted on one wall to indicate the direction of Mecca for prayers. But Mr. Vance began keeping track of the days by making hash marks on the wall, and he also began writing brief notes that he hid in the Bible given to him by guards.

“Turned in request for dentist + phone + embassy letter + request for clothes,” he wrote one day.

“Boards,” he wrote April 24, the day he and Mr. Ertel went before Camp Cropper’s Detainee Status Board.

Their legal rights, laid out in a letter from Lt. Col. Bradley J. Huestis of the Army, the president of the status board, allowed them to attend the hearing and testify. However, under Rule 3, the letter said, “You do not have the right to legal counsel, but you may have a personal representative assist you at the hearing if the personal representative is reasonably available.”

Mr. Vance and Mr. Ertel were permitted at their hearings only because they were Americans, Lieutenant Fracasso said. The cases of all other detainees are reviewed without the detainees present, she said. In both types of cases, defense lawyers are not allowed to attend because the hearings are not criminal proceedings, she said.

Lieutenant Fracasso said that currently there were three Americans in military custody in Iraq. The military does not identify detainees.

Mr. Vance and Mr. Ertel had separate hearings. They said their requests to be each other’s personal representative had been denied.

At the hearings, a woman and two men wearing Army uniforms but no name tags or rank designations sat a table with two stacks of documents. One was about an inch thick, and the men were allowed to see some papers from that stack. The other pile was much thicker, but they were told that this pile was evidence only the board could see.

The men pleaded with the board. “I’m telling them there has been a major mix-up,” Mr. Ertel said. “Please, I’m out of my mind. I haven’t slept. I’m not eating. I’m terrified.”

Mr. Vance said he implored the board to delve into his laptop computer and cellphone for his communications with the F.B.I. agent in Chicago.

Each of the hearings lasted about two hours, and the men said they never saw the board again.

“At the end, my first question was, ‘Does my family know I’m alive?’ and the lead man said, ‘I don’t know,’ ” Mr. Vance recounted. “And then I asked when will we have an answer, and they said on average it takes three to four weeks.”

Help From the Outside

About a week later, two weeks into his detention, Mr. Vance was allowed to make his first call, to Chicago. He called his fiancée, Diane Schwarz, who told him she had thought he might have died.

“It was very overwhelming,” Ms. Schwarz recalls of the 12-minute conversation. “He wasn’t quite sure what was going on, and was kind of turning to me for answers and I was turning to him for the same.”

She had already been calling members of Congress, alarmed by his disappearance. So was Mr. Ertel’s mother, and some officials began pressing for answers. “I would appreciate your looking into this matter,” Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois wrote to a State Department official in early May.

On May 7, the Camp Cropper detention board met again, without either man present, and determined that Mr. Ertel was “an innocent civilian,” according to the spokeswoman for detention operations. It took authorities 18 more days to release him.

Mr. Vance’s situation was more complicated. On June 17, Lt. Col. Keir-Kevin Curry, a spokesman for the American military’s detention unit, Task Force 134, wrote to tell Ms. Schwarz that Mr. Vance was still being held. “The detainee board reviewed his case and recommended he remain interned,” he wrote. “Multi-National Force-Iraq approved the board’s recommendation to continue internment. Therefore, Mr. Vance continues to be a security detainee. We are not processing him for release. His case remains under investigation and there is no set timetable for completion.” Over the following weeks, Mr. Vance said he made numerous written requests — for a lawyer, for blankets, for paper to write letters home. Mr. Vance said that he wrote 10 letters to Ms. Schwarz, but that only one made it to Chicago. Dated July 17, it was delivered late last month by the Red Cross.

“Diana, start talking, sending e-mail and letters and faxes to the alderman, mayor, governor, congressman, senators, Red Cross, Amnesty International, A.C.L.U., Vatican, and other Christian-based organizations. Everyone!” he wrote. “I am missing you so much, and am so depressed it’s a daily struggle here. My life is in your hands. Please don’t get discouraged. Don’t take ‘No’ for answers. Keep working. I have to tell myself these things every day, but I can’t do anything from a cell.”

The military has never explained why it continued to consider Mr. Vance a security threat, except to say that officials decided to release him after further review of his case.

“Treating an American citizen in this fashion would have been unimaginable before 9/11,” said Mike Kanovitz, a Chicago lawyer representing Mr. Vance.

On July 20, Mr. Vance wrote in his notes: “Told ‘Leaving Today.’ Took shower and shaved, saw doctor, got civ clothes back and passport.”

On his way out, Mr. Vance said: “They asked me if I was intending to write a book, would I talk to the press, would I be thinking of getting an attorney. I took it as, ‘Shut up, don’t talk about this place,’ and I kept saying, ‘No sir, I want to go home.’ ”

Mr. Ertel has returned to Baghdad, again working as a contracts manager. Mr. Vance is back in Chicago, still feeling the effects of having been a prisoner of the war in Iraq.

“It’s really hard,” he says. “I don’t really talk about this stuff with my family. I feel ashamed, depressed, still have nightmares, and I’d even say I suffer from some paranoia.”

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