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Messages - Religious Dick

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3DHS / Re: Conversation with a conservative Comanche
« on: July 04, 2012, 06:55:31 AM »
FLORIDA, July 2, 2012 ? Over the last several years, multiculturalism has gone from being a sociological concept to functioning as the American mainstream.

What impact has this had on our country as a whole?

Academics and politicians might say one thing before the cameras, but the fact that a new set of dilemmas are being ushered in cannot go ignored. From language barriers to ethnic as well as religious conflicts, this country appears to be facing a serious lack of social unity.

Nothing highlights these problems more than the presidential campaign. President Obama is in a close, and increasingly bitter race with Mitt Romney. A great many on both ends of the political spectrum think that this election will be among the most important in American history.

What are David Yeagley's opinions about all this?


Cotto: Multiculturalism is spreading across the United States at light speed. This has led to not only language barriers, but considerable religious, ethnic, and racial tensions. Nonetheless, many do believe that, in the long run, the aforementioned problems will fade into the history books. Do you share this opinion?

Dr. Yeagley: No. Multiculturalism is globalism, and obviously imperialism. That always spelled mass oppression and tyranny.  It is always worse than anything it presumes to replace. 

Evolution produced nationality. Even the Bible itself recognizes nationality, and attributes it directly to the Creator Himself. Either position declares that man is self-destructive to go against nature, or nature?s God. 

Globalism is a cheap shot, really, on the part of power-mongers. It appeals to the weak, the dependent, and the unworthy. The reason empires always fail is because people, in the end, prefer their individuality, ethnic as well as national. This is the lesson of history?which man apparently never learns. Some clowns are always aiming for an empire. 

American Indians never united in this way. (If we did, there would never have been any America.) We were different cultures, with different religion, language, and territory. We never tried to unite, nor did we ever attempt to rule over each other, or over anyone else.  Of course, we suffered the consequences of our ?independence.? 

Cotto: Election season is in full swing. Who are you supporting for president this year, and which candidate do you believe will ultimately prevail in November? If Barack Obama does win a second term, what impact do you think this will have on the United States?

Dr. Yeagley: I certainly hope Romney wins, although I originally supported Michele Bachmann. I think Romney is quite realistic, and on many fronts, that makes him weak, in my opinion. Constitutionalism would seem to be the answer to preserving America. Bachmann was a lot closer to that than Romney. Ron Paul was most constitutional of all, but, brought to many other vagaries along with him. This may be the biggest ?settle? Republican voters will ever have to make.

But, nothing could be worse than to have [Obama] in the American White House. America will never be the same. In fact, America will be something that what it was before. America will become something it was never meant to be. Yes, the buildings will remain, and the roads, even the trees. But the spirit of the country, the social identity, will be forever lost. Obama?s goal, as was Bill Clinton?s, is to make America a Third World country, in the name of equality. If Obama wins, America is lost forever. 

America is going down, and has been for some time, really since the ?60?s. We?re at the point of no return, it seems. Republicans have made no special difference. The Tea Party is the one spark of hope, but it remains to be seen if it can make a difference in a national election. 


Over these last few days, we have learned much about Dr. Yeagley's political perspectives. What about the man himself, though?

In the concluding fourth part of our discussion, the great-great-grandson of Comanche dignitary Bad Eagle explains.

3DHS / Re: Conversation with a conservative Comanche
« on: July 04, 2012, 06:53:20 AM »
FLORIDA, July 1, 2012 ? As we all know, this is an election season.

It should go without saying that the topic of illegal immigration is at the forefront once again. As usual, it is burning bridges as if they were firewood, and raising the question of just what it means to be an American.

The economy is another problem. The Great Recession continues to roll along, despite the federal government's series of stimulus measures. Now, illegal immigration threatens to boil over into this quagmire, as President Obama's de facto DREAM Act has allowed upward of 800,000 unlawful aliens to remain in the country. One can only imagine the impact this will have on those looking for work; specifically blue collar jobs.

All the while, our national security hangs in the balance. From increasing dangers abroad to pressing matters on the domestic front, strong policies are needed to promote long term stability.

So, what are David Yeagley's opinions on these key subjects?


Joseph F. Cotto: Illegal immigration is, as always, a highly contentious issue. How do you believe that it is being handled by the federal government as of now? From your standpoint, is there a better of way of dealing with this crisis?

Dr. David Yeagley: I know of no country in the world having a constitution that requires that country to receive immigrants.  There is no law which says any and every country must accept any and every people who come to its shores.  This is some unwritten law, that anyone born anywhere in the world has a right to live anywhere he wants.  If this law is true, then nationhood is dissolved, out the window, and nixed forever.  A nations is given away to the first takers.

I don?t think the original Americans, the WASPS, came here to conquer Indians, but rather to get away from Anglican/Roman Catholic persecution.  America is not therefore a nation of immigrants, or even invaders.  It is a nation of exiles, or persecuted fugitives?with original ideas of government.  America is a nation of religio-political experimentalists.  The concept of having open doors, yea, of having an emblazoned invitation to the world, is utterly false and destructive.  America wasn?t made for the world.  American is not a haven for losers, criminals, and populations of failed Third World countries; but, open immigration has made it such.  The Third World is overrun by mindless reproduction, low standards, destructive religion, filth and disease.  To invite such defective masses is suicidal for any nation.   

I think American immigration policy (if there is such) is wholly mistaken in concept, and any concept of charity or good will associated with it has been wholly usurped and perverted by anti-American liberals.  It is intentionally made the means of undoing all that is strong and valuable about American society.  Liberals don?t want America to be great, but common, like the rest of the failed Third World.  This is a conscious effort.   

Cotto: Several years have passed, and yet the American economy continues to wander through the depths of the Great Recession. Do you see a path to prosperity emerging on the horizon?

Dr. Yeagley: To enter at all onto the path of prosperity, having stepped and stayed on the opposite path for so long, will require severe sacrifice.  If the country wants to rid itself of Mexican labor, than who will plant the onions?  Americans may have to do without onions for a while.  To change directions always requires stern determination and sacrifice.  The path out of adversity is not an easy one.  Government regulation (i.e., bureaucracy) is destructive.  Business and free market economy have historically proven to be the path to prosperity.  Changing government bureaucracy, once established, is not likely to happen. 

I see States Rights therefore as the first viable position to counter the federal monster.  More freedom, more independence, can only begin at a smaller, localized level.  The federal government will simply have to be denied, or ?defied? if you will.  The federal government is not exempt from the liability of error, or from the accusation of ?domestic enemy.?  The idea that the federal government cannot be found guilty of anti-American intent is truly a fatal error. 

Without independence from the federal government, I see no likelihood of prosperity.  This is my message to American Indian tribes, in fact.  When I campaigned for chairman of the Comanche Nation (2012), my first platform point was to sell the tribe?to private ownership.  We must sever all financial dependency on the federal government.  What the government funds, the government controls.  This is ultimately the death knell for the tribes. 

Cotto: From foreign terrorism to domestic riots, we live in an increasingly challenging world. In order to face it, America must have a sufficient national security policy. What would you say that this should entail?

Dr. Yeagley: I don?t know that moral behavior can be dictated by the government.  In America?s case, I think the fault lies with failed pastors.  I think the American church failed, long ago.  Where the church failed, the religion of liberalism took over. 

Security has to do with trust and reliability.  This begins with citizenship.  Few people should be allowed citizenship.  It should be made precious.  Very few people should have the right to vote, and that right must be earned with terrible trial and knowledge.  Great testing and examination should be required before citizenship is ever granted.  Being an American is not really valued at all today?except for the opportunities for fame and fortune.  This is wholly degrading to society.  Being American doesn?t mean what it should mean at all.  Security is based on trustworthy people.  We simply don?t have that to the degree we should. 

Government agencies for security are not reliable when the people who comprise them are not reliable.  Again, I believe the weakness is in our underdeveloped concepts of what it means to be an American citizen.  Greek models put a very high price on citizenship.  Proper education was primary.  American Indians also put a deadly price?on manhood itself.  A brave earned his status.  It was not something inherited, or bought.


Over the last few years, multiculturalism has gone on the rise, bringing with it a slew of unfamiliar challenges. The presidential race, as stated before, is kicking into high gear. Considering that it might prove to be among the most important in history, this should be anything but surprising.

What are Dr. Yeagley's views about these critical matters?

Part three awaits.

3DHS / Conversation with a conservative Comanche
« on: July 04, 2012, 06:51:15 AM »
FLORIDA, June 30, 2012 ? In contemporary politics, the views of Native Americans are rarely considered.

While watching an opinion program, for instance, chances are that every ancestral demographic will have been represented within a week's time; except for the one that was here before the pilgrims arrived.

Fortunately, Dr. David A. Yeagley is doing something to change this.

The great-great-grandson of Comanche dignitary Bad Eagle, he has been called "an American Indian Leonardo DiVinci". Bringing his work as "an author, scholar, classical composer, concert musician, (and) portrait artist" into the equation, this should come as no surprise.

Nonetheless, Yeagley's political perspectives have surely attracted the most attention. A member of the right, he takes outspoken positions on issues such as illegal immigration and the spread of militant Islamism. There is far more to his philosophy, however, than the stuff of headline news.


Joseph F. Cotto: Support for center-right politics in Native American cultures is not, generally speaking, thought of as being widespread. How does your ancient heritage tie in with your contemporary political views?

Dr. David Yeagley: The preference of preservation is the pith of conservatism.  To conserve, to reserve, to hold on to a tradition, an identity, a way of life?this is essential conservatism.  No people in America are more focused on their traditions, however unrelated to present necessity, than are American Indians.  American Indians represent the most conservative people in the country, if even by intuition and unarticulated ideology.  Indians are simply conservative, albeit without political rhetoric.  Indians live conservatism, rather than campaign for it. It is the way of all real Indians.  I personally consider this obvious.

I recognize in America the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant as the foundation of the country and the society.  All else is historical addendum.  I believe the WASP has the obligation to make every effort to preserve the American identity, both socially and governmentally.  It isn?t a matter of having the right to.  That is a given.  It is a matter of grave responsibility.  As I honor the American Indian conservative instinct of preserving Indian nations (or wistful facsimiles thereof), I honor the WASP America, first and foremost.  All else must be considered addition, not foundation.  Yes, there are a number of other significant European peoples (nationalities) which had major roles in the building and shaping of modern America; however, they are simply not the foundation, and they must never be thought of as equal to that foundation, or as important. 

No one would expect a Nigerian to become Chief of the Cheyenne, or a Lithuanian to become Chief of the Apache.  And no one would consider an Indian tribe racist for being exclusive, intolerant, or non-egalitarian.  Nor do I expect the WASP to turn over America to aliens, foreigners, or non-white leadership.  This is catastrophic, obviously.  Even the classical Greeks knew multiculturalism doesn?t work.  Aristotle said the foreign element would never feel equal to the blue-bloods, no matter what concessions given them, or status they achieved.  They are forever a source is discontent, and actually inimical to a democracy. 

Cotto: In American politics, labels have been overused to the extent that terms such as "conservative" and "liberal" are now essentially meaningless. Why do you suppose that this happened?

Dr. Yeagley: I don?t consider the terms meaningless at all.  Conservative means wanting to hold on to historical values and culturally established morals and mores.   Liberal means to undo all that has come before.  I consider liberals to be Freudian?in that they manifest the Oedipal complex.  They wish to destroy the father, or all that which the father has left for them.  They hate the father.  It is a deep seated craving to uproot his roots.  Such instinct, politicized as ideology, is quite marketable, however, especially to the youth, who are naturally impatient of restraint and authority.  They are quite willing to shout against the ?status quo.? 

Historically, the etymology of liberalism goes like this:  Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Leftism, Liberalism, and Progressivism.  Each term was meant to be more socially acceptable or more marketable.  It?s all based on an appeal to envy the envy of the poor for the rich.  ?You owe  me? is the mantra taught to anyone without a Cadillac?to protest anyone who has one.  This is positively juvenile, denigrating, and essentially racist.  Liberals are indeed the racists, for the white have, and the darks have not. Therefore, the darks have been wronged by the whites.  Liberalism is a godless social evaluation based on materialism, exclusively.  It is pure Marxism.  ?I?ve been wronged? is the watchword.  As a moral imperative, a moral advantage, it works best where there are Judeo-Christian sentiments in the society.  But it is also very effective in impoverished nations whose internet and TV outlets let them know of the great glitter possessed by other (Western) societies. 

Indeed, the free market is perhaps the deepest liability of capitalism or America?s republican form of democracy.  All is a sell.  As long as the immature can buy, and worse, vote, the situation is volatile.  Liberalism can be pawned off as superior righteousness, when it is but convenient greed.

The breakdown of the family enhances social and psychological aberrancy.  It is the distinct articulation of liberalism that the family is to be re-defined?that is, destroyed.  Thus, the American traditions cannot be effectively communicated to the next generation. 

So, if you ask how your thesis of terminology obfuscation evolved,  I could actually say the market place itself had a lot to do with the obfuscation of the meaning of ?conservative? and ?liberal,? politics being the national bazaar of ideas.

Cotto: Libertarianism, specifically the Ron Paul variety, is often hailed as being the center-right's future. Do you think that this is the case? If it indeed is, would this be a positive development, in your opinion? 

Dr. Yeagley: Libertarianism is not really conservatism.  It is a skewed, imbalanced take on certain aspects of individualism.  Individual freedom shouldn?t be idolized.  No man is an island.  What you do does affect others.  Now, I think Ron Paul?s Constitutionalism was by far the truest.  However, if I may use the medical doctor metaphor, if you call for amputation as the only solution, the only way to save the life, then I want some serious coaching on what it?s going to be like to live without an arm.  Talk to me about it.  Paul never really did.  He just was very sure that amputation is the only thing that will save the country.  I felt he needed to be a little more considerate of the nation as patient. 

I don?t see libertarianism as a solution.  It is too solipsistic, too selfish.  It is moral responsibility turned amoral.  That opens too many doors to deviant behavior.


As politicians focus on reelection rather than hard facts, our nation's illegal immigration crisis continues to spin out of control. The Great Recession, meanwhile, rolls on unabated; and is perhaps given a boost by the DREAM of amnesty. America's national security policy all the while hangs in the balance.

What does Dr. Yeagley have to say about these pressing subjects?

Find out in part two.

3DHS / Derb on Obamacare ruling
« on: June 30, 2012, 02:36:23 AM »

3DHS / Re: Two from Mangan
« on: June 30, 2012, 02:26:35 AM »
Spot the Correlation: Wealth vs. Immigration

A commenter posted a link to the above graph that he compiled by the juxtaposition of two other graphs. It's more than just suggestive: it points to one of the main reasons that the rich have gotten richer while wages for the rest of us have stagnated. A greater share of national income has been going to capital in the past few decades, and a lower share to labor, and mass immigration has been a key strategy in the elites' grab for more money.

It can be seen that the post-WW2 era was the golden age for labor's share of national income, with its zenith around 1970 almost exactly corresponding to the low point for the fraction of the population composed of immigrants, about 4.7%. The postwar era was also the high tide for labor unions, but if this chart has any validity, unions were successful because companies couldn't just bypass them by hiring cheap labor.

Also, note that the peak for capital's share of income was 1928, four years after the passage of the 1924 immigration restriction law, and it began a downward sweep that lasted for decades. Coincidence?

For those who might say that public policy shouldn't be biased one way or another to either capital or labor, these are the same libertarians who believe that being an American citizen should carry no advantages whatsoever. We are not to be entitled to any restrictions on the ability of capital to undercut us at any time.

It's no wonder that people like Bloomberg and Soros and Gates constantly browbeat us about the "need" for more immigration: it's one way that they get richer.

Posted by Dennis Mangan at 10:06 AM

3DHS / Two from Mangan
« on: June 30, 2012, 02:22:46 AM »
Social Capabilities in Decline

Mankind has not been to the moon for a long time, and Bruce Charlton has made the argument that this is because we no longer have the ability. We can say until we're blue in the face, goes the argument, that we haven't sent men to the moon lately because we don't want to, because we feel we have better uses for the money or other projects to which the talent must be devoted, but the simplest explanation is that we don't because we, as a society, can't.

Because the task of getting to the moon was one imposed by politicians, and was not within our technical capability at the time, only the most talented engineers and project leaders were assigned to the task. The leaders had the ability to make crucial decisions without (much) bureaucratic interference. Now, however, government agencies such as NASA recruit personnel on the basis of qualities other than mere smarts and decisiveness, such as diversity, minority membership, obedience to the bureaucracy, and organization-man conformity, and recruiting on this basis means that the agencies don't necessarily have top talent.

Can we use the same argument about other social tasks, such as border control? We haven't controlled our borders for decades now, and the question is whether we can. It takes little technical expertise to do so, so not having top talent in that field shouldn't matter. But, as a society we now give priority to other values, such as cheap labor, diversity, or filling the ranks of voters for socialism. It could be argued that a simple policy change would do the trick, but despite endless polls that show that a large majority of Americans are against illegal immigration, nothing is ever done. So maybe as a society we don't control the borders because we're unable.

Another example might be the prosecution of a war. The U.S. had (has) specific war aims in Iraq and Afghanistan that it has not been able to fulfill. We have not succeeded, for example, in pacifying either country. A good way of looking at the problem is to say that we have not because we can not. Other priorities than war-winning have intruded onto war plans, and these include not looking like a bully to world opinion, an unwillingness to sacrifice American lives (not that that's a bad thing), an unwillingness to be seen killing the "enemy".

So it seems that there are a number of things we can no longer do. California can't build a bullet train because of bureaucratic bungling and environmental concerns. We could probably no longer build an interstate highway system. Oil refineries and nuclear power plants are virtually incapable of being built.

Posted by Dennis Mangan at 12:39 PM

3DHS / Re: The Turd World
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:15:21 AM »
Right-wing 'Liberaltarian' Pratfall
By Colin Liddell

It's good to see Gavin McInnes giving his usual sensitive take on the Islamic world, over at Taki's. Yes, he's right. Islam does produce plenty of newsworthy and easy-to-ridicule moments. For a writer of McInnes's sarkiness it must look like one hell of an inviting pi?ata, although the words "fish," "barrel," and "shoot" also spring to mind.

The Muzzies are a right lot, and what an image too: beards, frothing mobs, bums in the air, scimitars, shadowy women shuffling around in binbags, Allah-akbar-this, Allah-akbar-that, etc. etc. Writing about them in the way McInnes does is the right-wing 'liberaltarian' equivalent of the easy-laugh pratfall engaged in by comedians of the silent era like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin.

Those who have read the article probably experienced the same disquieting feeling that I did. After the easy laughs and the rather clunky juxtapositions of moments culled from the oddball doings of a quarter of the world's population with historical reference points from our own past savagery, it is the obvious smugness of McInnes's article that stands out:

 They're merely slower than us?"retarded," if you will.

The idea that McInnes explores in the first half of his article is basically that: that the Muzzies are a less developed version of our wonderful, liberated Western selves. Hence the references to the Salem witch trials and the mini-skirts that once adorned Tehran under the Shah.

But Taki's readers are intelligent. Following that simple line too far won?t keep them interested, so McInnes throws in his next big idea, a clever-sounding piece of sci-fi theorizing courtesy of Philip K. Dick about multiple futures. In the way that McInnes uses this idea it sounds suspiciously like a disguised version of Calvinistic Predestination (an echo of McInnes?s Scottish roots perhaps), with the Muzzies as the Damned-and-there's-nothing-they-can-do-about-it and the cool people McInnes represents as the Elect-whatever-the-fuck-they-do.

The problem however is that the Muzzies are not quite as backward or damned as McInnes would like to think. "Backward" can mean a variety of things. Usually it?s connected to technology: e.g. Japan was backward in 1853 when America's paddle steamers showed up. The Incas and the Aztecs were similarly out of their depth with the high-tech wizardry of the Spaniards, but cases like this are rare and are limited to a brief period in human history when year-on-year technological change was on a revolutionary scale and new lands were being discovered. It is a period that is now over.

In his book "The Great Stagnation," Tyler Cowen says his grandmother saw great changes during her life, citing the birth of airplanes, skyscrapers, suspension bridges, radio, television, antibiotics, atomic bombs, nuclear energy, interstate highways, jet travel, and a moon landing, among others; and contrasts this with a child born in 1970 who has seen the advent of biotechnology, drones, CDs, cellphones, internet porn, and?erm?Facebook.

The Islamic world might still be technologically backward, but they were a lot more backward in 1970 and 1917, when they still fought in a way that Mohammed would have recognized.

But rather than a lack of technological glitz, backwardness can be also be defined as the inability to solve existing problems, especially the existential problems that bedevil the West, like our feeble fertility rate, increasingly broken family structures, and need to import masses of people of markedly different cultures and inclinations.

In this respect, the idea that the Muslims are backward and need to catch up with us is clearly wrong. Indeed, it is entirely the other way round. In terms of demographic effectiveness, the Muslims are streets ahead of us, as are Non-Islamic Africans, Hispanics, and Indians. This might be one tiny little point lost in the great big bundle of Western technological, cultural, and consumerist superiority, but come back in a hundred years and see the difference it makes.

McInnes aims most of his venom at the Muslim attitude to gays and women. The Muzzies being the 25% of the world that they are, he is luckily able to find some nice examples: a guy chucking his wife's head out the window and an old cleric's ramblings about drinking breast milk, among them.

But these are just kooky extremes that deflect from the heart of the issue. What McInnes is essentially attacking is the notion ? unpopular in the oversexualized and demographically impotent West ? that the human body is not merely a sex toy. It is ironic therefore that in an article attacking Muslim backwardness, his attack is centered on the point where they are most ahead of the West.

3DHS / Return of the Kings
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:10:03 AM »
Return of the Kings
by Charles A. Coulombe

A specter is haunting Europe?and pace Marx, it is the specter of monarchy. Whenever a ceremony of any sort is performed for or by a deposed ruling family?s members?as has happened in the past few years in France, Germany, and Austria?there is sure to be whining in the media and among the political caste.

This is understandable, since the latter are the heirs of those who seized power and aim to keep it forever?regardless of what their subjects might want. Sundry triumphant pols passed laws forbidding the physical return of royal heirs to their nations?even as visitors. One by one, however, these measures were voided until the European Court tossed out the last of them and allowed the House of Savoy to return to Italy.

The entrenched political class feared that once back, the royals might regain some of their property. To avoid this, recourse was had in several countries (most notably Austria) to the kind of legal chicanery we Americans are used to with the Supreme Court. But the dominant classes? apprehensions were fulfilled in all the Balkan countries?heretofore exposed to the reductio ad absurdum of ?democracy? in the form of exquisitely brutal communist regimes.

With the exception of Greece, which with Anglo-American help had avoided its sister countries? red servitude, the populations of the formerly Marxist region welcomed back their former monarchs (or their heirs) with open arms?going so far as to reverse the theft of much of their former property. The Balkan royals began once again to play supporting roles in their homelands? public life. Simeon II of Bulgaria was perhaps the most successful. Acting as the focus of a grassroots political movement, he was elected prime minister in 2001.

But after leaving office in 2005 with a solid record, the King assumed the same sort of quasi-royal role his brother monarchs of Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, and Albania had. He met secular and religious dignitaries, gave out decorations, and advertised his country abroad. He did everything a reigning constitutional monarch would do, save opening and closing parliament and receiving ambassadors. This satisfying if anomalous position, financed by his regained lands rather than tax dollars, annoyed the class in power. To choke off his activity, they used that weapon so beloved of ?democratic? oligarchs everywhere and took him to court to steal his lands once more. They just won a major victory: The country?s Supreme Court has ruled that Simeon?s hunting lodge at Krichim does not belong to him, opening the legal path to pilfering the remainder of his estates.

So steeped have we become in the politics of envy that the government robbing a rich man?better still, an ex-reigning sovereign?will bring joy to many. This is why the decades-old reduction of Britain?s landed aristocracy from a political force to a band of desperate folk trying (and often failing) to hold onto what is left of their inheritance begets either a smile or a yawn. If Simeon is to continue to play a useful role in his country?s life, he will need to seek justice?paradoxically enough?from the European Court of Human Rights. It is ironic that this is happening under Boyko Borisov?s scandal-ridden prime ministry. The contrast between monarch and politico could not be starker.

Meanwhile, Simeon?s brother sovereigns in the Balkans are doing a sterling job carrying on as shadow heads of state. Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia and his family live in the White Palace in Belgrade. (The president inhabits the Royal Palace.) Sixty-four percent of Serbs support Alexander?s restoration to the throne. After a tumultuous life filled with coups and exile, King Michael I of Romania?the only World War II-era ruler still around?now splits his time between Switzerland (the country that hosted him under communism) and Romania. His oldest daughter, Crown Princess Margarita, and her husband Prince Radu, live full-time in the country on returned property and play a large role in national life. Among other things the prince has become a sort of roving ambassador for Romanian business. Young Crown Prince Leka II of Albania has also found government employment. He acts as special advisor to his country?s ministries of interior and foreign affairs. This sort of ?creeping restoration? has gone furthest in Montenegro, where Crown Prince Nicholas II and his family have had an official position alongside (and paid at the same rate as) the president.

Despite Simeon?s apparent setback, the monarchs? position in the ex-communist Balkans is rosy compared to that of Constantine II of Greece. Since the plebiscite on the monarchy in 1974, he has not been allowed even to visit his homeland for any great length of time. He fought the government in the European Court of Human Rights for his estate at Tatoi and other property. The resulting judgment may have been a moral victory for the King, but it was a financial success for the government.

The Greek Supreme Court banned the monarchist National Hope Party from the May 2012 elections while permitting the allegedly fascist Golden Dawn Party. The court removed the ban for the June elections; perhaps Golden Dawn?s success in May convinced the judges that there are worse things than monarchy. As Europe struggles to retain its identity and its soul, this would be good for the continent?s elites to ponder.

3DHS / The Turd World
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:00:36 AM »
The Turd World

by Gavin McInnes

June 15, 2012

Every time Islam pokes its head out of its towel, I get nostalgic. Oh, women in Egypt were sexually assaulted for protesting sexual assault last week? Ahh, that takes me back to the halcyon days of the Wild West. Pardon? Did you say a Muslim man screamed, ?God is great!? before throwing his wife?s head out the window in Berlin earlier this month? Ho ho, that takes me back hundreds of years to the old witch hunts in that fun little college party town called Salem. What?s that? Homosexuality is still a capital offense in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, northern Nigeria, North Sudan, and Yemen? Ah, sweet old 16th-century England. When I was told yet another woman was stoned to death in the Sudan a fortnight ago, I was catapulted back to the way we were in the 4th century.

Peering into Islam is like picking up your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather?s diary. Muslims are simply way behind us. They?re merely slower than us??retarded,? if you will. We see the same thing happening in Mexico. We assume their drug wars are evidence of the natives gone savage, but they?re really just struggling to fill the vacuum Pablo Escobar left behind. We went through the same growing pains during Prohibition.

The Turd World will catch up with us in a hundred years, so leave ?em be and let ?em have at it. We need to get out of the Middle East because you can?t fast-forward progress. Let nature run its course.

The End.

Wait?I just saw footage of Iran in the 1970s before the fundamentalists took over. Sexy women in miniskirts were getting science degrees and driving cool cars. I can?t tell who?s gay or not, but the scene is virtually indistinguishable from 70s New York when our mayor was gay, so I?m guessing things were relatively groovy. Education was free for women in Iraq back then, too. Iraqi women today are back to where they were 100 years ago. In fact, the entire Arab world seemed way more modern half a century ago. They?re not slowly catching up to us. They?re going backward!

There are many theories to explain this regression. I posited here that it was from their extensive inbreeding. Irshad Manji takes a gentler approach (for which she received death threats) and insists that extremists hijacked Islam and bastardized it into a totalitarian ideology. Before now, I?d accepted both theories as plausible. Eventually, Islam would get over inbreeding, reclaim their religion, and become civilized.

However, a few beers with a scientist has changed my mind for good. He explained that in 2010, a group of physicists proved that Phillip K. Dick?s ?multiple-future? theories are not mere science fiction. It?s entirely possible that parallel universes exist. When you decide to take the right turn at a fork in the road, there could be an entire other world where the decision to turn left exists and another ?you? lives out those consequences. The ?you? who turned left isn?t going to catch up with your car and merge. He?s gone for good.

That?s when it hit me. Islam isn?t far behind. They?ve chosen a different path. Where our soldiers see death as a loss, they see it as a victory. They?re no longer in line with our space-time continuum. We shouldn?t get out of the Middle East because you can?t fast-forward progress. We need to get out of the Middle East because they?ve chosen to irrevocably regress.

Do you remember when we forbade calendars with pictures of kittens on them? Me, neither. How about that strange epoch when Christians insisted women could only hang out with men they breast-feed? Never happened. Islam isn?t a culture that needs to be coaxed toward Western values. It?s a culture that has gone off the deep end forever. I no longer care if it?s because of inbreeding or cultural hijacking or brainwashing. That part of the world is irretrievably lost and there?s nothing we can do about it. Let?s cut the cord and bid them adieu for good. They can hop on their camels and drive through whatever alternate universe they choose and take whatever turn they want as long as they don?t end up in our backyard.

3DHS / Evidence Suggests Watergate Was A Setup
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:31:21 PM »
I found this to be a fascinating read - but it's way too long to post here....

A Growing Body Of Evidence Suggests Watergate Was A Setup To Nail Nixon
Russ Baker, WhoWhatWhy    |

Family of Secrets
Chapter 10: Downing Nixon: The Setup
Who Will Rid Me of This Troublesome Priest?
ascribed to Henry II

On June 17, 1972, a group of burglars, carrying electronic surveillance
equipment, was arrested inside the Democratic National
Committee offices at 2650 Virginia Avenue, NW, in Washington,
D.C., the Watergate building complex. The men were quickly identified as
having ties to the Nixon reelection campaign and to the White House.
Though at the time the incident got little attention, it would snowball into
one of the biggest crises in American political history, define Richard Nixon
forever, and drive him out of the White House.

Most historical accounts judge Nixon responsible in some way for the
Watergate burglary?or at least for an effort to cover it up. And many people
believe Nixon got what he deserved.

But like other epic events, Watergate turns out to be an entirely different
story than the one we thought we knew.

Read more:

3DHS / Europe's post-Nazi stress disorder has brought it to ruin
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:42:22 AM »
Europe's post-Nazi stress disorder has brought it to ruin
By Ed West Politics Last updated: May 30th, 2012

The European crisis threatens to re-awaken the old monster of nationalism, military historian Antony Beevor has warned. In an interview with the Telegraph, the author of Stalingrad and Berlin: the Downfall said that:

The great European dream was to diminish militant nationalism. We would all be happy Europeans together. But we are going to see the old monster of militant nationalism being awoken when people realise how little control their politicians have. We are already seeing political disintegration in Europe.

I feel slightly uneasy at the way historians are consulted as if history is going to repeat itself. It never does. It is misleading and dangerous to make sweeping parallels with the Second World War. Politicians like Blair and Bush liked to sound Churchillian or Rooseveltian at times of crisis, but the comparisons of Saddam Hussein to Hitler were preposterous. Eden compared Nasser to Hitler and that led us into the Suez disaster.

Indeed. On the same day The Guardian printed a letter, ?We are all Greek Jews now?, warning against Right-wing extremism, a letter that perfectly captures all the symptoms of Europe?s post-Nazi disorder.

We invite all citizens, political parties, unions, civil society, intellectuals and artists to fight the extreme right by promoting and bringing to life the European dream. We must always remember that this dream was built on the ruins of Nazism. We must never forget about the Shoah. Our dream is of a continent free from racism and antisemitism. It is the project of a society based on "togetherness" ? beyond boundaries.

Second, we must refute the dogma of "the European fortress", which favours the spread of anti-immigrant speeches and the lockdown of Europe's frontiers, especially when a core element of European postwar identity ? its social welfare system ? requires the economic input of immigration to remain sustainable.

Taking aside that they conflate genuinely nasty neo-Fascist parties like Golden Dawn with populist (often quite libertarian) groups such as the Dutch Freedom Party, the European dream is not under threat from a few Greek heavies who look like they?ve stepped out of a Vauxhall nightclub; it?s under threat from itself, because its vision is totally unworkable. The idea of a society without borders in a world where people share their countries is as radical and extreme as the idea that people might share their property ? so don?t be surprised when it doesn?t work.

No political or cultural entity can exist without boundaries; indeed there cannot be any ?togetherness? without boundaries in the first place. The very entity of ?Europe?, or ?Christendom?, came about in opposition to the rise of Islam, and Islam remains the only force that could ever unite Europeans (the Counter-Jihad movement is very pan-European, and Anders Breivik committed his terrible crimes, he said, to save Europe). Otherwise why not just have a ?World Union??

Neither can you build an ?identity? on a social welfare system; quite the opposite. A welfare system relies on a strong sense of national community, something that its earliest proponents, such as William Beveridge, all pointed out. (And I have no idea where they get the idea that welfare requires the economic input of immigrants; the ?replacement? theory of immigration has been blown apart by every body that has ever researched it, and minority communities in every western European country overall receive more welfare than natives.)

Where did this utopian vision come from? My grandparents, like most people in England in the 1930s, hated the Nazis; they hated their militarism, their criminality, their contempt for the rule of law and their racism (a word which was only coined in that decade). But my grandfather did not serve in order to create a world without borders or nation-states; no one did. And I suspect that, were he to see Britain and Europe today, he would conclude that it was in the grips of collective insanity.

Freud has rather gone out of fashion in recent years, but if we could psychoanalyse the people of Europe one might conclude that the continent?s leadership was behaving in a neurotic, self-destructive manner brought about by a horrific trauma.

As the letter writers say, this European dream was built in the shadow of Auschwitz, the aim being from the start the death of nationalism. The EU has been Godwin's Law on a massive scale.

But it?s never been explained why, because of what the Nazis did ? and the Nazis were not normal nationalists anymore than Mark Chapman is a normal music fan ? the Dutch, the French or the English should embrace a utopian vision whereby they become minorities in their own major cities and their countries become provinces of a new Holy Roman Empire.

And, moral though I appreciate this vision might be, is it the best way to stop conflict? Nazism, the Second World War and the Holocaust came about for a number of reasons unique to the period, such as the First World War and the threat of Communism. (Incidentally, on the same day as the "Greek Jews" piece, The Guardian had a letter ? perhaps a spoof ? praising the Soviet Union?s education policy. And yes, I know that the USSR was rather less depraved than Nazi Germany, in the same way that Peter Sutcliffe wasn?t quite as sick as Fred West.)

But Golden Dawn and Jobbik are not going to bring about a new Holocaust ? in fact the overwhelming, dominant threat to Europe?s Jewish community comes from the Arab and Muslim world, where anti-Semitism is unfortunately far more widespread than it was in Germany before Hitler. And the irony is that, out of collective guilt for what happened to Europe?s Jews, Europe imported millions of people from some of the world?s most anti-Semitic countries, made no attempt to counter these prejudices, and even began to adopt the idea that Israel was uniquely responsible for the world?s problems. Instead of preventing future atrocities by defending Israel?s very strong historic legitimacy ? a crucial step on the road to peace ? they are still trying to fight the last genocide, stuck in their solipsistic dreams.

There?s no harm in having dreams, of course, except that when they become nightmares, others are often forced to share them.

The European crisis threatens to re-awaken the old monster of nationalism, military historian Antony Beevor has warned. In an interview with the Telegraph, the author of Stalingrad and Berlin: the Downfall said that:

The great European dream was to diminish militant nationalism. We would all be happy Europeans together. But we are going to see the old monster of militant nationalism being awoken when people realise how little control their politicians have. We are already seeing political disintegration in Europe.

I feel slightly uneasy at the way historians are consulted as if history is going to repeat itself. It never does. It is misleading and dangerous to make sweeping parallels with the Second World War. Politicians like Blair and Bush liked to sound Churchillian or Rooseveltian at times of crisis, but the comparisons of Saddam Hussein to Hitler were preposterous. Eden compared Nasser to Hitler and that led us into the Suez disaster.

Indeed. On the same day The Guardian printed a letter, ?We are all Greek Jews now?, warning against Right-wing extremism, a letter that perfectly captures all the symptoms of Europe?s post-Nazi disorder.

We invite all citizens, political parties, unions, civil society, intellectuals and artists to fight the extreme right by promoting and bringing to life the European dream. We must always remember that this dream was built on the ruins of Nazism. We must never forget about the Shoah. Our dream is of a continent free from racism and antisemitism. It is the project of a society based on "togetherness" ? beyond boundaries.

Second, we must refute the dogma of "the European fortress", which favours the spread of anti-immigrant speeches and the lockdown of Europe's frontiers, especially when a core element of European postwar identity ? its social welfare system ? requires the economic input of immigration to remain sustainable.

Taking aside that they conflate genuinely nasty neo-Fascist parties like Golden Dawn with populist (often quite libertarian) groups such as the Dutch Freedom Party, the European dream is not under threat from a few Greek heavies who look like they?ve stepped out of a Vauxhall nightclub; it?s under threat from itself, because its vision is totally unworkable. The idea of a society without borders in a world where people share their countries is as radical and extreme as the idea that people might share their property ? so don?t be surprised when it doesn?t work.

No political or cultural entity can exist without boundaries; indeed there cannot be any ?togetherness? without boundaries in the first place. The very entity of ?Europe?, or ?Christendom?, came about in opposition to the rise of Islam, and Islam remains the only force that could ever unite Europeans (the Counter-Jihad movement is very pan-European, and Anders Breivik committed his terrible crimes, he said, to save Europe). Otherwise why not just have a ?World Union??

Neither can you build an ?identity? on a social welfare system; quite the opposite. A welfare system relies on a strong sense of national community, something that its earliest proponents, such as William Beveridge, all pointed out. (And I have no idea where they get the idea that welfare requires the economic input of immigrants; the ?replacement? theory of immigration has been blown apart by every body that has ever researched it, and minority communities in every western European country overall receive more welfare than natives.)

Where did this utopian vision come from? My grandparents, like most people in England in the 1930s, hated the Nazis; they hated their militarism, their criminality, their contempt for the rule of law and their racism (a word which was only coined in that decade). But my grandfather did not serve in order to create a world without borders or nation-states; no one did. And I suspect that, were he to see Britain and Europe today, he would conclude that it was in the grips of collective insanity.

Freud has rather gone out of fashion in recent years, but if we could psychoanalyse the people of Europe one might conclude that the continent?s leadership was behaving in a neurotic, self-destructive manner brought about by a horrific trauma.

As the letter writers say, this European dream was built in the shadow of Auschwitz, the aim being from the start the death of nationalism. The EU has been Godwin's Law on a massive scale.

But it?s never been explained why, because of what the Nazis did ? and the Nazis were not normal nationalists anymore than Mark Chapman is a normal music fan ? the Dutch, the French or the English should embrace a utopian vision whereby they become minorities in their own major cities and their countries become provinces of a new Holy Roman Empire.

And, moral though I appreciate this vision might be, is it the best way to stop conflict? Nazism, the Second World War and the Holocaust came about for a number of reasons unique to the period, such as the First World War and the threat of Communism. (Incidentally, on the same day as the "Greek Jews" piece, The Guardian had a letter ? perhaps a spoof ? praising the Soviet Union?s education policy. And yes, I know that the USSR was rather less depraved than Nazi Germany, in the same way that Peter Sutcliffe wasn?t quite as sick as Fred West.)

But Golden Dawn and Jobbik are not going to bring about a new Holocaust ? in fact the overwhelming, dominant threat to Europe?s Jewish community comes from the Arab and Muslim world, where anti-Semitism is unfortunately far more widespread than it was in Germany before Hitler. And the irony is that, out of collective guilt for what happened to Europe?s Jews, Europe imported millions of people from some of the world?s most anti-Semitic countries, made no attempt to counter these prejudices, and even began to adopt the idea that Israel was uniquely responsible for the world?s problems. Instead of preventing future atrocities by defending Israel?s very strong historic legitimacy ? a crucial step on the road to peace ? they are still trying to fight the last genocide, stuck in their solipsistic dreams.

There?s no harm in having dreams, of course, except that when they become nightmares, others are often forced to share them.

Newark Star-Ledger admits to censoring race in savage mob attacks

By now many of you are familiar with the brutal racially motivated mob attack on two Virginia-Pilot reporters in Norfolk, Virgina. The pair was attacked by a mob of up to thirty young blacks down the street from the offices of the Virginia-Pilot.

The newspaper news staff refused to report the story. Two weeks later, a writer for the opinion page blew the whistle on her own newspapers' censorship. She also reported on a twitter message from one of the perps. The message boasted that the attack was revenge for Trayvon Martin. She said the police had been reluctant to do anything about the attack.

This story was picked up by Bill O'Reilly and several syndicated radio talk show hosts. Syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones pointed out "if it was this hard for two reporters to get their own employer to report the attack, just think how many of these attacks are never reported at all." The newspaper, which was still under the leadership of Obama's new deputy HUD secretary when the attack took place, took a beating in the conservative media. Norfolk police were also put on the defensive. Suddenly the police made an arrest and charged the perp with a felony and numerous misdemeanors.

However, media censorship of black crime continues unabated. Over the weekend, the Red Hot Chili Peppers performed at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. About 20,000 fans packed the arena.

As concert goers walked to their cars after the show, a mob of what the Newark Star-Ledger is calling "teenagers," brutally attacked several people. Five people were injured, some of them very badly. Three of the injured victims are teens. Two of the victims suffered serious facial fractures.

Newark Police Director Samuel DeMaio said the attacks were motivated by a desire to cause injury. He says the perpetrators were laughing during the attacks.

Sounds like the attacks were racially motivated hate crimes right? Well the Newark Star-Ledger only describes the attackers as "teenagers." Any details that would clue the reader as too the race of the attackers appears to be intentionally omitted.

I called the Star-Ledger and asked if they had a policy of omitting the race of at large crime suspects. The first woman I talked to went to ask her superiors. She came back and told me that there is no formal policy, "but we generally do not publish race."

I then asked to speak to crime reporter James Queally who wrote Star-Ledgers' two articles on the attacks.

Queally told me that the police report did list the race of the perpetrators and that he censored this information in his two articles on purpose. He also stated that it was the newspapers' policy to censor race in crime stories.

Then the conversation took a comedic turn. I asked Queally what race was listed in the police report and he refused to tell me. He also said he interviewed three of the victims, but refused to tell me what race they were. Queally did however volunteer that "it's an 80% black area and the concert was full of white rock and roll fans."

​ Queally denied that the attacks were racially motivated. He said that if it was blacks attacking whites, then that was just a factor of probability. Keep in mind that Queally admits knowing the race of the perps and refuses to say.

​I told Queally about numerous other black on white mob attacks all over the nation and explained to him this was part of a trend of racially motivated hate crimes. At this point Queally went from a friendly demeanor to a very arrogant sounding tone. He replied "well somehow myself and everyone else in the media have missed all of these." I told Queally I have been documenting these hate crime mob attacks and would be happy to e-mail him lots of information. Queally then hung up the phone without a reply.

During the conversation Queally hinted at his reasoning for wanting to censor the race of the perpetrators. He asked "if all the attackers were black fifteen year-olds, would you avoid all black fifteen year-olds in Newark?" I told him I would, especially a group of black fifteen year-olds. I told him that avoiding a specific demographic known for brutally attacking my demographic at random was "common sense." Queally replied, "that's your opinion."

In other words Queally places political correctness above public safety, even though "public safety" is one of the topics he is supposed to be covering. The LA Times, for example, is very candid about having a policy of censoring race in crime stories. They say they don't want to "stigmatize racial minorities."

Recently I called WYFF Greenville, an NBC affiliate. I found two articles on their website about attempted burglaries, where a home owner scared the suspect off. One of the stories has detailed information about the perps' clothing, but omits his race. The other story lists the perp as white. I asked why one was censored and not the other. The woman who answers their main phone said that employees of the studio have staff meetings and decide which stories to censor race and which ones not to censor race. She said she wouldn't characterize it as "censorship," but as "making a decision."

She said she didn't know why race would be stated in one attempted burglary story and not the other. I think it is pretty self-evident.

My conversation with Queally reminded me of a funny comedy bit by comedian Patrice O'Neal. He lampooned the agony that a white liberal must feel when they see a dangerous looking black male coming down the street. He said they want to flee, but are afraid of being "racist." His advice was to run away and be safe, and feel guilty later.

I recently had a black man from Columbus, Ohio tell me about being mugged by two young black perps. He said he suspected the men were dangerous and could have gotten away in time. He didn't take evasive action because he decided  that he shouldn't "racially profile." He felt pretty foolish afterward.

Even left-wing icon Rev. Jessie Jackson believes race is a very important piece of information to know when it comes to crime. At a 1993 conference for the Rainbow/PUSH coalition in Chicago, Jessie Jackson said "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved?. After all we have been through. Just to think we can?t walk down our own streets, how humiliating."​

follow me on my new twitter: @kyle_rogers76

3DHS / Re: Asian question for folks outside of california
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:47:27 AM »
My exposure of the U.S. outside of california is very limited and I'm wondering do people think asians earned thier degrees or get them from affirmative action ONLY?

I remember kramer thinking the latter and I never forgot about it.

I've never heard that one. Actually the stereotype of Asians is the opposite: they're perceived as being math or science geeks. On average they test higher than whites on IQ tests....

The IQ distributions of other racial and ethnic groups in the United States are less well-studied. The Bell Curve (1994) stated that the average IQ of African Americans was 85, Latino 89, White 103, Asian 106, and Jews 113. Asians score relatively higher on visuospatial than on verbal subtests.

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