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3DHS / Re: a women`s choice
« Last post by kimba1 on March 26, 2025, 12:44:25 PM »
I predict legal cases which require men to inform women they are on the pill.
3DHS / a women`s choice
« Last post by kimba1 on March 26, 2025, 12:42:30 PM »
A women has the complete right to decide if she can have a child. Men are told they only have right to have sex. But in a few years a male pill will be made public. I got a strange feeling women will underestimate a man`s desire to not have children.
3DHS / Re: trans women are women....
« Last post by kimba1 on March 15, 2025, 12:31:01 PM »
having a beard and claiming to be women is a tough argument to defend.
3DHS / Re: The West's Suicide
« Last post by Christians4LessGvt on March 14, 2025, 06:41:17 PM »
why not both? a phobia can be caused by truth,

True dat
3DHS / Re: trans women are women....
« Last post by Christians4LessGvt on March 14, 2025, 06:29:31 PM »
I know right?
Attention whores?

3DHS / trans women are women....
« Last post by kimba1 on March 03, 2025, 02:20:22 PM »
My question is , why are alot of them so bad at it. Some of they have full beards. at least make a greater effort.
3DHS / Re: The West's Suicide
« Last post by kimba1 on January 17, 2025, 09:06:23 AM »
why not both? a phobia can be caused by truth,
3DHS / The West's Suicide
« Last post by Christians4LessGvt on January 06, 2025, 01:15:53 PM »
Dr. Maslouf: This is not Islamophobia, it is truth.
3DHS / Re: Cali Gov Newsom claims $24B for homelessness went "missing"!
« Last post by kimba1 on January 04, 2025, 04:54:48 AM »
not really surprised but the amount is quite impressive
3DHS / Cali Gov Newsom claims $24B for homelessness went "missing"!
« Last post by Christians4LessGvt on December 19, 2024, 04:52:37 PM »
Dec 18, 2024

Newsom claims $24B for homelessness went "missing".

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