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Guest 01:20:03 PM Viewing the topic Obamacare costs $50,000 in taxpayer money for every American who gets insurance!.
Guest 01:19:46 PM Viewing the topic FEED Yanks complete trade for Astros' Berkman (AP) .
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Guest 01:19:11 PM Viewing hnumpah's profile.
Guest 01:19:07 PM Viewing the topic The difference 2 years makes.
Guest 01:18:59 PM Viewing the topic Civilizations do not fall to the power of enemies.
Guest 01:18:46 PM Viewing the topic we must first answer the question.
Guest 01:18:39 PM Viewing the topic Republicans and evangelicals.
Guest 01:18:39 PM Viewing the topic California judge says no to homeschooling.
Guest 01:18:34 PM Viewing the board Chicken Soup.
Guest 01:18:32 PM Viewing the topic I guess the evidence is in..
Guest 01:18:27 PM Viewing the topic Remember the Wellstone "Memorial".