Author Topic: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops  (Read 4412 times)

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Michael Tee

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Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« on: July 01, 2010, 02:33:28 AM »

June closed with the deaths of a record 103 NATO troops, only 61 of whom were American.  No further break-downs were given, but of the "American" deaths, I am wondering how many were not even U.S. citizens but the usual pathetic bunch of green-card seekers who gambled and lost big-time.

Overall, looks like bad news for Afghanistan, because this is a formula that Obama can use indefinitely.  As some foreign "allies" drop out, Obama can sucker others into taking their place to provide the cannon fodder for his war, increasing drone attacks to further shift the loss of life from U.S. forces to the Afghan people.  This is starting to look like it might be a longer haul than I had expected.

Stray Pup

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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 04:37:55 AM »
I am wondering how many were not even U.S. citizens but the usual pathetic bunch of green-card seekers who gambled and lost big-time.

First off, I think if a person comes to this country and joins the military, the second they retire, they should be granted full citizen status, because they've already done more to defend this country than a large portion of the people in it.

Secondly... so you're saying it's NOT just America who realizes that terrorism is a real threat?  That NATO actually recognizes that they need to be dealt with.  That maybe America isn't just out to get oil?  Shoot, Mike, you can't say that.  If that gets out where is the next Democratic Ad going to come from?
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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 11:16:19 AM »
StrayPup...I agree with that. Risking their life for our country
should qualify them for citizenship. Do you know if they have to learn
english in the miltary or do we pander to them there too?
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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 11:27:42 AM »
If you do not know enough English, you will not get into the military. There is a proficiency exam. They may provide some instruction beyond this to some applicants, if needed. Orders are always given in English and only English.

Not everyone who serves in the military risks their life, unless you count basic training. Not everyone ever comes close to any enemy. But I think they make them all citizens, anyway. I have nothing against this, but to say that every military person risks their life is a gross exaggeration.
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Stray Pup

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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 01:25:31 PM »
I have nothing against this, but to say that every military person risks their life is a gross exaggeration.

I kind of agree with you but not really.  Joining the military is like becoming a police officer.  While you may never see anything dangerous the possibility is always present that there will be a war or an attack of some kind. 

I work at a hotel and moonlight at a bookstore (well rather I work night shift at the hotel... so i guess I sunlight at the bookstore). Anyways, the worst thing that could possibly happen to me at the hotel under ordinary work circumstances is I get an angry customer.  That's about it.  True some guy could show up with a gun, but it's unlikely under ordinary work circumstances.

The military and police officers are trained with the knowledge that, under ordinary work circumstances, they could be being shot at at a moments notice.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 02:16:56 PM »
<<First off, I think if a person comes to this country and joins the military, the second they retire, they should be granted full citizen status, because they've already done more to defend this country than a large portion of the people in it.>>

Well that is your first mistake.   They're not defending the U.S.A. at all.  They're not defending anything.  They're engaged in wars of unprovoked aggression all over the planet.  Nobody invades the U.S., the U.S. invades everyone else and occupies their land.  Every time they invade someone else's country, no matter how tiny the country, no matter how undeveloped its military capacity, no matter how impoverished it is, no matter how inconceivable it is that it would attack the U.S.A., in every case, America claims "self-defence."  This kind of bullshit is growing increasingly unbelievable to people all over the world and even inside the U.S.A. itself.  That the U.S.A. is constantly "under attack" from a variety of piss-ant countries that probably couldn't even successfully attack the local regional power is a bullshit excuse worn so thin by now that it's practically useless.

To put it more accurately, these guys volunteer to do America's dirty work all over the planet, killing, torturing, massacring and intimidating local populations everywhere and for their butchery hope to be "rewarded" with American citizenship and whatever comes with it, which has to be a thousand per cent better than whatever shithole they are escaping from.

<<Secondly... so you're saying it's NOT just America who realizes that terrorism is a real threat?  That NATO actually recognizes that they need to be dealt with.  >>

NATO?  Yeah, I'm sure they'll share in the bonanza, once those pesky natives are finally subdued.  They've got oil companies too, ya knowl

<<That maybe America isn't just out to get oil? >>

I said that?  Please, show me where.

<< Shoot, Mike, you can't say that.>>

You're right, Pupster.  So I didn't.

<< If that gets out where is the next Democratic Ad going to come from?>>

Don't worry, I already wrote it - - "We're war-mongering lying scumbags too, ya know."


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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 02:33:26 PM »
The military and police officers are trained with the knowledge that, under ordinary work circumstances, they could be being shot at at a moments notice.
True, but this is also true of rent-a-cops and 7-11 clerks. I am not sure I would grant automatic citizenship to a rent-a-cop or a 7-11 clerk.

I imagine that there are 7-11 clerks that are in far greater danger than a lot of soldiers.

We give "combat pay" to guys in Nevada who pilot drones in Afghanistan with a joystick. It is admittedly combat, but it is unlikely that they are likely to be threatened by anything worse than carpal tunnel syndrome.

I can't think about this without wondering if they are wearing hats while doing this or not. It seems to me like one ought to wear a helmet for combat pay, or at least a hat. On the other hand, they are indoors, and a gentleman takes off his hat indoors, and most of them are officers, and therefore gentlemen by an act of Congress...

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Stray Pup

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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2010, 02:43:47 PM »
The military and police officers are trained with the knowledge that, under ordinary work circumstances, they could be being shot at at a moments notice.
True, but this is also true of rent-a-cops and 7-11 clerks. I am not sure I would grant automatic citizenship to a rent-a-cop or a 7-11 clerk.

I imagine that there are 7-11 clerks that are in far greater danger than a lot of soldiers.

I think you're clouding the issue a bit.  Nowhere in the 7-11 employee's manual does it say "oh by the way, odds are you're going to be shot at".  Furthermore, military service is one of the hardest career choices you can make because basically you are an instrument for however long you serve, and by doing so you surrender many of your freedoms.

Also, you can't just "quit" the military.  You are a contracted soldier.  Rent-A-Cops and 7-11 Clerks can quit whenever they like.

And also, you won't find retired rent-a-cops and 7-11 clerks being called back to go into a dangerous situation.
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Re: Subduing Afghans with mercenaries and foreign troops
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2010, 02:50:30 PM »
I am pretty sure that rent-a-cops and 7-11 clerks do know that they could be shot at.
I realize there are differences, but there are also similarities. And lots of military never get shot at.

And you might be contracted in the military, but if you are a woman, you can get knocked up, and you are out. If you are a man, you can tell them you are gay. If they don't believe you, there are also fake eyelashes and lip gloss. Of course, then you don't get the citizenship.

I am not advocating citizenship for 7-11 clerks and rent-a-cops, by the way.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."