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Lott confirms he's a paid tool of the Washington Establishment
By: Mark Tapscott
Editorial Page Editor
07/19/10 8:20 AM EDT
Any possible shred of doubt remaining in anybody's mind about former Senate GOP leader Trent Lott's true allegiance have now been definitively removed: Lott is a paid tool of the Washington Establishment who hates the Tea Party and all other insurgents who have had it with politics-as-usual.
"We don't need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples. As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them," Lott told The Washington Post in an incredibly revealing story.
Sen. Jim DeMint, of course, is the South Carolina conservative Republican who last year formed the Senate Conservatives Fund to back precisely the kind of insurgent conservative Senate candidates most feared by the Lotts of the world.
Lott's quote points to the all-too-familiar GOP-losers mentality that GOP officials can just go on as it did in the years before they lost their congressional majorities in the Senate and House, talking the talk of limited government without having to actually walk the walk with their votes.
Thus, the Lotts of the GOP world, according to the Post, "see plenty of good in the tea party, but they also see reasons to worry." It's the same old story that such GOPers want the votes of "the base" but they don't want to do what the Tea Partiers and a clear majority of their fellow Americans, want them to do.
No wonder, as the Post's Shailagh Murray put it: "some Republicans worry that tea-party candidates are settling too comfortably into their roles as unruly insurgents and could prove hard to manage if they get elected."
And what might that worry be? Why, that Tea Party backed Senate GOP candidates like Rand Paul in Kentucky, Ken Buck in Colorado, and Sharron Angle in Nevada won't roll over and do what they are told by their betters in the congressional GOP leadership if they get to the nation's capitol.
In other words, they might actually come to D.C. determined to do exactly what voters sent them here to do, which is to shake this place to its foundations in the campaign to restore and reinvigorate the American republic.
Erick Erickson at RedState offers additional thoughts here.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:
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Re: Lott confirms he's a paid tool of the Washington Establishment
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 11:09:55 AM »
A fight between Lott and DeMint, how refreshing. Rather like Godzilla vs. Mothra. With any luck they will both be enfeebled, since both are shills for different parts of the oligarchy.

I hardly think ideological hardliner nutcases like Angle and Paul could be useful in any way to this country.
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Re: Lott confirms he's a paid tool of the Washington Establishment
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 11:57:05 PM »
How does the Tea party tie into the oligarchy?
How does President Obama and vice President Biden not tie into the oligarchy?


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Re: Lott confirms he's a paid tool of the Washington Establishment
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 10:57:39 AM »
Guys like Tom DeLay, who is a third echelon member of the oligarchy are using the teabaggers, a bunch of aging rantsters, to rally them to the cause of his "conservatism", which is simply a lobbying effort to preserve tax breaks and special treatment for the aristocracy. They are volunteers that are helping the butler of the Oligarchy's butlers, who are DeLay and others like him.

The President is NOT a member of the Oligarchy, but he does have power, and the oligarchy always respects power and will not confront it directly. The Oligarchy hires guys like Limbaugh to attack and weaken the President. Biden has his job because he was respected within the party and seen as a guy who could add maturity and a voice of experience to the president's candidacy. I would say that Hilary would have been a better choice for VP, but I do not think that Biden at this point could be considered a member of the oligarchy. He could be a useful person to communicate between the Oligarchy and the President, though.
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Re: Lott confirms he's a paid tool of the Washington Establishment
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 08:30:40 PM »
Wow, where can I get a chart?