<<And what authoritarian quality was lascking in Gore or Kerry?>>
and the lobbed softball comes slowly, slowly wafting right into the strike zone . . . Thanks, plane!!!
Torture. War crimes. Atrocities. They're against the torture of prisoners and against atrocities against civilian populations. Kerry actually spoke out eloquently, courageously and to great effect against U.S. atrocities in an earlier war. Gore spoke out eloquently against U.S. atrocities in the current war.
They are also against arbitrary arrest, detention without trial or charges, extrajudicial punishment.
They are for women's right to choose, and for gay marriage as well, where Bush is actually in favour of Constitutional amendments curtailing the civil rights of gay people to marry, primarily because he wants to force his religious values down the throats of the public. Similarly his nomination of anti-abortion judges. Bush favours legislation and policies restricting sex education and the distribution of condoms in high-risk areas, prohibiting or curtailing use of human stem-cells in federally funded research projects - - in all areas seeking to use federal power to enforce religious views on others in a wide variety of scenarios, something that Gore and Kerry do not do.