Author Topic: The stuff revolutions are made of.......  (Read 4718 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2010, 02:08:02 AM »
<<Try to keep it honest Mikey.>>

Honest as in, the joker sign can't be racist because it wasn't designed to be racist?   Don't worry about MY honesty, BT, better look to your own.

<<The Obama as the Joker sign had the word socialism under it at the Tea Parties. Nothing racist about it.>>

No, of course not, every socialist is a black man in whiteface.  That's the universal symbol for socialism now, a black man with his face painted white.    Do you really think you're corresponding with some fucking idiot, or do you get so desperate to justify this ludicrous bullshit that you forget who you're writing back to?

<<And who is this everyone you refer to? Are they related to obvious in anyway?>>

Let me put it this way - - in real life, as opposed to life in 3DHS, I do not know anyone who doesn't think that a depiction of Obama in whiteface is racist.

<<If the Tea Party folks were racist they would have just called him a fucking nigger and been done with it.>>

Some of them did, you just choose to call Rep. Lewis a liar.

<<They didn't because they aren't.>>

On the contrary, they did because they are.

<<Same way they didn't call John Lewis a nigger. Even with a 100k reward no one has come up with a tape, video or soundbite.>>

Same old tired bullshit.  There wasn't one word from that crowd that could be distinguished on any existing tape, but somehow you want us to believe that the one word "Nigger" out of all the words in the English language, has unique auditory qualities that permit it, and it alone, to be recognized in crowd recordings.   There is therefore, and not surprisingly, no existing tape, video etc. and the offer of the $100K reward is just a cheap stunt proving nothing but the essential dishonesty not only of the Tea Party but of its defenders and PR guys.

<<And the chimp thing was a cartoon in the NY Post. Show me where any Tea party group depicted Obama as a chimp, and then show me that the sign holder wasn't a dem plant. >>

You're talking oranges to my apples - - the chimp signs at the Tea Party rallies weren't the NY Post cartoon.  And BTW - - what whitewash bullshit have you come up with for the "Lyin' African" signs or the "White Slavery" signs?  

Poor BT - - so many racist signs, so little time.  


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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2010, 02:18:11 AM »
I can't help but be reminded of the End-of-War Vietnam Babylift, in which hundreds of Vietnamese and half-breed babies were given A-1 priority, so as to be saved from evil Communists, because Americans were so commpassionate and caring. But these Mexican babies are simply victims of capitalism, so they don't matter, even though they ould grow up to pay taxs and support CU4 and Kramer by paying their Social Security.

Republican ratbag paranoia, that is what this really is. And it seems to have infected the pudgy head of Mitch McConnell as well, which means i i being broadcast by Rush, who provides opinions for the ratbag right.

Is Mexico just as bad as Vietnam?


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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2010, 02:34:51 AM »

The first result of a google search for "Obama poster"

The first result of a google search for "Obama poster parody"

The fifteenth result of a google search for "Obama poster parody"

The Hundreds along result of a google search for "Obama poster parody"

I thought the "joker" image was getting more use than Google indicates .

But that Obama poster in false color was just begging for parody ,the pages of images on Google use that  color pattern on thousands of funny faces.

What did it mean in "code " when President Obama and his advertisers approved a poster of his face in false color as a campaign tool?


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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2010, 02:40:39 AM »

What did it mean in "code " when President Obama and his advertisers approved a poster of his face in false color as a campaign tool?

D'oh       ;)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2010, 02:48:52 AM »
<<What did it mean in "code " when President Obama and his advertisers approved a poster of his face in false color as a campaign tool?>>

Nothing.  They liked the look of it.   If there was a coded meaning, it sure as hell went way over my head.  EVERY poster doesn't have to be in code, of course.   The Obama-whiteface/joker poster, OTOH, is in a real obvious code and a real easy one to figure out.  Everyone gets it.  (Except maybe those who pretend not to.)


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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2010, 02:49:26 AM »
<<Same way they didn't call John Lewis a nigger. Even with a 100k reward no one has come up with a tape, video or soundbite.>>

Same old tired bullshit.  There wasn't one word from that crowd that could be distinguished on any existing tape, but somehow you want us to believe that the one word "Nigger" out of all the words in the English language, has unique auditory qualities that permit it, and it alone, to be recognized in crowd recordings.   There is therefore, and not surprisingly, no existing tape, video etc. and the offer of the $100K reward is just a cheap stunt proving nothing but the essential dishonesty not only of the Tea Party but of its defenders and PR guys.

Use Logic.

NO words are understandable .

But one?

Recorders running caught many words , just not that one.

There is nothing about this one word that makes it more or less likely to be caught by a mechanical device any mor or less than any other word.

There is something about this word that can make it emerge from "white noise" like pictures arise from the snow of a mistuned TV.

If it really was shouted nothing would have protected the microphones from it , especially if repeated a lot ,this accusation is soundly disproved.


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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2010, 02:54:46 AM »
<<What did it mean in "code " when President Obama and his advertisers approved a poster of his face in false color as a campaign tool?>>

Nothing.  They liked the look of it.   If there was a coded meaning, it sure as hell went way over my head.  EVERY poster doesn't have to be in code, of course.   The Obama-whiteface/joker poster, OTOH, is in a real obvious code and a real easy one to figure out.  Everyone gets it.  (Except maybe those who pretend not to.)

I am sorry , but you must look for code every where or you are being unfair .

The Obama in whiteface/red face that was produced by the Obama campaign must have been intended to portray him as the post racial president. The leader for the era in which color is no longer a barrier to the deserveing caricter.

Everyone gets this .


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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2010, 04:26:03 AM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: The stuff revolutions are made of.......
« Reply #54 on: August 11, 2010, 09:44:32 AM »
<<Use Logic.>>

I just did, but I don't think you got it.

<<NO words are understandable .>>

No words from the crowd are distinguishable, to put it accurately.

<<But one?>>

Exactly.  Why would the recording devices, which caught not one single distinguishable word from the crowd, be expected to record a distinguishable cry of "nigger" when unable to distinguish any other word from the BG noise?   Answer:  they wouldn't.

<<Recorders running caught many words , just not that one.>>

of course they caught many words, that's why none are individually distinguishable.  They caught TOO many words for any individual word to stand out and be heard as a single component of the noise.

<<There is nothing about this one word that makes it more or less likely to be caught by a mechanical device any mor or less than any other word.>>

Thank you.  My point exactly.

<<There is something about this word that can make it emerge from "white noise" like pictures arise from the snow of a mistuned TV.>>

Bullshit.  That's laughable.

<<If it really was shouted nothing would have protected the microphones from it . . . >>

You are making some kind of joke here?  Almost  everything that mob was saying was shouted.  The whole point of the Tea Party is to be loud and disruptive, to get in your face, to make themselves noticed.  The original Tea Parties were, if you recall, organized to disrupt "town meetings" about health-care reform, where they shouted down speaker after speaker, essentially sabotaging the entire meeting.  The one I recall most vividly, since it was one of the first, was where they chanted in unison, "Hear Our Voice!  Hear Our Voice!" to drown out everyone else.  (Nobody,BTW, alleges that "Nigger" was chanted in unison, so please don't bother asking how microphones which could pick up "Hear Our Voice" at one rally could not pick up "Nigger" at another.)  With ALL that shouting going on, the individual words, unless chanted in unison by the Nazi thugs Tea Partiers, were obviously indistinguishable, which is why nobody who hears the tapes can distinguish individual words in the BG noise.

<<especially if repeated a lot ,this accusation is soundly disproved.>>

Those morons were probably shouting the same slogans over and over again, some of them even more than "Nigger!" yet nothing, repeated a lot or solitary gems standing alone, was heard as a distinct word.  Why on earth anyone would think that despite all this, the magic qualities of the word "Nigger!" - - as yet unspecified - - would allow it, and it alone, to stand out from the background noise, is a complete mystery to me.  Well, not a complete mystery - - it really indicates that there are people who are willing to defy all fact and logic to maintain the absurd theory, based on pure sophistry, that Congressman Lewis and three or four members of his entourage all lied, simply to malign these good-hearted patriots.  Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit.  Nobody's buying it, even the racist TP is probably laughing up its sleeve to hear these absurd defences advanced in their favour, like a Nazi concentration camp guard secretly laughing as he hears Holocaust deniers speak.