Author Topic: Change In America Is Afoot  (Read 1488 times)

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Change In America Is Afoot
« on: December 05, 2006, 11:18:14 AM »
I can't believe that you're still living under the assumption the American People aren't sick of "strategy" and are desperately looking for some substance.
Then I'm sure you are looking forward to the dem majority taking the reins. Understand K street has updated its mailing list.
Here's to the new boss.

Once, not too long ago, someone I respect as much as I respect BT, told me that I was part of a new wave of Democrats storming the party and have a real opportunity to effect change.  I can't remember his exact words but that was the jist of his comment.  I don't even remember what my reply was to that but I still get a real feeling of pride when I think back on it.

But upon reading this comment from BT, I was filled with revulsion at the idea of the Party that I am trying to make into something that I would want to be involved in actually going on and doing what it was that we in this new wave found most reprehensible in those who we voted out on the GOP side and didn't support on the Dem side.

Just yesterday, I set up a meeting with a local activist to meet on Sunday to discuss forming a neighborhood group that will work to influence the local Democratic Party.  Memphis is entering a new phase where we have the opportunity to break the political powers that have been controlling our destinies locally for half a century.  With corruption being rooted out by the Feds, old hands are being caught in the cookie jars.

On the national scene, the same thing has been happening; however, there is still a long row to hoe in order to get the system cleaner that its been in a long, long time.  I'm proud to say that Memphians and Tennesseeans sent Steve Cohen to represent us in Congress and I expect him to effect some real change up there.  We'll see; more to the point, we'll be watching.

There are still people in the Democratic Party who don't want to see a new wave of Democrats unless they are writing a check, voting correctly and doing what they are told from the top.  Those elitists are in decline.  Those who have sought power by appealing to the worst in us, by splitting the people of this country and hoping the middle will swing their way are being shown the door.  The Democratic Party, I feel, is headed toward a rejection of strategy over substance.

People want to see the government have impact on their lives in a positive manner or be nearly invisible.  That is not what they have been getting.  They have been getting a government that uses them and in some cases abuses them or takes them for granted.

Though the Democratic Party has not formed this platform yet, I see the beginnings of a bareboned, ideology-free government that acts as a safety net, a steward and a technician.  Soon, I hope to see a government that follows the ideas I set forth in a post long ago, that addresses the needs of The American People as mere Human Beings.  Education, Safety, Housing, Medicine, Food, Air and Water.  If a Human Being has these needs met, then success is highly more likely that a Human Being that has only some of these met.

I'm not talking about handouts.  I'm not talking about Universal Health Care per se.  What I am talking about is enforcing laws that make these available in abundance and in an inexpensive, healthy fashion.

We will have to address issues that fall outside of these areas I'm sure; but these should be the focus.  And issues outside of these areas on the face, actually affect at least one of these areas in some fashion, I'm even surer.

Every aspect affects another eventually.  Educated people are prosperous and progressive people.  People who eat healthy food and clean water regularly have better bodies.  Better bodies include better brains and that means they can learn more.  One thing affects another.  If one of us is cheated then we're all cheated.

I see this New Wave coming.  And I'm proud to be part of it.  And I won't let new bosses be the same as the old bosses.


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Re: Change In America Is Afoot
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 11:53:57 AM »
Never let "them"  crush your idealism. It is a certainty that "they" will try.

Attitudes are changed one person at a time. There is no wave of the wand. There is rational dialog and gentle persuasion.

And when agendas collide let the best ideas win.

But you can't win if you don't try. So don't give up.

Michael Tee

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Re: Change In America Is Afoot
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 12:34:00 PM »
Good luck, Brass.

Illegitimi non carborundum  (real bad Latin for "Don't let the bastards grind you down.")



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Re: Change In America Is Afoot
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 04:30:29 PM »
Keep an open mind and open eyes and good speed on your project.

I may not agree with every project , but I can agree that any project run with less corruption is a better idea.