Well I see his usefullness as a demonstrator of Socialism. We have not had quite enough Socialist failures for people to have lost faith in it yet.
I would say that Sweden and Norway are very succesful demonstrations of socialist systems. Or the United Kingdom would be another excellent example.
When a disaster hits Norway there would not be a massive underclass left behind with a comfortable class of population writing letters to the editor that
blame those left behind for being a "culture of dependents."
Venezuela, Ecuador, Boliva, Chile, and Nicaragua are reacting to years of very one sided treatment and blatantly racist policies as will Mexico and other nations. Is CHavez the mouthpiece for Latin American Socialism? Meh, I rather doubt it. I tend to think he is more bluster than anything. He is doing some good for the poor in Venezuela and he pisses off the wealthy and the United States because of the oil and the fact that he isn't a European/Spanish member of the typical ruling class.
I rather think Chile's Michelle Bachelet, much quieter and calmer than Chavez is a far superior leader. She is a socialist whose family was thrown to exile by Pinochet and his "Chicago Boys." She is a surgeon and even studied at Karl Marx University in the DDR (studied German) during her exile. She is everything Milton Friedman and Augusto Pinochet's authoritarian, barbarian political economy loathes. She has worked to restructure Chile's social security system and health care system, while continuing great trade relations for the benefit of the people.