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Individual mandate
« on: October 23, 2010, 04:48:21 AM »
WASHINGTON – Health insurers flirted with Democrats, supported them with money and got what they wanted: a federal mandate that most Americans carry health care coverage. Now they're backing Republicans, hoping a GOP Congress will mean friendlier regulations.

There's more to the shift in political support than a recognition that Republicans are within reach of regaining power. It's also personal.


Some industry officials say they were stung by the fierceness of Democratic efforts to paint them as corporate villains in the debate over the new health care law. Liberals blamed insurers for forcing Obama to back away from a plan for optional publicly financed insurance for people who could not afford traditional coverage.

Then Obama, seeking to rally support for his plan, went on the offensive. Without an overhaul, he wrote in August 2009, "insurance companies will continue to profit by discriminating against sick people."

From then on, political giving by the insurers flipped.

This is happening right in frount of us, taken as a group we seem like rubes ready to be taken as a group.

I favor repeal of the individual mandate , which is practically the heart of the health care bill and the only thing that he insurrers got for all thair money.

The other 39999 pages of the bill is mostly composed of Christmas presents for the various congressmen that had to be bought off to vote for the monster, we might have to keep all of that.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2010, 04:58:23 AM by Plane »