Syria & Iran's Terrorist sponsoring governments to cease trying to take over the region and in undermining Iraq's efforts to bring about democracy for its peoples.
There is not one shred, not one iota, not one farkling scintilla of evidence that Syria or Iran is trying to "take over the region". The only countries in the area that have been expansionist in the Middle East are Iraq, which tried unsuccessfully to grab a chunk of Iran, and then also unsuccessfully, to annex Kuwait. And of course, Israel, which has at least one political party that wants to grab everything from Damascus to the Nile.
The US is NOT trying to create a democracy. You are far too gullible if you believe that. What they want is a satrapy they can command through bribery or a pseudodemocracy they can control with advertising and lies.
Like for example, Reagan's message to the Nicaraguans: "Elect the Sandinistas, and we will continue financing the contras to murder, maim, bomb and kill Nicaraguan citizens. Vote for Chomorro and we will stop."
That is not exactly democracy. But it IS what Republicans do. Latin American dictators from Gomez to Pinochet have never had better friends than the GOP.