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e-mail i got today......
« on: November 27, 2010, 01:13:32 AM »
Wikileaks announced on Monday through its website that it is about to dump another wad of secret intelligence
information that it claims is seven times the size of the previous dumps about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Although Wikileaks has been around since 2006, it wasn't until after Obama took office that Wikileaks suddenly
developed a pipeline into the super-secret inner workings of the United States government, the US diplomatic
corps and the Pentagon.

According to the Obama administration, the source of all this damaging information about the United States is a
traitorous super-spy who the government says had access to all these top-secret ultra-krypto eyes-only diplomatic
cables and secret Pentagon war reports.

The traitorous super-spy that provided Wikileaks with something close to eight million different top-secret documents
from all these different agencies is a 22 year-old Private First Class named Bradley Manning.

That?s their story and they are sticking to it.  

An insane conspiracy theorist, or maybe a "birther" or a racist might connect the dots and come up with a plot that
links the document dump to any organized effort to collapse the current system in order to fundamentally transform it.  

But not me.  Nope. I believe that a 22 year-old gay Army private was given access to more inter-agency top secret
intelligence that the 9/11 Commission determined was available to CIA Director George Tenant in the months leading
up to the attacks.

It would be crazy to think that it goes any higher up the chain of command than PFC Bradley.  Why, I remember the
unrestricted access to top-secret ultra-krypto intelligence files that I had when I was a PFC in the Marine Corps . . .

(Actually, I didn't have clearance to see my own Service Record Book.  Neither did any other PFC I ever met.
Especially not one whose known sexual preference made him an automatic target for blackmail and therefore
a classic security risk. )

But there is no way I am going to risk being labeled a racist or a Tea Bag or a birther or a conspiracist by noting
the timeline during which Assange?s pipeline into America?s secret files opened up and suggesting some connection.

Nope. Others might.  But not me.  I wouldn't even allow myself to think something like that. That would be crazy talk.

Wouldn't it?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987