Author Topic: Text book Left Wing "logic", regarding the Death Tax  (Read 1572 times)

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Re: Text book Left Wing "logic", regarding the Death Tax
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2010, 12:02:23 AM »
Duh! If you want it to go to a charity, donate it while you are alive.

Excuse me...but I earned and worked for MY money and I want to do both.
I want to donate now and then place my money in the hands of who I want.
Why is it somehow less my money after a certain amount?

When you are dead, it does not matter to you because, again, you are dead. Dead, dead, dead.

Yes it does matter or why would people buy life insurance?
It is quite clear what happens after death and people's wishes are quite important

You can give $13,000 to as many people as you wish with zero tax consequences to anyone each and every year.

Oh thats so generous of you!
I work my ass off for 50 years at the same job and you allow me to give people $13K
that wont even hardly buy a decent used car, much less a house, or college education.
It's my money not Barney Fags....that wants to take advantage of a death to steal whats not his.

Since you are so filthy rich,

Your class-warfare crap is so lame.
I am hardly "filthy rich" whatever that means.
But I ceratinly wish I was "filthy rich".
Where I could do a lot more good than do-gooders that want steal others money to do good.
I use my own money to do good, not steal from someone else and use "tainted money" to do good.

I recommend that you get a good lawyer immediately as scumbag protection.

Yes it is good to hire protection from thugs....hire a thug to protect from thugs.

If I inherited $5 million, getting by on 65% would not be a problem for me.

You think think in terms of "get by".....but thats ok...most people do.
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