Author Topic: When does Palin get her apologies?  (Read 7342 times)

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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #75 on: January 06, 2011, 11:48:34 AM »
Can we determine whether making campaign contributions are a right?

I can not name the case, but I would think the US Supreme Court has found
that campaign contributions by an individual US Citizen is an exercise of their
right to Free Speech. A recent Gallup Poll showed 57% of Americans consider
campaign donations to be a protected form of free speech.
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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #76 on: January 06, 2011, 12:34:32 PM »
Can we determine whether making campaign contributions are a right?

I can not name the case, but I would think the US Supreme Court has found
that campaign contributions by an individual US Citizen is an exercise of their
right to Free Speech. A recent Gallup Poll showed 57% of Americans consider
campaign donations to be a protected form of free speech.

Would you consider that a strict constructionist ruling or more a living breathing document kind of ruling?


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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #77 on: January 06, 2011, 12:47:30 PM »
ANYONE, outside of felons, can contribute to anyone.  Merely full disclosure

Can we determine whether making campaign contributions are a right?

Just as much a right as free speech

ANYONE, outside of felons, can contribute to anyone.  Merely full disclosure

i am not sure of my position on this....
i like full disclosure from PACS/Unions/Corporations/Non-Profits
not so sure on individuals
why does SIRS need to know if I as an individual citizen give $1000 to Governor Christie?...but my mind is open to hear why this is sooooooo important

Because sirs wouldn't think twice if Cu4 gave $1000 to Governor Christie.  Sirs WOULD think twice of Cu4 gaive $100,000 to Governor Christie.  (Keep in mind, nothing wrong with that either)  What would be wrong is if Governor Christie then planted this really cushy tax payed executive position or State board position to a close Cu4 family member

Again, nothing wrong with who gives what to whom.  The transparency however allows for far better tracking of any kick backs or quid-pro-quo arrangements, with subsequent ability to vote said politician out of office, next time around

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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #78 on: January 06, 2011, 03:16:20 PM »
So SIRS would you agree with me that for example a law could be...

"individual US Citizen donations totalling less than a $500 total
per calendar year to one specific candidate would not have to be
made public knowledge unless the person making the donation
checked the box offering to make it public knowledge.
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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #79 on: January 06, 2011, 03:24:53 PM »
While I can respect that position, mine is full disclosure.  What reason would you have in not having anyone knowing you donated $500 to x?  Is that $500 total, or is that $500 per donation.  What if you were Soros, and you were giving $500 to every waking breathing liberal democrat, who in turned, pooled those funds together?

Full disclosure....complete transparency.  That way we can see what, if any corruptive quid-pro-quo is going on.  I doubt very seriously anyone is going to expect a QPQ kick back to you for a $500 donation
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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #80 on: January 06, 2011, 05:54:35 PM »
What reason would you have in not having anyone knowing you donated $500 to x? 

Well mostly because I feel it's my business.
Why should my employees, my neighbors, my relatives be able to see if I give a candidate $50?
I dunno....I mean it's not earth shattering....but still I feel thats my business.

Is that $500 total, or is that $500 per donation.  

I was thinking $500 total per year per candidate...but I am not set on the amount.

What if you were Soros, and you were giving $500 to every waking
breathing liberal democrat, who in turned, pooled those funds together?

Well I guess anyone suspected of using this as a loophole to funnel money could be investigated...
Or you could say anyone giving over $5000 in a single election cycle falls into a different category.

I doubt very seriously anyone is going to expect a QPQ kick back to you for a $500 donation

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Re: When does Palin get her apologies?
« Reply #81 on: January 06, 2011, 06:14:05 PM »
What reason would you have in not having anyone knowing you donated $500 to x?  

Well mostly because I feel it's my business.
Why should my employees, my neighbors, my relatives be able to see if I give a candidate $50?

Again, why not?  They're only going to find out, if they look.  Look at it this way....This whole issue about donations/contributions is predicated on money is speech, i.e free speech.  Do you see anyone trying to advocate a suppressed form of free speech, so that some folks don't know what someone else said about a candidate, because they're employees, neighbors, or even relatives might find out?

See, that's the part I'm having a hard time with.  If you don't want people to know about your donations, don't talk about them.  Are you concerned about....I don't know....some form of retaliation??

I doubt very seriously anyone is going to expect a QPQ kick back to you for a $500 donation


So, which again begs the question, why not?, when such a level of transparencey provides a perfect window into any potential corruptive QPQ going on
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle