Author Topic: Bush Led, bin Laden Dead  (Read 536 times)

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Bush Led, bin Laden Dead
« on: May 05, 2011, 12:47:48 PM »
I was going to post this op-ed in the conundrum thread, but given the title, I knew it would really eat at messers H & B, so I gave it, it's own home

Bush led, bin Laden dead ? where's the credit?
Posted: May 05, 2011
Osama bin Laden was
a) killed by a unit overseen by what New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh denounced as Vice President Dick Cheney's "executive assassination ring,"
which was
b) sent into action based on intel derived from the now-outlawed "enhanced interrogation techniques,"
which were
c) used on detainees captured during the George W. Bush administration,
who were
d) being held in now-outlawed "secret prisons" or in the intended-to-be-closed Gitmo.

President Obama's deputy national security adviser, John Brennan, confirmed that the death of bin Laden resulted from "a mosaic (of intelligence) appearing over time and by ... people who have been following bin Laden for many, many years." This explains why 81 percent of Republicans give former President George W. Bush "at least some of the credit" for bin Laden's death. U.S. security forces tracked and were able to kill bin Laden through the use of the discredited, maligned and ? in some cases ? the discontinued terror-fighting policies and practices of Bush.
So how much credit do Democrats give Bush?

Not much. Only 35 percent of Democrats, according to the Washington Post, believe that Bush deserves "at least some of the credit." Yet Obama took advantage of policies the left attacked ? at least under Bush ? as wrong, illegal and immoral.

"Enhanced interrogation techniques" ? the Washington Post's associate editor and foreign affairs columnist, David Ignatius, writes, "Some of the detainees (who gave information that led to bin Laden's location) were subjected to 'enhanced interrogation techniques,' the CIA's formal name for what is now widely viewed as torture."

Gitmo and secret prisons, aka "black sites" (now closed by Obama) ? "The revelation," writes the Associated Press, "that intelligence gleaned from the CIA's so-called black sites helped kill bin Laden was seen as vindication for many intelligence officials who have been repeatedly investigated and criticized for their involvement in a program that involved the harshest interrogation methods in U.S. history."

Rendition, the practice of moving a detainee to a country with more severe interrogation policies ? "Current and former U.S. officials," according to the Associated Press, "say that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, provided the nom de guerre of one of bin Laden's most trusted aides. The CIA got similar information from Mohammed's successor, Abu Faraj al-Libi. Both were subjected to harsh interrogation tactics inside CIA prisons in Poland and Romania."

Bush-Cheney "executive assassination ring" ? Navy SEAL Team Six is part of the Joint Special Operations Command. Two years ago, The New Yorker's Pulitzer prize-winning Hersh denounced the JSOC by calling it Bush-Cheney's "executive assassination ring": "It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days ... they reported directly to the Cheney office. ... Congress has no oversight of it. It's an executive assassination ring, essentially. ... That's been going on, in the name of all of us."

Intel from Bush detainees ? "Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks," writes the AP, "detainees in the CIA's secret prison network told interrogators about an important courier ... who was close to bin Laden. ... Then in 2004, top al-Qaida operative Hassan Ghul was captured in Iraq. ... It was a key break in the hunt for bin Laden's personal courier. 'Hassan Ghul was the linchpin,' a U.S. official said."

For purposes of consistency, even if it's insincere, the all-praise-to-Obama crowd should couch their euphoria: "Yes, we celebrate the death of a villain. But his death in no way validates the use of methods and practices that violate human rights and send the wrong message about our principles and values as a people. The ends do not justify the means."

But, no. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a leading waterboarding-is-torture and Bush-is-evil-and-incompetent critic, raised no reservations and was oblivious to the contradiction: "The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida. I salute President Obama, his national security team, Director Panetta, our men and women in the intelligence community and military, and other nations who supported this effort for their leadership in achieving this major accomplishment. ... (T)he death of Osama bin Laden is historic." Impressive.

Finally, Bush-haters deny him credit with the "Bush took his eye off the ball" assertion. After all, Bush did say, "I am truly not that concerned about (bin Laden)." President Obama, however, said much the same thing, assuming ? it turns out incorrectly ? that bin Laden "was in a cave somewhere." To the Bush-haters, "not that concerned" translates, of course, into not giving a rip about bin Laden and abandoning the hunt.

But Bush never quit. He was briefed on bin Laden at least once a week. Two weeks before he left office, Bush confidently predicted that bin Laden would "of course, absolutely" be found by a future president. "We have a lot of people looking for him, a lot of assets out there. He can't run forever."

And on May 1, 2011, Osama bin Laden stopped running. Forever.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Bush Led, bin Laden Dead
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 01:57:31 PM »
Vindication: Three Controversial Bush Policies Help Take Down bin Laden

President Barack Obama will visit Ground Zero on Thursday to pay his respects, meet with families of the fallen, and mark a historic American accomplishment: Tracking down and killing the leader of a group responsible for the unhealed gash in lower Manhattan. The president?s predecessor, George W. Bush, will not join him at the ceremony, having politely declined Obama?s magnanimous invitation. Bush is maintaining his stated post-presidency preference to remain out of the political spotlight. Although he won?t be physically present to help mark the demise of Osama bin Laden ? the man he?d famously vowed to bring to justice ?dead or alive? ? Americans owe President Bush a debt of gratitude for instituting a slate of controversial policies that ultimately helped execute that very goal.

Many in the chattering class are crowing about last weekend?s spectacular raid in Pakistan as if it?s an exclusive political victory for President Obama. The current administration does deserve a great deal of praise for planning and directing the successful operation. The plan took political courage: it involved an unannounced incursion into the sovereign territory of a nominal US ally, and it put dozens of elite American warriors? lives in peril. A bombing or a drone strike would have been far less risky ? but it also may have left unsettled the question of whether our top target had been dispatched. The job needed to be done the hard way, and Obama saw it through. Bravo.

Seeking to score cheap political points, some on the left have bragged that Obama did the job Bush was unable to do. This is an unfair, unseemly, and inaccurate attack. In the narrowest sense, yes, the mission was undeniably carried out on Obama?s watch, but evidence continues to mount that it could not have occurred without crucial intelligence gleaned through policies enacted by the Bush administration after September 11, 2001.

Specifically, Osama bin Laden was found because the United States military exploited actionable intelligence extracted by
- subjecting terrorists to enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs)
- in secret CIA prisons,
- by questioning enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay,
- and by capturing a top al Qaeda source in Iraq.

As long as some liberals remain intent on keeping political score, it must be pointed out that all three sources of these indispensible data points were direct or indirect results of Bush policies ? EITs, Gitmo, and the Iraq war ? that much of the American Left, including Barack Obama, fought tooth and nail.

We now know the critical key to unlocking the frustrating secret of bin Laden?s whereabouts was identifying and tracking one of his must trusted couriers and confidants. US intelligence and military officials learned of his existence and pseudonym in the years after 9/11 from a terrorist detained at Guantanamo Bay, Muhammad Mani al-Qahtani. Equipped with this information, interrogators were able to wring supplemental information from two high-value prisoners being held at the time in black site CIA prisons: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the mastermind of the 9/11 plot, and his radical colleague, Abu Faraj al-Libi. This single piece of information, after years of scrutiny and investigation, would be bin Laden?s undoing.

When the American media revealed that the CIA was operating secret prisons during the Bush administration, the Left professed shock and indignation. They spent years demonizing and persecuting American intelligence operatives for engaging in ?torture,? insisting that harsh interrogation techniques were an affront to ?our values,? and ? besides ? they didn?t even work. Multiple public opinion polls taken over the last decade have shown, despite the Left?s protestations, the American people aren?t scandalized. US voters overwhelmingly support the limited use of harsh questioning tactics to prevent terrorist attacks on US soil ? even when the loaded term ?torture? is included in the question.

One such technique is waterboarding, a process employed against exactly three terrorists, and halted altogether in 2003. Waterboarding is widely acknowledged to have broken KSM, who had shown himself to be a hardened and skilled resistor of traditional interrogation methods. Information extracted from KSM disrupted active terror plots, saved innocent lives, and led to the capture or killing of other al Qaeda leaders. But was any of the intelligence related to bin Laden?s courier a direct result of waterboarding? NBC anchor Brian Williams put that question to President Obama?s CIA director, Leon Panetta, in an interview on Tuesday:

WILLIAMS: Can you confirm that it was as a result of waterboarding that we learned what we needed to learn to go after Bin Laden?
PANETTA: Brian, in the intelligence business you work from a lot of sources of information and that was true here? It's a little difficult to say it was due just to one source of information that we got? I think some of the detainees clearly were, you know, they used these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees. But I'm also saying that, you know, the debate about whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always going to be an open question.

WILLIAMS: So finer point, one final time, enhanced interrogation techniques -- which has always been kind of a handy euphemism in these post-9/11 years -- that includes waterboarding?

PANETTA: That's correct.

In other words, waterboarding KSM and others may or may not have produced direct information about the identity bin Laden?s courier, but the use of coercive interrogation methods were instrumental in gathering additional strands of intelligence from certain detainees. That waterboarding cracked KSM?s resistance cannot be ignored in this context.

But the mere knowledge that an unidentified bin Laden lackey was roaming the planet under an assumed name was not nearly enough to nail him down or monitor his communication. That imperative piece of the puzzle fell into place after 2004, when the US captured a terrorist operative named Hassan Ghul. Ghul was a key member of Al Qaeda in Iraq, an entity whose very existence many liberals were reluctant to even acknowledge, based on a zealous adherence to the faulty premise that the Iraq war was untethered to our fight against al Qaeda. Ghul was detained in Iraq and shipped off to Pakistan for intense CIA questioning; he eventually provided the true name of bin Laden?s elusive courier: Sheik Abu Ahmed, a.k.a. Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. Officials have described this morsel of intelligence as the ?linchpin? of the bin Laden mission. US spies monitored al-Kuwaiti for several years. A lone phone call in 2010 eventually led them to bin Laden?s compound in Abbottabad.

This web of intelligence ? as sketchy, painstaking, and complex as it may be ? is extraordinary: Al-Kuwaiti?s existence was
- flagged by at least one Guantanamo Bay detainee,
- his role and pseudonym were confirmed by KSM and al-Libi,
- and his true identity was spilled by an Al Qaeda terrorist operating in Iraq.

Barack Obama ran for president, in large measure, as the anti-Bush. He was a prominent opponent of the war in Iraq. He promised to shutter the Guantanamo Bay prison. He pledged to ban certain EITs. Today, as president, he is rightfully receiving praise from virtually all quarters for his decisive order to take out the most wanted man in the world. Obama, his supporters, and indeed all Americans have every reason to celebrate that accomplishment.

But they must also recognize and appreciate that actions and policies implemented by President Bush, often in the face of searing partisan criticism, played an inextricable role in identifying the dots that were finally connected and acted upon last weekend.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle