would, if they had a single fucking brain in their head, opt for choice (a), which has the added advantages of not leaving them vulnerable to perpetual blackmail by the bribed government official, not costing them any more money in bribes and lawyers' fees, not exposing them to further risk of embarrassment by keeping a bunch of dishonest and/or incompetent schmucks on the payroll, and last but not least, of doing the right thing.
And you'd think the same thing of the CBS "forged memos" which CBS stood behind, until they came out as a hoax.
And you'd think the same thing of the NBC "exploding truck" report, which NBC also stood behind, until proof came out that the "tests" they did included an explosive because they couldn't get the truck to actually explode just by hitting it with another vehicle.
And you'd think the same thing of Reuters, standing behind a photographer who routinely "Photoshopped" his pictures (and claiming it was "standard practice"), until they took too much heat for it.
There is a whole history of media "embellishing" the truth, going back decades.
You've seen this photo of Lincoln, right?
That's Lincoln's head on Calhoun's body. Guess Calhoun's body looked better. Here is the original photo:
Here's another one, this one was on a live feed:
That CBS logo on the building in Times Square behind the reporter was, in reality, an NBC logo - the computer switched logos on the live feed as it was being broadcast, in real time.
There are many, many more cases that can be documented of media companies performing questionable acts. It's touching to see the faith you have in the media "doing the right thing."