What happens its that turnout in primaries is always rather light and the most extremest elements of both parties are the most likely to vote in them. Campaign donors also tend to be extremists. So to get the Republican nomination, and to pay for the campaign, a candidate must appear to be some sort of reactionary.
Then when the general, they must whipsaw back and pretend to be more moderate. In both elections, the most successful politician will be the most nimble hypocrite.
I recall Clinton going out of his way to bash a Hip Hop nobody named Sistah Souljah over some stupid rap record she made. It is not like anything she said caused anyone to harm a cop, or a fly, but it was a good example of political posturing over a non issue.
Then there was McCain, claiming to be a "maverick". Seven homes, fourteen cars, a multimillionaire wife with an endless supply of free beer and he wants us to believe that he is defying the system. Just a pore li'l ole stray steer that has strayed from the herd.
And Palin? She was not a normal Republican: she "went rogue".
The movements of candidates from left to right to the middle are as predictable and silly as a minuet.
It is not a good thing, it is just an exercise in playing to the more simpleminded members of the electorate.