<<And yet, messers Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and the rest of the left were all gung ho at bailing out Wall Street....that they were "too big to fail". >>
Pelosi, Reid and Obama are shills for Wall Street. Wall Street finances them and their pals and they in turn do what Wall Street wants them to do. "Too big to fail" is the bullshit excuse they gave out for handing out hundreds of billions to the Wall Street crooks who pay for their campaigns and probably a lot of other stuff as well. I'm not sure I understand your point here. Surely you would agree that Pelosi and friends are paid shills for Wall Street?
<<And here these protesters are all apesnot out of Wall Street having been bailed out. Guess who bailed them out, folks?>>
They KNOW who bailed them out. That's why they're not going to work through the electoral system, because they know Wall Street and the banks have bought up all the candidates. Vote for Obama, vote for Cain - - makes no difference, Wall Street wins either way. They know that already.
<<Here's a hint...lessen the Government wet blanket of uncertainty, with where will the taxes be?, how much more might we have to pay?, how much more in health insurace are we going to have to pay under Obamination Care?,...all that uncertainty is stifling and choking any chance of unemployment #'s going down, as "Wall Street" & Corporate America (which apparently also includes pretty much all small & medium size busness that employ a majority of the nation, feel compelled to hold onto everything they have, don't expand, or don't even get started >>
What total bullshit. How do you know that it is "uncertainty" as to what the taxes will be that is "stifling and choking" any chance of the unemployment numbers going down? A businessman takes a risk with every start-up - - risk of labour problems, risk of not meeting production targets, risk of not meeting sales targets, risk of inability to control quality, risk of fuel costs, risk of raw material costs - - all those risks he cheerfully assumes, but the risk of "higher taxes" brings him to his knees, quaking with fear. "OMG, what if taxes go up 10% over pro forma?" Hey Mr. Businessman do what all the other fucking crooks do, hire a good accountant, solve the fucking problem.
The businessman who won't open an otherwise viable new business because of "tax uncertainty" is as much a myth as the businessman who'll hire new workers as soon as his taxes are cut even lower - - right wing bullshit that nobody with half a brain could ever take seriously.
<<The Dems had super majorities in BOTH houses. End of story. >>
Obviously not the end of story because if you subtract the Blue Dogs from the Democratic majority, they didn't have a super majority any more. I'm not even sure if, without the Blue Dogs, they even had a majority. It's simple math, and before you say "End of Story," you gotta do the math.
<< And here's the greatest joke, the same folks protesting corruption between Government and "Corporate America", is the answer to grant even more power to Government, and increase the potential for corruption that much more>>
Maybe you don't understand that the corruption is usually exercised so that the industry doing the corrupting becomes LESS regulated as a result of its corrupted law-makers REMOVING restrictions on it. So the folks who are protesting corruption (obviously wanting the reverse of corruption) would want MORE regulation imposed. That's pretty simple, don't know why you find it such a joke. Corporations pay corrupt law-makers to take away restrictions so they can make more money; people who are against the corruption of their law-makers want the process reversed - - they know that HONEST law-makers will impose reasonable necessary restrictions on a business' power to make money any way it sees fit.
<<The Power liberal, fully undressed>>
I just don't understand that one. But then, I'm still trying to understand V is for Vendetta, so don't mind me.