Author Topic: Prediction on the Left's Summer pre-election spin  (Read 413 times)

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Prediction on the Left's Summer pre-election spin
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:12:43 PM »
The Supreme Court is set to hear cases on 2 huge political issues, that has alot of Obama's political capital riding on, with rulings likely before the elections.  Obamanation Care and Arizona's judicially struck down Immigration Law

If either are found consitutional in their current standings, the left will proclaim victory, and move on

If both are found unconstitutional, the left will go apesnot in how "partisan" and "rightwing" the court is, and the need for Obama to remain President, so he can make sure more "balance" is achieved on the bench.

If its split.........the left has a problem, but likely will mutate the message to provide "victory" for that which was deemed Consitutional, and reference the "RW extremists" that allowed the other to be struck down, and how Obama needs to fill any vacancies with Justices who would know better.......hoping that the electorate is too ignorant to grasp how those same "RW extremists" allowed the other to pass constitutional muster

Maybe archive this post for a Summer pull-out
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