If more guns made a society safer, then the safest countries would be those with no gun restrictions at all, and the most dangerous would be those that have the most restrictions.
Such is not the case: in fact, the reverse is true.
However, I see gun laws, other than banning machine guns and bazookas and such, to be a waste of time, since there are already too many guns to ever expect that the police or anyone could possibly confiscate enough of them to make any difference, and many gun nuts and cops would get blown away in the process. So I do not think that any purpose is served by this. One of my my neighbors is a scrawny little guy that is a nice fellow when sober, who was always reaching for a pistol when any conflict arose and cannot talk for more than thirty minutes without talking about how guns have kept him safe. Two of his sons are currently in prison for gun crimes, one for armed robbery, another for a parole violation involving owning an illegal military rifle of some sort.
On July 4th and New Years he likes to fire his pistol into the air, so I stay indoors when he pulls it out. And the possibility of firing blanks has never occurred to him.
The 2nd Amendment is not a major issue except among gun nuts, in my opinion. And my opinions do not make anyone safer or more threatened in any way, since I have never supplied not confiscated a gun or voted on a law that would affect gun laws in any way.