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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2012, 10:38:15 PM »
I think MT just dropped out because he was bored with the lack of logical debate. This seems to have happened with dozens of others who posted here as well.

Your "thought" defies reality I'm afraid.  He was perfectly willing to mix it up in here, but when his rehtoric kept having him repeating Uncle Tom in his racist lableing of anything black conservative/republican/tea party supporter, and being called on it, is when he ceased.  Has prescious little to do with him getting bored, and far more his inability to defend an indefensible platform

Which is why you demonstrate far more cajones to do exactly that.  Your efforts are to be thoroughly appreciated and applauded, as I surely don't envy the position you've taken
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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2012, 11:15:35 AM »
I was only speculating. Only MT knows why he left. I was sorry to see him go. He was capable of independent thought as opposed to fauxdittoing and beckerwoodisms.

Reading sirs vapid, hateful posts is beyond boring, it is like having a burr in your shoe.

Eventually, you take the shoe off and fling the burr, preferably somewhere where it cannot sprout. It adds nothing to the walk and only makes the stroll unpleasant.
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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2012, 12:49:50 PM »

XO, I hear this word a lot , is it real Spanish or a poorly translated slang?
I know that English is not shy to adopt a new word whether it is stolen or coined inappropriately or even reversed from its origional meaning.

If the European Union hangs together a long time I wonder what the third generation will be speaking?


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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2012, 03:12:41 PM »
I was only speculating.

Given your track record, its safe to assume how wrong your speculation is.  And he, as well as yourself, couldn't find an "independent thought", if it were a mosquito infected with malaria and you had a 103 temperature, while living in Kenya.  But cudos on finding yet more irrational insulting nonsense to throw my way while avoding, like the plague, any substantative debating contribution. 

Why don't you take a stab at actually responding to Bt's & Plane's requests (NOT demands), at backing up some of your asanine claims vs just telling them to go find it themselves.  You might actually learn something, Profressor

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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2012, 04:41:18 PM »
  You win when you feel as if your point has been adequately made, I think it is a mistake to require acnoledgement from the opposition, that is in either direction a rare event.

    On the plus side this means that we all walk away from the contest feeling as if we have won, regardless the limbs littering the court.


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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2012, 04:48:02 PM »
The word is cojones, with an two o's. It means balls, testicles, bollocks.

Most Europeans that complete high school, which is around 85%, speak English well enough to carry on a conversation. French and German are the other two major foreign languages. No one is going to stop speaking Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch or Danish. Europe will continue to come closer together. Money is only a small part of the transformation.

All they have to do is figure out how to get Greeks and Italians to actually pay their taxes, and the Euro crisis will be solved.
Again, I am only here to amuse myself. My teaching days are over. I am decidedly NOT here to make sirs believe that he is smarter than your average seventh grader, which he is not.
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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2012, 06:09:08 PM »
Your opinion, as egregiously lacking in its ususal support, is duly noted, though the "amusing yourself" is likely pretty accurate
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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2012, 06:29:43 PM »
The word is cojones, with an two o's. It means balls, testicles, bollocks.

Most Europeans that complete high school, which is around 85%, speak English well enough to carry on a conversation. French and German are the other two major foreign languages. No one is going to stop speaking Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch or Danish. Europe will continue to come closer together. Money is only a small part of the transformation.

All they have to do is figure out how to get Greeks and Italians to actually pay their taxes, and the Euro crisis will be solved.
Again, I am only here to amuse myself. My teaching days are over. I am decidedly NOT here to make sirs believe that he is smarter than your average seventh grader, which he is not.

I know that the French employ professionals to monitor the language and preserve it, it is forbidden to use terms like "le weekend" in curcumstances the government can controll.

But France used to have more dialects than it does now, in the future the common man in the conduct of his life and commerce will really determine what is most convienient to use. I won't likly live long enough to know , but I expect blending to occur. Is that not the direction history has taken over the last few centurys?

  In our language there is already a lot of French we learned from the Normans , there is a lot of Spanish we adopted from Mexico, this seems to still be happening. Is our language more usefull for having so many adoptees?


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Re: Happy Canada Day MT wherever you are
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2012, 08:40:00 PM »
The French use the term "le weekend" all the time. In French, it is le fin de semaine". There is the Institute Nacional de la Langue Français that publishes a dictionary that everyone accepts as the authority, Most of the extreme linguistic nationalism is in Quebec, where the Francophone majority was dumped upon by les Anglaises for a couple of centuries. I had a French girlfriend for about five years and visited with her family both here and in France. Her older brother was a retired postman and member of the largely Communist CGT (Confederation Général des Travailleurs). I found it interesting that he spends most of his time sitting at his beautiful antique table in his beautiful and comfy chair, watching American Soap Operas in French. From time to time, old pals drop by with bottles of wine from tiny estates, which he stores for them in a huge wine cellar. It is exceptionally good wine, by the way. Some of the older labels are handwritten.

Politics makes very strange bedfellows. My girlfriend's first husband was a pied noir of mostly Italian descent who was born in Algeria. The Communists were in favor of turning Algeria over to the Algerians, but were opposed to the French-speaking mostly Christian pieds noirs settling in France, because the pieds noirs were politically rightists, because the French right wing wanted to keep Algeria as a province of France. De Gaulle was sort of their hero until he turned against them and withdrew France from Algeria.

This was strange, because most of the French that settled in Algerie were deported there for being leftists (Communards) by Louis Napoleon in the 1850's. Later, Italian leftists were allowed to encouraged to settle there to increase the number of Europeans. My girlfriend's husband was a diesel mechanic who could not find work in France and they migrated to Quebec, which she hated because it was too cold. So they migrated to Ft Lauderdale in the 1960's, where he worked for Broward County and was known as "Frenchie" and drove a truck with a frog on the front license plate. He ate lots of red meat, drank way too much, spent most evenings at a bar and died of lung cancer at the age of 57.

It seems pretty clear that the French did a good job of running Algeria for the pieds noirs. It is likely that the Algerians would also have been better off as a part of France as well. The Algerian government is oppressive and incompetent. But it is clearly Algerian.

The French are not rude, quite hospitable, but very proud of being French. I think they believe in French Exceptionalism.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."