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US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance
 Shale oil production adds economic value, but critics say the costs to the environment are also large

A steeper-than-expected rise in US shale oil reserves is about to change the global balance of power between new and existing producers, a report says.

Over the next five years, the US will account for a third of new oil supplies, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The US will change from the world's leading importer of oil to a net exporter.

Demand for oil from Middle-East oil producers is set to slow as a result.

"North America has set off a supply shock that is sending ripples throughout the world," said IEA executive director Maria van der Hoeven.

The surge in US production will reshape the whole industry, according to the IEA, which made the prediction in its closely-watched bi-annual report examining trends in oil supply and demand over the next five years.

The IEA said it expected the US to overtake Russia as the world's biggest gas producer by 2015 and to become "all but self-sufficient" in its energy needs by about 2035.

The rise in US production means the world's reliance on oil from traditional oil producing countries in the Middle East, which make up Opec (the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), would end soon, according to the report.

Slower growth
US production is set to grow by 3.9 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) from 2012 to 2018, accounting for some two-thirds of the predicted growth in traditional non-Opec production, according to the IEA.

Meanwhile, global oil demand is set to increase by 8% which would be met mainly by non-Opec supplies, the report said

The IEA still expects production capacity among traditional Opec suppliers in the Middle East to continue to grow over the next five years, but at a slower rate.

Opec capacity, which counts for 35% of today's global oil output, is expected to rise by 1.75 million bpd to 36.75 million bpd in 2018, about 750,000 bpd less than predicted in the IEA's 2012 forecast.

The IEA cites the "growing insecurity in North and Sub-Saharan Africa" in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings as a key reason for the slowdown.

"The regional fallout from the 'Arab Spring' is taking a toll on investment and capacity growth," the IEA said.

The sharp rise in US oil production is largely thanks to shale oil, a product many have hailed as the saviour of the US energy market.

Fracking, the process of blasting water at high pressure into shale rock to release oil (or gas) held within it, has become widespread in the US.

But critics of shale oil point to environmental concerns such as high water use and possible water contamination, the release of methane and, to a lesser extent, earth tremors caused by drilling.

The process has been banned in France, while the UK recently lifted a moratorium on drilling for shale gas.
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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 05:53:02 PM »
The oil and gas do not belong to the American people or its government.They belong to the same companies as many foreign oil and gas wells and refineries.

Ecuatorians may be energy independent, but Americans? never.
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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 06:27:55 PM »
The oil and gas do not belong to the American people or its government.

Of course private property does not belong to the gvt!
But private property is owned by the American People.
Thank God the gvt doesnt own the oil and gass industry!
Or it would most likely be bankrupt, cutting back on services,
or providing shit results like the post office and schools.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 08:13:34 PM »
Each and every day, I get mail delivered from the post office. I have had nothing lost in over 50 years. It arrives rapidly and it is 100% dependable. If it has failed to keep up with costs, it has been because  junk advertising and catalogs cost more to deliver than they are charged, because of Congress.

The main problem with public schools (and even private ones) is not that they have become worse, but that they have failed to keep up with the schools of the rest of the world, where central governments have mandated national standards. The federal governm,ent cannot be blamed for public schools, which are almost entirely paid for and run locally by school boards consisting of people who often do not know diddley about education and waste tons of money on sports for a small percentage of students as local entertainment.

The oil and gas industries DO NOT belong to the American people at all. They belong to a tiny minority of investors, many of who are NOT Americans. Prices have been as high as the market will allow, and competition often does not serve to keep them lower because there are generally only a couple of refineries in any single area. Many brands, but all are wholesaled at an identical cost and only occasionally determined by the cost of production. Supply has not always been dependable. The industry has involved the nation in many unnecessary wars and lots of manipulations of foreign countries, like the removal of the secular and democratic government of Iran, elected in 1950 and replaced by the CIA with the nasty little Shah. We are still feeling the ill effects of this to this day.

The point it that will make almost no difference to the people of the US whether the petroleum they used is produced here or elsewhere, since either way it will be controlled by a few interests that do not give a damn about the people or the country, such as OPEC or the Koch Brothers.
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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2013, 11:24:05 AM »
cost more to deliver than they are charged, because of Congress.

Thank you for making my point!
Congress/Gvt dont know shit about running a business.
That's why they should not be in charge of the US energy.
Pretending that if the gvt were in charge it would be more efficient or cheaper is laughable.

The federal governm,ent cannot be blamed for public schools.

Who said anything about the Fderal gvt and schools?

do not give a damn about the people or the country, such as OPEC or the Koch Brothers.

Yeah...they dont care about the country or the people!
Nothing like exposing your leftist lies....
In the last decade the Koch Brothers have given more than $600 million
to arts, education, and medical research, including: (but not limited to)

New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell: $15 million
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center: $25 million
The Hospital for Special Surgery: $26 million
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: $30 million
Prostate Cancer Foundation: $41 million
Deerfield Academy: $68 million
Lincoln Center's NY State Theater: $100 million
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $139 million

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 11:51:12 AM »
Doesnt shale cost more than regular oil?  It the very reason it wasnt done much earlier.


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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2013, 12:31:17 PM »
Koch graduated from Deerfield Academy in '59 and donated the Koch Center for Science-Math-Technology to his alma mater. Amazing science center for a high school to have.


P.S. No Sirs, they don't allow guns on the Deerfield campus, so your kids wouldn't want to go there.


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Re: IEA: "US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance"
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2013, 01:07:17 PM »
Why not?  Guns aren't required for anything, in my world.  Only the freedom to use them legally, if a person chooses to do so. 

Wow, I didn't realize how far reaching the irritation went that sirs, the supposed posterboy of the lunatic right, just itching to shoot anyone non-white, if they blink at me cross-eyed, is not only legally allowed to carry a weapon, in the state of CA of all places, but also never once having to brandish it, much less use it.

(and on a side note, I wonder if Xo realizes the Koch Bros are largely Libertarian, not Conservative?  IIRC, they support many liberally social causes, such as gay marriage........d'oh)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:14:09 PM by sirs »
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