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Neshoba County
« on: June 29, 2014, 03:16:11 PM »

The Neshoba County Fair is the political forum for the State of Mississippi. State, Local, and on occasion National politicians come to the fair to make their speeches at the Pavilion in Founders Square. News media from around the state converge on the Square to cover the speeches.

Well wow.

I really expected this site to mention Reagan at least a little.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2014, 03:26:58 PM »'s_Neshoba_County_Fair_%22states'_rights%22_speech

Looks like a job for Snopes.

So the Speech didn't promise anything to White Supremacy, and no one really claims that any such promise was ever made.

  The word that gets used a lot is "tacit" as if the unbreathed promise was really made in the context and the subtext .

Ok, but if you can hear the dog whistle you are the dog.

If this promise was ever made , however the manner it was made , it was broken before during and after it was made.

The only party that has to bear the mantle of Jim Crow is the party that came up with it and maintained it for decades.

There is a real difference between real and "tacit" Bull Connors was a Democrat and his promises were explicit, and he really tried to keep them.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 03:35:28 PM »

Great .

Speech is short , insults his opponent in a reasonable way, complements the Olympic team and sort of left handedly supports Carters boycott.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2014, 03:50:24 PM »

But still the slur spreads. It’s spread by people who, before making one of the most heinous charges imaginable, couldn’t even take 10 minutes to look at the evidence. It posits that there was a master conspiracy to play on the alleged Klan-like prejudices of American voters, when there is no evidence of that conspiracy. And, of course, in a partisan age there are always people eager to believe this stuff.

Reagans very next speech was to the Urban League in New York where he made explicit promises for enterprise zones and increased minimum wage. That he spoke in New York and to the Urban League , and made explicit his support of Civil Rights (as well as a terrible error about minimum wage) is a DOG WHISTLE?(Hahahahaha). Reagan was a civil rights supporter from far back and meant his promises there to stick. Was he worried that the Klan might hear of his speaking to New York Black people and take offence?

    Not how Dog whistles work, when you blow a dog whistle, only the Dogs hear.

     Speaking to the Democrats of Mississippi was taken as support of white supremacy ONLY by people who were political opponents of Reagan, NOT by white supremacists.

     By the way the KKK once offered their explicit support to Reagan, he didn't want it , imagine that. 


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 04:01:11 PM »

Michael S. Dukakis makes campaign speech in same venue a Reagan had eight years earlier.

Proof of MSDs ability to blow Dog Whistles with the best of them.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2014, 06:04:39 PM »
That is bullshit. I was paying attention when Reagan went to this putrid little redneck berg and listened to all the posturing statements of his handlers and such. It was plain and simple done precisely as I said: tpo let the rednecks and Kluxers know that Reagan would not be prosecuting crimes against racists. 

Reagan, of course, did not make the decision to do this: that was done by his handlers. They were clearly sending a message. Reagan was simply this old actor they hired to play the role of president while the looted and plundered  the S&L's, reduced the much of the  middle class to paupers, and trashed Central America and sold weapons and made a killing. And Reagan did his job and it was the greatest acting of his career. He fooled most of the people most of the time.
And the proof was clearly in the pudding: nothing was, in fact, done to prosecute until Clinton was elected.
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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2014, 07:45:01 PM »
I called Bullshit too.

What did Reagan ever do to advance the cause of White supremacy?

Absolutely everything he ever promised to do to advance the cause of White Supremacy, that is what!

Which is of course, absolutely nothing.

Are you mad at Reagan for making an unspoken promise , or for breaking it in the imagination of those grasping for straws?

Michael Dukakis did exactly the same thing only eight years later , and what he meant by it was exactly the same as well.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2014, 10:34:06 AM »
What Reagan did for the Kluxers was not prosecute them under federal law for crimes they had not been found guilty of under local law. They knew that lynching was easily actionable as a denial of civil rights.

Of course, Reagan did not officially accept the KKK'e endorsement. He knew he would get all their votes without it.
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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2014, 02:04:56 PM »
What Reagan did for the Kluxers was not prosecute them under federal law for crimes they had not been found guilty of under local law. They knew that lynching was easily actionable as a denial of civil rights.

Of course, Reagan did not officially accept the KKK'e endorsement. He knew he would get all their votes without it.


You do not get the votes of people that you publicly revile , you do not get the votes of people that you publicly refuse to accept forgiveness from.

Nixon lost these voters to Wallace , Reagan did not do anything to pick them up as they continued to diminish. If you want to count the numbers , count the Wallace votes, no more than that was available and it was certainly diminishing .

Do you think that our government reflects or produces the circumstances of the vote?

If the racist vote were not diminishing , the Democrats would have never abandoned them.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2014, 07:21:33 PM »
The Democrats essentially drove the Kluxers out of the party by passing the Civil Rights laws.  The old geezers died off, and their children were less violent. TFirst Wallace picked up their votes and then they were accepted by the GOP. Nowadays, what kluxers are left vote GOP all the way./
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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2014, 08:28:13 PM »

There is zero affinity between the KKK and the Republican party.

The only association that really exists is in the mind of Democrats , who tend to lump their opponents .


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2014, 01:03:45 PM »
The remaining Kluxers vote GOP, for sure.
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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2014, 06:50:46 PM »
Why would they?

There is nothing to gain thereby.

The KKK has so little clout that their endorsement is a negative value, so no one seeks their favor.

This is the opposite of the situation earlier than 1940, when the KKK wanted and got Jim Crow.


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Re: Neshoba County
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2014, 07:51:31 PM »
The KKK is a dwindling bunch of ancient rednecks and Aryan Nation types. I agree that they have no real influence.
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