Author Topic: The idiocy of the bully  (Read 552 times)

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The idiocy of the bully
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:44:39 AM »
Much talk has been made involving the "too many guns in circulation", as a supposed reason more gun control legislation. 

Putting aside the fact violent crime and murders have been declining in the midst of all this proliferation of guns in the U.S., and putting aside the fact that greater crime occurs in regions with far greater gun control laws while decreased violent crime occurs in more permissive regions, and putting aside the fact that nearly every "mass shooting", occurs in a declared "gun free zone", when emotional liberals can't get their legislators to see the light, the next step is simply to bully others. 

In particular, I'm referring to this push by certain special interest organizations trying to shame businesses and companies to initiate their own version of gun control, by declaring their establishments of being their own "gun free zone".  It's really sad, when a business, is abiding by the laws of the state, but gets bullied with threats of boycotts and protests, until they supersede those laws to enact the left's pipe dream of no guns allowed. 

What's sadder yet is this warped notion that by enacting such a restriction, the bad guy with the gun will........what exactly?.......find Jesus??  That they'll read a sign saying We'd prefer no one enter our (restaurant/market/retail/building/etc.), while carrying a firearm, and say to themselves....oh wow, I best not go in there now.  Seriously??  All this accomplishes, outside of making those on the left feel better about themselves, is putting more and more people at risk, as its providing more locations that bad guys don't have to fear an armed least until the police arrive, some 5-10 minutes later.  Want to take a guess as to how many people could be killed in that short span of time?

The brilliance of ignorance & idiocy, on such a massive display
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle