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« on: November 25, 2014, 02:50:07 AM »
As it relates to events now occurring in Ferguson, as well as across the country.  Are there bad cops in this country?  Yes.  Does racism exist in this country?  Yes.  Do some folks not like Obama, because he's black?  Yes.  Do I?  Of course not.  Do any of my friends or family?  I'd bet my house, no, as well.  That said, there law enforcement who believe they can do anything to anyone because they carry a badge and a gun.  There are also ignorant idiots, who will believe they're better because of their color, or because of someone else's color.  That's just a sad & pathetic state of human behavior, to some.  And still others will pray upon those, using non-existent racism, and thereby making an issue racist, and in the process stoking racial tension, which of course can lead to violent the name of "protest"

Now, I wasn't there (in Ferguson), and neither is the 99% of the rest of this country.  Only those who were actually there, wen the event occurred, as well as those who actually had access to all the evidence, that know pretty much what happened.  There's an old legal saying, that a grand jury could indict a ham sandwich.  Which is to say, that a grand jury looks at all the evidence, and if there's enough to consider a charge has legal merit, will indict the defendant, and a subsequent trial process then begins.  Which also means that if a grand jury doesn't indict, that's not some defacto validation of a racist system.  It's far more along the lines that there wasn't enough evidence for an indictment

What happened in Ferguson was an aberration.  Have any idea how many black youths have been killed, in this other blacks, since Michel Brown was shot?  Hundreds is a low ball figure.  Chicago alone has youths killed weekly.  We don't hear about that now, do we.  Yet, this incident is getting all this publicity.....why again?  It's like when there's a commercial plane crash.  It gets a massive amount of publicity precisely because it happens so rarely.  Now, that might explain the increased media coverage for what happened in Ferguson, but how on earth is it racist??, much less a source for folks to riot??  You know what is racist?  Proclaiming how government agencies, like Police & Fire, need to better "represent" the makeup of the city they're in.  Seriously.  Like, if you call 911, you're going request that the police officer be of the same skin color??  Your house is on fire, and you're going to inquire as to the skin color of the firefighters being sent?  It's racially reckless, if not racist to imply such a "need", by our Governmental leaders, especially

I feel for the family of Michael Brown.  I pray for their well being and safety.  They lost a son, brother, cousin, nephew.  I won't go into what he was doing,before or during this altercation, as like I said, I wasn't there.  That's where it should end.  I wish that were the case for most everyone else that wasn't there.  My prayers also go out for those currently at risk to injury, death and/or property destruction, at the hands of those who are either allowing emotion to overwhelm them, or using this event as an opportunity to cause injury, death, and/or property destruction.  Thank God and our founders for the 2nd Amendment. 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Ferguson
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2014, 07:48:30 AM »
Thanks Obama, Holder, and the rest of the race-baiters!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987