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The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:11:07 PM »
You know, its bad enough that the folks at the WH, and their minions can't seem to manifest the courage to call it was it is....Radical Islam or Islamic Terrorists or Islamiofascism.  No one is claiming that the Religion of Islam is "evil", when that is said.  Such terminology is specific to those who have embraced a radicalized version of the religion, justifying their actions, in the name of that religion.  These aren't simply nut cases, since that can be some lone abberation.  This is organized....on a global level, terrorizing and killing, in the name of Islam.  This is the kind of stuff that would bring about apoplectic outrage, if being done in the name of the Christian God.  And absolutely be referred to as Radical Christianity

Its so perverse, that these folks, such as ISIS, AlQeada, the Taliban, and all the other offshoots, will not just target women and children in their murdering sprees, not just use women and children to deliver high explosives, these animals will throw gay men off cliffs/buildings and stone adulterus women to death.  And yet Christianity is attacked for....... displaying Christmas trees & praying in public??  Hold a bible study on a campus AFTER hours??  While gays and women, 2 "groups" that the left supposedly cradles, is left to wither on the Islamic terrorists' vine     >:(

Where the hell is the outrage at what these radical Islamists are doing??...and have been doing LONG before Bush took us into Iraq.  And why can't it be called Radical Islam, by the WH??  Has Political Correctness perverted the landscape of rational expression that badly??
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 08:06:16 PM by sirs »
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 10:55:17 PM »
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 11:06:20 PM »
Tell me about it......and yet there's Obama....there's his Press Secretary, refusing to acknowledge the 300lb terrorist in the room.  Because it might "offend" them??  Offend those who are butchering civilians, throwing gay men off buildings, and stoning women??  The very folks this hard core socialist President supposedly defends to the bitter end??  Yet we can rail against Christianity and condemn Christmas trees on "Public" property??  Seriously??
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 11:28:20 PM »


Jurgen Todenhofer, the first Western reporter to embed with Islamic State fighters and not be killed in the process, spoke to Al Jazeera about his time with the terror group.

Todenhofer lived side by side with the jihadist fighters for ten days in the Islamic State-stronghold city of Mosul, Iraq. He was accompanied only by his son, who served as his cameraman.

"I always asked them about the value of mercy in Islam," but "I didn't see any mercy in their behavior," explained Todenhofer. He added, "Something that I don?t understand at all is the enthusiasm in their plan of religious cleansing, planning to kill the non-believers? They also will kill Muslim democrats because they believe that non-ISIL-Muslims put the laws of human beings above the commandments of God."

The German reporter then elaborated on how shocked he was about how "willing to kill" the ISIS fighters are. He said that they were ready to commit genocide. "They were talking about [killing] hundreds of millions. They were enthusiastic about it, and I just cannot understand that," said Todenhofer

He warned that the Islamic State "is much stronger than we think," and that their recruiting has brought motivated jihadis from across the globe. "Each day, hundreds of new enthusiastic fighters are arriving," explained Todenhofer. "There is an incredible enthusiasm that I have never seen in any other war zones I have been to."

The journalist asserted that the U.S.-led bombing campaign was not going to stop the Islamic State and its continuing jihad. He told Al Jazeera that he believed the terror group would only be stopped if fellow Sunni Iraqis would rise up against them.

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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2015, 11:38:50 PM »
Fighting in the name of a "religion" can do that.  Which is why it's so absolutely vital, that moderate Muslim leaders & Islamic Clerics denounce this radicalization of their religion.....PUBLICLY.  Not because sirs says so, but because their influence can greatly diminish such a "religious calling"  This isn't about offending Muslims, this is about dealing with an overt growing global threat.  Nazi Germany had their window, this is Islamic Terrorists' window.  Are we going to pull another Neville Chamberlain, and pretend they're not that big a deal??
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 02:17:07 AM »
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2015, 12:01:59 PM »
It is entirely unimportant what term the President uses to describe this. All that matters is that proper measures be taken to prevent it.

Name calling is childish, silly and unproductive.

Denouncing someone from not using the names you want to call something is simply idiotic.

Declaring war in Islam would be exceedingly stupid, not to mention dangerous. President Obama is far smarter than the morons who think that this is important.
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2015, 12:15:53 PM »
For someone who claims that name calling is childish, why do you employ it in nearly every "rebuttal" you post??     ::)

It's not "name calling" as in big butt or bug eyes.  This is simply accurate labeling of what is.  We don't call a WWII Nazi, "a German Rebel".  We don't call a mugger, "an intense thief".  We don't call a rapist, "a predominantly woman mugger".  We call them what they are.  It's not name calling

Radical Islamic Terrorists IS what these terrorists are.  They throw gay men to their death, and stone women to death.  The left may not think that's a big deal, but the rest of the rationally minded do.  The sooner we can put aside this politically correct idiocy, the faster and more efficient we can start to globally address the threat

AND NO ONE IS CALLING ON A WAR ON ISLAM.  ITS A WAR ON RADICAL ISLAM.  Only Morons apparently can't grasp the difference
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2015, 12:35:19 PM »
It does not matter, since "radical Islam" means the same damn thing to many Muslims.
Our president is wise to call it as he has done. These dolts are idiots to insist that somehow it is important to use the word "Islamic" as some sort of curse word.

The main tenet of Islam is quite simple: There is but one God and Mohammad is His prophet. This is not a statement that can be qualified or quantified: one agrees with it or one does not. What could possibly be the difference between "moderately believing" it, and "radically believing" it?  Have you considered that most Muslims will not hear the statement "radical Islam" at all, but some translation of it into Arabic, Berber, Bahasa Indonesia, Pashto or Urdu?

The word "radical" means "root".  Change at the root. How does not change the basic statement of faith at the root? Do you or any of the drooling morons who keep harping on this even consider that  the statement in English is not what will be heard, but some  translation of it?

Anyone with any understanding of linguistics knows that no two words in any language are exact translations. The word radical is quite common in politics in Argentina. One of the major political movements was the Partido Radical Liberal of HipĆ³lito Yrigoyen, generally recognized as the best president of Argentina in the 20th Century. Radical Liberal, in Argentine Spanish means that the public schools, cemeteries should be public and entirely separate from the Roman Catholic Church, and that religious organizations should not issue proclamations against Catholics (and others) against members joining labor unions, guilds and such.

Actions are important. Words are just words.
Can you tell me the proper translation of the word "radical" in Arabic and other languages prevalent in the Muslim world?  I imagine that our President has consulted with scholars that have done this.
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2015, 09:40:53 PM »
  President Bush was careful to make it clear that the USA is not anti Islam.

    But that some people lie to say we are , and that the West in general is intent on wickedly attacking Islam and its believers.

    I recall the kerfuffle that resulted from President Bush using the word "crusade" which has much more negative connotation in Arabia than it does here. To them "crusade" means "people who speak gibberish swarm in and insist that we pray in nonsense" or pretty much exactly what "jihad" means in English.

     Word choice is important because it is all we have and it gets to its intended recipient along with getting to its unintended recipients. Also of course all the words get filtered by the bias of all who hear and transmit them.

     President Obama is apparently trying to avoid needless irritation of those who on the margin might choose to believe the wrong thing.
   Ok , but, there is a need to point out that the dignity and reputation of Islam is not being enhanced by repeated craven murders, and that the USA is incredibly patient , but the end of our patience is unlikely to be marked with surrender , more likely the end of our patience will be the occasion for less restrained attack.

    There are some things that seem to have never been made clear, I don't know if "radical " is the word that I would choose to separate Islam into the dangerous camp and the innocent camp, I might choose to call them the innocent and the shameful , emphasizing as  often as possible that there are some Muslims that are not idiotic.


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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2015, 11:24:43 PM »
I guess the jist of what the professor is opining is that Muslims......are too ignorant to grasp the difference between Radical Islam and the religion of Islam.  So ignorant in fact, that it can't even be reached with clear & articulate differentiation    ???   Must explain the pass that such Islamic terrorists get, when they're throwing gay men off towers, and stoning women to death
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Re: The 2 step salsa with Radical Islam
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2015, 11:48:00 AM »
The POINT I was making is that you still do not understand that the term "Radical Islamist"  is NOT the term that most Muslims would read or hear, it is the TRANSLATION of that word that they will hear, and the translation will not mean the same thing as what is conjured up in your teensy little mind when you hear the words "Radical Islamist".  The translated term in Arabic or Pashto or Urdu or  Berber, Chechen, Azari or Bahasa Indonesia could easily mean "modified Islam, Improved Islam, Innovated Islam, Reconstructed Islam. 

There are things that can be said in English that make no sense in other languages, and vice versa. There are thoughts you cannot think in English, because the vocabulary is lacking. And this applies to all languages. Only, the things that you cannot think in English are thinkable in other languages.

All public relations must be carried out in a language. To express yourself to an Arabic speaker, you must do so in Arabic.

Note that ISIS or ISL is NOT called the Islamic State by its enemies, because to Muslims the word "Islamic State" is a very positive ideal, like the Second Coming of Jesus. In Arabic, the enemies of ISIS are called something that sounds like "dash" which is an acronym of letters in the Arabic alphabet.

Our President has people who manage the official announcements in other languages that understand the best way to describe what is most effective to the average Muslim, and you, a monolingual simpleton,  do not.
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